Batman: Arkham Origins


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Two hours in and loving it so far. Now I must get some sleep for work. ><


Is this new studio not as good at telling a story as Rocksteady??
I'm only about an hour in, but the last two games had this great flow to them, and this one seems to be lacking so far.

I guess I'll find out if this is worthy of the last two games when I finish it over the weekend.

*edit just read the Kotaku review, and they're basically saying the same thing. That is what it feels like when I play through it, an imitation of an even better game. What a shame.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Take the Crime Scene Investigations, like the one above. When Batman comes upon the site of a murder, players will need to scan for multiple pieces of evidence that will eventually congeal into a virtualized version of what happened. But all you're really doing is looking for glowing indicators in Detective Vision. There's no real sifting through possibilities, no red herrings to lead you astray. It's just turn the camera and click on the red thing. What would Harvey Harris say?
How is that any different than City? You did the same thing there to do the crime investigation. Find the thing you're supposed to find, scan it by holding down a button and do that about 3 times and you solved the murder scene. The Kotaku review reads like someone that played City a few years ago and has rose tinted glasses about the game.


Trakanon Raider
So I bought Arkham City for PC about a year ago and got burned hard by it. The fucker just never ran right, always crashed, and the promised patch (last I looked) never came. It's soured me on the franchise, but is this one worth checking out?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So I bought Arkham City for PC about a year ago and got burned hard by it. The fucker just never ran right, always crashed, and the promised patch (last I looked) never came. It's soured me on the franchise, but is this one worth checking out?
I have AC on PC and it works flawlessly and always has, through two systems. If you can't run AC today I would run some troubleshooting on your PC and not buy this because everything is exactly the same as AC but new game world story/design.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
All the arkham games are using the unreal 3 engine. It's not flawless, but it's infinitely better than most other engines in terms of crashing and stability. I'd assume it's a problem with your machine before I'd pin it on a stability problem with the engine.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think I broke my controller trying to beat Deathstroke on hard. That fight is so buggy.

He's susceptible to the Batslam, but sometimes that also makes him FALL THROUGH THE WORLD.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The combat feels strange to me. I remember evade having a lot more i-frames in AA and AC, and here it seems like there are none at all. And animation cancelling from an attack to a counter rarely works either. It wasn't that long ago that I played AC and the Harley DLC on Hard with no trouble, but AO's Hard is kicking my ass even against Killer Croc. Not in a good way either; there was definitely room for improvement with the fighting but WB "fixed" things that weren't broken.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Yeah they definitely made the combat harder in a not super great way. I was noticing that taking down Croc earlier. Its like they altered the rythm of the combat just enough that if you were good at it in Arkham City, you're going to have to struggle to adapt to the new system.

Still, it feels mostly like the other games. If you enjoyed them, you'll probably enjoy this one I imagine. Maybe not as much, but honestly, I didn't like Arkham City nearly as much as Arkham Asylum, either. The bigger the world map and game, the less polished they become.


Blackwing Lair Raider
honestly I LIKE the changes. AC was way too simple on hard. I blew through that game in one day because it was an absolute joke. This one actually requires intuitive use of quick gadgets during fights, performing a beat down and countering to continue beat downs, timing counters perfectly for the critical damage. The combat is probably the most fun I've had in a game like this. I've spent like an hour just running around beating up large groups of thugs because it's challenging and fun.

For as frustrating Deathstroke was, it was actually a challenging fight where you had to time your attacks perfectly and use your abilities depending on his movements. Overall I'm actually really impressed with the game. I'm going through withdrawls not playing right now because I have to work.


Life's a Dream
It seems strange to me that this game was released on a Friday. Typically, ALL games & DVD's come out on Tuesday. What's up with that?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
In Europe release dates are Fridays, and it was released internationally all at once I think, so that's probably why.

Which still doesn't make sense since WB is an American company, but this was developed by a Montreal based studio, so it may be related to that somehow.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Could be they had a retail deal with some euros. I believe japan also releases games on fridays - a law that goes all the way back to the 80s when big cities would literally be shut down because of game releases. I don't remember the game that caused such a huge problem but they legislated games not be released in the middle of the week because of it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
On another note, I bought a steam code off of ebay but the dude has been slow getting it to me so I snagged a copy off of IPT. The comm tower in Bernley is bugged and I can't climb up the grate T_T Hopefully my saves can be transferred once I have my legit install.

Edit: Looks like the problem is from the crack/anti-piracy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you're playing on Steam avoid the Burnley Comms Tower, it's bugged currently and locks you inside the room forcing to reload from previous save. Lost my Shadow Vigilante Rank 10 because of it, and that was really hard to get. Legit copy here, the problem isn't from the Crack/anti-piracy.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
On another note, I bought a steam code off of ebay but the dude has been slow getting it to me so I snagged a copy off of IPT. The comm tower in Bernley is bugged and I can't climb up the grate T_T Hopefully my saves can be transferred once I have my legit install.

Edit: Looks like the problem is from the crack/anti-piracy.
Yeah, that's one of a legion of bugs in the PC version, nothing to do with using a crack. It's fixed in patch 1.02 for consoles, so like Sutekh said you just have to avoid that shit until the Steam gets a patch too.

Edit: As for your saves, the cracked steam_api.dll will store savegames in a different location than the real Steam dll. The saves should be valid, but you'll have to find the directory and copy the files to the correct location.