Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Stop trolling.


Tranny Chaser
This movie just tries to do too many things at once and then doesn't do them all as well as it could, even with a 2.5 hour length. I won't go into spoilers right now, and I'm not outraged at the movie by any means, but yeah it could have been better with some relatively minor tweaking.

Retelling the Batman origin story during the opening credits was just a waste. Yeah it is a way to do it efficiently, but if there is a human left on this earth who doesn't know the Batman origin they can just Google it or ask one of the people in their immediate vicinity.


<Silver Donator>
Saw this today with a buddy of mine... Spoiler free review? They did try to cram what should have been a few movies worth of JL setup into one movie, this is what primarily IMHO led to the very disjunctive feel of the story.. They also apparently wanted to avoid doing two of the potentially best arcs for the characters so crammed those into , or referenced them as in the past for them.

The cameos for the non-featured characters are pretty much exactly what should have been at the end of each movie as the teaser, but apparently they are too cool to appropriate that part of Marvel-chic. Batfleck was the saving grace in terms of performances, Gal Gadot did well with the little she was given though, Supes though? Damn shame what they've turned that character into, as someone else put it he alternates between wooden and looking like he's trying to drop a stubborn kryptonian deuce.

One spoilered bit....
Having Death in the Family having apparently already happened, and cramming Death of Superman in... I did like though that they have conveniently set up that the crashed ship has seen Kal-El now and I bet will resort to "retrieve and revive" mode and that's how he comes back.


Log Wizard
His heart was beating at the end of the movie, I don't think the ship is required.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's character assassination of both Superman and Batman, plain and simple. Get Snyder off of this. I don't want to see Snyder's take on the Batman series. Guess what? He's in charge of that. So expect a trilogy of the "Dark Defender."
Hopefully Affleck has more creative control over the Batman series that he can keep Snyder's influence to a minimum. It seemed like WB/DC was willing to give some control to him when he was cast since he got to bring the writer of Argo in to do rewrites. Considering the career Affleck has had over the past few years, it's gotta sting to get worse reviews on this than on his previous superhero stint when he was still an up-and-comer and superhero movies really weren't at the quality they are now. I don't know why he wouldn't want to Snyder to keep away, though at this point, this universe's Batman is now established and I'm not sure how much they can really course correct.


Mr. Poopybutthole
We just watched Superman I, and I feel better now. It's like taking a much needed shower, after the BvS shitshow.


Saw this with my family today, and I gotta say it was significantly better than I expected. Definitely enjoyed it.

The good:

- Great, highly enjoyable action sequences. Ever since Superman Returns I've been wary of superhero movies skimping on action, and I'm glad this one didn't (even though the first half is kind of slow).
- They acknowledged the destruction caused in Man of Steel (the entire opening where you see Metropolis being destroyed from Bruce Wayne's perspective was one of the highlights of the movie, IMO.)
- Good performances all around. I didn't even mind the psycho Lex Luthor, and to some extent I would disagree that he is a Joker clone. Joker was the one who dictated how all his social interactions unfolded; he was confident and had a commanding presence. This Luthor was incredibly awkward and came off as a try-hard, which I thought actually worked for his character.
- Loved the design of both the Batmobile and the Batwing. I actually really liked that instead of driving through a series of near-misses and close scrapes, the Batmobile was bumping into shit and literally smashing through obstacles. It looked very much like what a video game version of those scenes would play like. So did most of Batman's battles, for that matter. I dug that.
- This time Supes made an effort to take the immediate threat as far away from civilians as possible.

The bad:

- What the fuck was up with that dream sequence? It had no connection to anything that happened in the rest of the movie, it was incredibly confusing (my dad actually suspected at the time that they were projecting film reels out of order) and it contributed nothing. An army wearing Superman armbands? Flying wasp people? A "kryptonite is actually green light bulbs" fakeout? WHAT THE FUCK is this shit? And to top it off, just when you think it's over they pull the "dream within a dream" bit for no reason. That whole sequence should have been cut.
- Holy fuck, were the Justice League character intros forced. Entire sequences of watching main characters click on videos just to see snippets of familiar characters doing a few seconds of random shit was super-weird. Had they just left the superhero logos visible on the other files we would have gotten the message without having to have been sidetracked with pointless garbage.
- Minor nitpick, but after having seen Luthor's Asian henchgirl in several scenes, it was kind of jarring that he just allowed her to be blown up as part of his plan. I mean, I get it, he's psycho, but why go through the effort of featuring her in so many scenes just to have her killed off with no acknowledgment? Rubbed me the wrong way.
- The whole thing with Luthor's blood mixing with Zod's corpse in a Kryptonian pool to produce Doomsday was not very well explained. At all.
- So Batman (with the help of Kryptonite, natch) gets the upper hand on Superman, and is about to deliver the killing blow when Supes asks him to "Save Martha", sending Batman into a momma's boy frenzy that turns him into BFFs with Superman. That seemed a bit far-fetched to me. What if their moms hadn't shared the same first name? "Save... Shiela..." "Save who?" (Plunges Kryptonite spear into Superman's heart)
- Jesus Christ, how about alittle bitof levity? Somebody crack a fucking joke already!

