Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


Molten Core Raider
Himeo’s looking for that cameo in the next film as Starlords transvestite cousin Edgelord.

Edgy needs the Infinity Gauntlet to eliminate the 99.999% of the universe who thinks the movie is good.


Vyemm Raider
This is the last time I listen to your opinion on movies.

Enjoy your shitty movie and your stupid thread.

Fucking mouth breathing retards. Lumi was right.
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Throbbing Member


Vyemm Raider
Only the best ones, a few of them have been good: GotG, Avengers 1, Thor: Ragnarok.

This movie has 86% on Rotten Tomatoes and I would have skipped it if not for the reviews in this thread.

You cunts robbed me of my time and my money.

Hey assholes, here's a spoiler for this piece of shit movie.

A guy wants to kill half of the people in the Galaxy. He does. Here's cameos from 40 different characters, five of whom you like.

The end.

Fuck all of you.
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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
This movie is everything that is wrong with Hollywood and has been since the early 1980's and the death of the auteur filmmaker boom after the collapse of the old Hollywood system.

But most of you are mouthbreathing retards so I'm sure you'll like it. It's 100% spectacle and boom pow bang bang flashy shit.

40+ characters and a shit story. What a train wreck.

Fuck this gay earth.
I'll quote myself here, as I believe I covered this a page or 2 ago.
Get a load of this guy
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
2nd viewing, movie is awesome but exhausting. Cant wait for the dvd and be able to pause, mantis was one of my favorite characters in the movie


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Only the best ones, a few of them have been good: GotG, Avengers 1, Thor: Ragnarok.

This movie has 86% on Rotten Tomatoes and I would have skipped it if not for the reviews in this thread.

You cunts robbed me of my time and my money.

Hey assholes, here's a spoiler for this piece of shit movie.

A guy wants to kill half of the people in the Galaxy. He does. Here's cameos from 40 different characters, five of whom you like.

The end.

Fuck all of you.
Interesting. You liked Thor: Ragnarok, but hated Infinity War. Was IW just too complex for you?


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
This movie is everything that is wrong with Hollywood and has been since the early 1980's and the death of the auteur filmmaker boom after the collapse of the old Hollywood system.

But most of you are mouthbreathing retards so I'm sure you'll like it. It's 100% spectacle and boom pow bang bang flashy shit.

40+ characters and a shit story. What a train wreck.

Fuck this gay earth.

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Mr. K

Molten Core Raider
Yep, was my main issue. Double the energy in the Universe in a way that doesn't affect life, thus doubling the resources and halving the rate of entropy. Quadruple it, if you want. Make stars magical so they draw energy from dimensions with infinite amounts, like Strange, thus stopping the whole idea of entropy and a limitation of resources. We could go all day with ideas that avoid murdering half of all people.

Because the idea was born of Thanos' original idea to save his world. Before he added the concept of the infinity stones.

When his world turned their back, it drove him mad, and he took his idea to the extreme.

It's why he's a villain. You can't look at it in a vacuum.

If it was Ironman or someone, your right, make unlimited resources or something.


Avatar of War Slayer
The more I think about it, the more I think Iron Man is going to be the one dying in Avengers 4, maybe more will die but Tony for sure, and the reason I think so is because the way Spider-Man died. Most of the death from Thanos snapping is finger were just the character turning into ash. None truly had a send off like Spider-Man did, saying he didn’t want to die, and crying in Tony's arm...and i think that will be what will motivated him to sacrifice himself...not just to make things right, but for Peter specifically they went to great length in Civil War, Homecoming and now Infinity War to show how much Tony cares for Peter.

I’d like to see it happen like this...Captain America and Iron Man still haven’t gotten together yet in the movie, no resolution to their Civil War break up. One group is fighting Thanos when the other arrives and help. At some point Tony and Steve look at each other, realize what needs to be done...no words said...they just nod to each other and they do it, Iron Man sacrifices himself, maybe even Captain America...and it's what leads to victory.

Man this is going to be a ducking long year this part 2.
everyone thinks so. i'm not so sure. all that talk in the beginning about getting married, and having a kid. Tony has something to live for now, not himself. thats the next stage in his character. Hes already stepped up and made the self sacrifice twice.

