Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Might as well reduce resources by half, the result is the same, and nothing is learned. His solution solves nothing all the same. It's amazing how little we will survive off of, and yet procreate into oblivion regardless.

Kill half the populace in a manner that they're aware of it, and you leave the entire universe pissed off with the ultimate goal of revenge, not self-inflection and universal balance.... Yeah, good foresight there big guy.

This post doesn't make much sense. It doesn't matter how much we're "procreating" if our offspring don't survive. Look at Africa. Once USA came to the rescue, all we did was create a population explosion, creating even more suffering over there, because they ultimately can't create their own food needs. Good job, feels! A couple can have a child a year, but if you can't feed them all, most die off. That's what some would call balance, actually, in this context.

Also not sure how you think killing off half the universe in a manner they're aware of, and aware that a literal God will snap his fingers again if you don't get your shit together will create an ultimate goal of revenge. Maybe for the stupid ones, but that's just natural selection, I'd think?
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Look at Africa. Once USA came to the rescue, all we did was create a population explosion, creating even more suffering over there, because they ultimately can't create their own food needs.

In what alternate Marvel universe timeline did that happen?
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
How did that work out for Japan.
Japan didn't have means of retaliating. Would Thanos have still attacked if it meant mutually assured destruction? (maybe...)

Africa's inability to feed its populace has nothing to do with its population, or "white infiltration" which is historically inaccurate as fuck. Not gonna get anymore into that in a post about a movie about aliens and space rocks.
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FPS noob
james gunn reveals what Groot says to Rocket at the end of the movie
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Molten Core Raider
Awesome movie. My favorite part was
Thanos sympathizing with Scarlet Witch over how much both of them have lost and Witch not giving a fuck about it. That was some strong common ground between the "good" and "bad" guys.

I hope they continue taking more risks in the next movie rather than simply defeating Thanos and restoring everything back to normal. That would definitely be the easy way out.
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Ssraeszha Raider
Finally saw this and like most here I thought the movie was damn good. Like any movie if you dig deep enough you can nitpick and find plot holes. When you are dealing with something as crazy powerful as the Infinity Gauntlet the sheer amount of things you can do with it is unfathomable.

I recall one comment in the Star Wars threads asking if we were just all cynical people who hated every movie. This thread just reinforces that when a movie is actually entertaining, good, enjoyable people like it. But when a movie is pure ass garbage, plot-holes and fat Asians we will shit on it rightfully.

Also all those who are saying why didn't Thanos just double all resources. My response would be why? in Thanos mind this accomplishes the same task.

P.S. This movie also points out how fucking bad everything in the DC universe has been since The Dark Knight. The Justice League is fucking bad on it's own but when you compare it with this it just makes that turd stink so much more.

Changing birth rates is a permanent solution while doubling resources is actually more in line with his goals and there would be much less resistance.

He clearly cares about life and sees this as the only way, when it's not

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
His motivations make so much more sense in the comics when he's trying to appease
Lady Death, here he just sounds like a commy bastard, though it still managed to play out well without that facet (even if it's still pretty stupid, and plays heavily on the "gods know more than puny mortals").

Strange is critical. He's the only one trained to use a stone, save for maybe Loki, just not the right stone, and not for the right purposes. He failed to subjugate. Just...so many right choices with how all of the characters were handled, and to still "lose". So very Empire Strikes Back, which is crazy high praise.
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FPS noob
so what happens with the bajillion MCU TV shows like Agents of Shield, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Runaways, etc. Obviously they were all too lame to actually fight him but are they gonna feel the impacts of Infinity War until Avengers 4 rolls out and resolves the story? Do they all just pretend it didn't happen?


El Presidente
so what happens with the bajillion MCU TV shows like Agents of Shield, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Runaways, etc. Obviously they were all too lame to actually fight him but are they gonna feel the impacts of Infinity War until Avengers 4 rolls out and resolves the story? Do they all just pretend it didn't happen?
Would guess that the Netflix shows would mostly just ignore it, maybe some future seasons will mention the events in passing at most. Agents of SHIELD will have some minor tie ins but won't be connected the way they were early on movie to movie.