Also, maybe I'm just a perv but it occurred to me during Lois' bath scene that somebody must have been in charge of CGing her nipples out of the shots. I mean, those puppies werereallyclose to the surface... Heck, whose bathtub is directly in front of the front door anyway?


Also, it's entirely possible I'm remembering wrong, but aren't red Jolly Ranchers watermelon (and not cherry) flavored?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Saw this with my family today, and I gotta say it was significantly better than I expected. Definitely enjoyed it.

- What the fuck was up with that dream sequence? It had no connection to anything that happened in the rest of the movie, it was incredibly confusing (my dad actually suspected at the time that they were projecting film reels out of order) and it contributed nothing. An army wearing Superman armbands? Flying wasp people? A "kryptonite is actually green light bulbs" fakeout? WHAT THE FUCK is this shit? And to top it off, just when you think it's over they pull the "dream within a dream" bit for no reason. That whole sequence should have been cut.
The dream sequences were already discussed from the trailers alone, they are a nightmare/premonition to Darkseid but if you dont read the comics I can understand. At the end it reveals that his fears were coming true in some form and Darkeid is coming


<Silver Donator>
The dream sequences were already discussed from the trailers alone, they are a nightmare/premonition to Darkseid but if you dont read the comics I can understand. At the end it reveals that his fears were coming true in some form and Darkeid is coming
I am wondering if the Flash appearing in his dreams was alluding to them trying to tackle Flashpoint at some point in the cinematic universe...


Throbbing Member
I am wondering if the Flash appearing in his dreams was alluding to them trying to tackle Flashpoint at some point in the cinematic universe...
That part was real and not a dream. When he kinda "wakes up" you can see some sheets of paper flying around.


Tranny Chaser
It is definitely true that a couple shitty movies in a row you can tank the franchise. I think that Ben Affleck is going to put out a good Batman movie and that should provide the necessary juice to keep the machine moving.


Trakanon Raider
Just watched it, thank god I didn't have to pay for it.

Jesus christ this movie was boring shit, I'm actually one of the few who enjoyed Man of Steel and the batman movies, this was a letdown. All the dream sequences were random shit because there was nothing to set them up, the fight scene in the parademons dream was shit, seen better fights on the comic tv shows. Did they really think people would know what they were about? No one but the hardcore DC fans will know it's about Darkseid.

That's what happens when you don't want to go to single movies to build up the big baddie.

Lex was terrible, son or not, a joker wannabe.

Random wonder woman scenes, cause needed to remind the audience she's in the movie too, did she really do a hulk thunderclap with her fucking armbands to attack Doomsday? oy vie.

Doomsday looked like shit.

Other justice league heroes, 10s trailers, again that's what happens when you don't want to build their single movies before this, gotta throw in 10s vids to set them up for the next movie.

Lois throws spear away, 2 mins later, shit need to get the spear again.

Batman was brutal to the point that he really was going to kill Superman, and I've never gotten that vibe from him even in the dark knight returns animated films, but I thought Batfleck was really decent as bruce/batman and I wouldn't mind seeing the separate movies with him.

Tell me.... do you bleed?

Don't worry batman my eyes are bleeding.

The people who are trying to give this a pass are trying too hard to hold on to hope for a decent DC universe.
They started with the wrong movie and gave it to the wrong guy to get it done.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Was good. 7/10. I never read comics growing up and my knowledge of the characters are based on the movies, so take my review for what it's worth.

- Affleck was actually a pretty damn good Batman. I went going in with low expectations about him, but I was pleasantly surprised.
- Good action sequence
- When Superman "dies" at the end actually got me in the feels.

- Ending could have been cut by 10 minutes easily.
- They really tried to jam too much into this, especially with the clips of the other future Justice League players.
- The Batman intro I've seen it so many times in various forms and I think audiences know it by now, so they could have cut that out