Also a major theme of the movie was "we don't trade lives". while Thanos literally did. No one stays dead. (gamora/vision both say, kill me to save the universe. Cap and then vision both say, we dont trade lives. Gamora gives up the soulstone to save nebula. Loki trys to play Thanos with letting thor die, then giving in.. Strange very loudly and clearly says he WILL trade lives to save the time stone. but, then ends up giving it up, to save Tony.. etc, etc. If IW2 comes down to a heroic sacrifice, that would break the theme of IW1.
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El Presidente
Not sure why every movie needs to be Schindler's List or it's shit or something. Aside from the issues mentioned with fixing the problem in a better way, it's still a superhero movie so things are going to be contrived to make things work a certain way. Nature of the medium. Good entertaining movie is good entertaining movie and all that. It's one of the better Marvel movies, not sure I'd put it ahead of GotG or Winter Soldier, but it was pretty damn good.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I saw a video with somebody speculating about it taking place inside the soul stone too, but if so why?
My thinking was that a part of Thanos actually died when he snapped. Either in taking out half of the universe, he inadvertently took out half of himself. Or there was a price exacted just from the soul stone being used. And yeah, whatever was damaged went into the stone with Gamora.

yeah, more on this.
someone though Thanos waifuing Lady Death was a bad idea. perhaps the idea of Death showing up as a little girl, or maiden they thought would be silly. so, how do you do it? You have her show up, wearing the faces of the Dead. first, perhaps a powermad nazi, explaining what was required to get the soulstone, and hinting the path he is on.. Then, again as the loved sacrifice, asking, was it worth it?

also, why would you hide the soulstone behind a gate, only giant assholes can open? I feel like that purity test will never have the results you want it to.
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Trakanon Raider
The latest I have been reading is that Iron man will have the opportunity to die and will decide to save the universe thinking of Pepper and his child. However, Cap steps in and talks Tony in to him being the sacrifice. Tony decides to go through with Caps plan still causing Iron Man to offer a great sacrifice of his friend (which would be a resolve to Civil War and make more out of that movie) and allowing him to live to raise his family.

I think this also works for them contractually. RDJ wants to be a part of Marvel forever but in bits in pieces somewhat like Spiderman Homecoming but maybe even smaller roles. Chris Evans is close to being done and I think he's made that somewhat clear he's about to wrap his time with Marvel up and do other things (directing I believe). Bucky or Falcon will be the new Cap, Ironman will retire and Shuri will be the new IM. Spiderman will somewhat helm the franchise for a bit and the next "big" storyline will be another cosmic deal with Eternals, Adam Warlock, some stuff they get from Fox, and the Guardians. Those are my predictions.


Tranny Chaser
Not bad as predictions go.

I still feel that whatever happens in Avengers 4 will result in the Xmen / Fantastic Four popping into existence. I know Kevin Feige has said that there were no plans to use the FOX properties in Phase 4, but the man is a consumate showman and so his word cannot be trusted when it comes to matters of spectacle.


Uncle Tanya
Only the best ones, a few of them have been good: GotG, Avengers 1, Thor: Ragnarok.

This movie has 86% on Rotten Tomatoes and I would have skipped it if not for the reviews in this thread.

You cunts robbed me of my time and my money.

Hey assholes, here's a spoiler for this piece of shit movie.

A guy wants to kill half of the people in the Galaxy. He does. Here's cameos from 40 different characters, five of whom you like.

The end.

Fuck all of you.

Yeah, so, opinions are just that: opinions and not facts but there are some things in this world that are so steeped in clear, demonstrable and self-evident excellence that it comes off as either contrarianism, ignorance, or flat out retardation. What's your excuse?

That's not a blind bias btw... I like Final Fantasy Record Keeper a bunch but if someone said it sucked, I'd understand why... I'd get it, but still love it just the same. Same with, say, Katy Perry. Same with Twin Peaks. Same with old Tales From The Darkside episodes. Or Kiwis, Paqui Ghost Pepper chips, Starbursts, etc etc etc. But to say this movie is a piece of shit just reeks of shitposting. It's not "a" superhero epic, it is "the" superhero epic.

But, hey man... thanks for your opinion :rolleyes:
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Avatar of War Slayer
Not bad as predictions go.

I still feel that whatever happens in Avengers 4 will result in the Xmen / Fantastic Four popping into existence. I know Kevin Feige has said that there were no plans to use the FOX properties in Phase 4, but the man is a consumate showman and so his word cannot be trusted when it comes to matters of spectacle.
They did also make it very clear Wanda x Vision. AND, "Wanda is the only one with power enough to destroy an infinity stone" and"wandas powers are similar to an infinity stone."
Xmen brought in.. only to immediately set up House of M.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Not bad as predictions go.

I still feel that whatever happens in Avengers 4 will result in the Xmen / Fantastic Four popping into existence. I know Kevin Feige has said that there were no plans to use the FOX properties in Phase 4, but the man is a consumate showman and so his word cannot be trusted when it comes to matters of spectacle.

I doubt it. First, the movies were written before the deal was announced, and mostly filmed too. Second the deal isn't done yet. There are serious concerns that Disney+Fox would give Disney too much power and be on a monopolistic position something like 40% of all film revenues.

They probably have a Plan A and B in case the deal succeeds or fails. I'm pretty sure we won't see that with Avengers 4 though, since even if the deals go through they don't expect it to happen before summer 2019 so well after Avengers 4.