Throbbing Member
so what happens with the bajillion MCU TV shows like Agents of Shield, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Runaways, etc. Obviously they were all too lame to actually fight him but are they gonna feel the impacts of Infinity War until Avengers 4 rolls out and resolves the story? Do they all just pretend it didn't happen?

They are doing stuff in Agents of Shield for it. Not sure how it will resolve on the show yet. Netflix is a little harder to do that since like Luke Cage was finished filming in Nov. of last year. Daredevil season 3 recently finished. Not sure if anything about Infinity War will be in that.


Throbbing Member
Would guess that the Netflix shows would mostly just ignore it, maybe some future seasons will mention the events in passing at most. Agents of SHIELD will have some minor tie ins but won't be connected the way they were early on movie to movie.

Agents of Shield's whole season wouldn't have technically happened if it wasn't for Thanos.


Toe Sucker
i haven't read the other spoilers but does:

thanos teleport into the soul stone (or die when he snaps his fingers) to either prevent his own death, or gets resurrected from the stone? i assume it was the soul stone since gamora was the only one there, and the entire "sky" was orange.
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<Prior Amod>
This is how liberals think, just magic 2x more stuff, vs. the feasable reality of eliminating half the problem, Thanos is a conservative.

i haven't read the other spoilers but does:

thanos teleport into the soul stone (or die when he snaps his fingers) to either prevent his own death, or gets resurrected from the stone? i assume it was the soul stone since gamora was the only one there, and the entire "sky" was orange.
That would actually probably give away how they want to go in the next movie
The soul stone is like the ultimate Trump card for Adam Warlock, he knows it more intimately than most, and has create a world inside it, and has lead to the defeat of thanos, the first person to visit this soul world, was gamora, and i guess stupid pip
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FPS noob
going to see this movie for a FOURTH time today, in IMAX, before Deadpool 2 takes over screens next week. Couldn't leave it at an uneven number. The last movie I saw this many times in theaters was Mad Max.
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Got something right about marriage
I was thinking about going back to see it again as well. Which is something I don't think I've ever done. Just so much going on in this movie I think it deserves a second viewing.
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Molten Core Raider
I hate that double the amount of resources argument. Firstly it's just as much of a stop gap as Thanos' solution is but much worse. You could kill more than half of a world's population by doubling resources. Just take one: arable land.

How do you double the amount of arable land on a planet? You could replace other ecosystems with pastures or whatnot, but that could cause an ecological catastrophe since farmland is typically less oxygen producing than a similar area of rainforest. You could double the surface area of the planet but that would necessarily increase its mass and change its orbit causing ecological catastrophe, or its core stability causing a geological catastrophe, or simply have a higher surface gravity that stunts the growth of your food producing plants thereby causing the situation you were trying to avoid with your doubling in the first place. You could create a second planet and move half the people over, but that also changes orbital dynamics especially since they need to be a similar distance from the sun.

And that's just one resource!

Way easier, and dare I say safer to just remove half the population instead.
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<Silver Donator>
I hate that double the amount of resources argument. Firstly it's just as much of a stop gap as Thanos' solution is but much worse. You could kill more than half of a world's population by doubling resources. Just take one: arable land.

How do you double the amount of arable land on a planet? You could replace other ecosystems with pastures or whatnot, but that could cause an ecological catastrophe since farmland is typically less oxygen producing than a similar area of rainforest. You could double the surface area of the planet but that would necessarily increase its mass and change its orbit causing ecological catastrophe, or its core stability causing a geological catastrophe, or simply have a higher surface gravity that stunts the growth of your food producing plants thereby causing the situation you were trying to avoid with your doubling in the first place. You could create a second planet and move half the people over, but that also changes orbital dynamics especially since they need to be a similar distance from the sun.

And that's just one resource!

Way easier, and dare I say safer to just remove half the population instead.

You can reorder the universe, make plants that sprout loaves of bread, and make them grow with virtually no water or light in crap soil....
Make it rain donuts on a regular basis, even though the Simpsons did it....

If you're all powerful there are no limits.. right?
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Throbbing Member
So the Russos explained Hulk as not wanting to come out in Infinity War because he is tired of saving Bruce or coming out only when he needs to fight. I can see them wanting to go that way, but it still seems like Hulk was just being a little bitch after getting punked out by Thanos than what they wanted to convey on screen.
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