Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
That this movie is 3 times worse than prequel number 3?
Not quite.

RT is an aggregator. In that comparison it would mean that 3 times as many critics simply liked prequel 3 as did BvS. Theoretically they all could have only just barely liked RotS and BvS just barely fell short of pleasing them, the final RT score would still be the same even though the two would have been relatively close in quality to their estimations.

The better measure for personal use is to find a critic (or a few if you can) whose tastes closely resemble your own and consider what they have to say.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
On the bright side BvS seems to indicate the declining power of movie critics.

t Matter | Variety

The results are a devastating rebuke to the power of mainstream American critics at a time when many newspapers have already outsourced their reviews to wire services and the rise of bloggers has de-professionalized the practice of assessing a film?s attributes and demerits. In an age of declining newspaper and magazine subscriptions, getting a strong notice from a major reviewer may help smaller films like ?Spotlight? or ?Brooklyn? find success, but it does little for big-budget, special effects-driven spectacles. Featuring iconic characters like Batman, Bond or Iron Man, they arrive with what studios like to call ?pre-awareness.?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Everybody's been saying rehashing Batman origin was redundant but to me there was a distinct difference. In every version I've seen, the parents are gunned down in cold blood even though they complied. This version they didn't comply at all and the robber shot in counter self defense essentially. More violent role models, more violent Batman. Plus their deaths are big part of Batman's nightmares and hangups so having the incident be there gave the movie something to reference to show us those hangups.
Most of the times I dislike, even loathe, comic relief. Relief is needed to vent and control intensities however and the dreams served that purpose. When the locusts came in it was a wtf trippy moment and then the stranger coming through the portal gives us a sense of scale of things much bigger.

The Batman and Superman were different versions from what we've been used to, but they made sense within their own cinematic universe.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
On the bright side BvS seems to indicate the declining power of movie critics.

t Matter | Variety
I think that might be over reading things a bit. Movie goers are utilizing ticket pre-sales more heavily for the big tent poles now and have usually purchased their opening weekend tickets well in advance of initial reviews. It's not a rebuke of the power of movie critics (which was always exaggerated to begin with) so much as it is a preemption of it.


I went and watched it with my brother over Easter weekend, and I really didn't hate it.

I wasn't really bored with anything so that must mean I was at least entertained for those hours.

So I guess i'm surprised given the reviews I've read.


Potato del Grande
This is another film that isn't bad per se, but the trailer for sure spoiled the entire film and there just were moments where it was flat.


This is another film that isn't bad per se, but the trailer for sure spoiled the entire film and there just were moments where it was flat.
Really because I thought the big twist for the audience was
Superman Dying
, and that certainly isn't in any trailer.


Mr. Poopybutthole
On the bright side BvS seems to indicate the declining power of movie critics.

t Matter | Variety

The results are a devastating rebuke to the power of mainstream American critics at a time when many newspapers have already outsourced their reviews to wire services and the rise of bloggers has de-professionalized the practice of assessing a film's attributes and demerits. In an age of declining newspaper and magazine subscriptions, getting a strong notice from a major reviewer may help smaller films like "Spotlight" or "Brooklyn" find success, but it does little for big-budget, special effects-driven spectacles. Featuring iconic characters like Batman, Bond or Iron Man, they arrive with what studios like to call "pre-awareness."
There is pre-awareness, but there is also "having legs." Deadpool doesn't have anywhere near the pre-awareness that Batman and Superman combined have. But it got rave reviews. When was the last time a superhero movie scored so high on RT/Meta? Pretty much after the first weekend, pre-awareness gives way to reviews/social media/word of mouth. Everyone on my Facebook has only said negative things on it. And one can look in this thread and see that the majority of us don't rate it high.

Only time will tell if this movie has legs. It might take a couple of shit movies in a row for them to ruin the brand of Batman/Superman entirely. They've done well over decades, good will doesn't evaporate entirely after one bad movie.


Lord Nagafen Raider



"Batman v Superman has set a new record for the worst Friday-to-Sunday drop for a superhero movie release in modern North American box office history. In dropping 55% from its $82 million Friday debut to its $37 million gross on Sunday, it pummeled all prior records for weakness in theatrical staying power. It even beat the nearly universally reviled and now long-forgotten Fantastic Four reboot, which dropped a comparatively modest 48% across its opening weekend in the summer of 2015."


Mr. Poopybutthole



"Batman v Superman has set a new record for the worst Friday-to-Sunday drop for a superhero movie release in modern North American box office history. In dropping 55% from its $82 million Friday debut to its $37 million gross on Sunday, it pummeled all prior records for weakness in theatrical staying power. It even beat the nearly universally reviled and now long-forgotten Fantastic Four reboot, which dropped a comparatively modest 48% across its opening weekend in the summer of 2015."
That thing I said about "having legs" is driven by reviews/social media/word of mouth? They got people in the door, but we didn't like what we saw.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
My nits are mostly "implausible things that happen for plot reasons" as usual.

1> Why would anybody think superman killed a bunch of guys wherever Lois was by... shooting them? Since when does Superman shoot anybody.
2> Why would superman not have already taken all the kryptonian shit (including Zod's body!) into space where humans can't get it? Plant it on Europa for safe keeping.
3> The kryptonian shit would presumably be in CIA/Area-51 type custody, how does goddamn Lex Luthor end up in solitary control of it?
4> Superman would know about the genesis pool or whatever, how did he not lock that down?
5> Superman has demonstrated super speed intercepting projectiles in Superman Returns and again in this movie when he grabbed the hostage taker off of Lois. But he takes batman's grenades in the face and just chills out there? When he knows he's been weakened, why would he not peace out, fly away, and then super-speed rob batman of any accessories, then pick him up and take him to another random continent rather than fight on his chosen battlefield? It's excessive stupidity.
6> Doomsday apparently can't fly, superman had the right idea taking him to space. So the nukes messed with them once, why not just do it again? Superman could launch doomsday on a trajectory out of the solar system or into the sun (although his apparent energy soaking might make the sun a bad idea).

I'm sure there's more but I watched the cam and couldn't even see it very well. These are just what struck me right off.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Deadpool doesn't have a high Metacritic score.
84% on RT
65 on Meta

Usually anything close to 70%+ on meta is golden. The more important thing for Deadpool was it's social media score. There was a study out that showed that Deadpool had an overwhelmingly positive sentiment on social media, that gave the movie legs. Hell, the movie is still out and last Friday was only 900k from being the 2nd best grossing R movie ever (behind the Passion of the Christ). The same analyst stated that BvS sentiment on social media is overwhelmingly negative, which could be why BvS seems to have lost its legs already. There aren't enough comic book nerds to push this to $1B.

We'll see what happens, I guess. If this was a good movie, it would have generated positive word of mouth and had no problems crossing $1B.


Well you can nitpick all these fantasy movies to death. There isn't one of these movies above logical criticism.

Sometimes you got to let it go, and if you enjoyed the storytelling then it doesn't matter.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Well you can nitpick all these fantasy movies to death. There isn't one of these movies above logical criticism.

Sometimes you got to let it go, and if you enjoyed the storytelling then it doesn't matter.
There are some fantasy movies that are more internally consistent than others.


There are some fantasy movies that are more internally consistent than others.
I mean I guess lmao. They all seem to be train-wrecks of illogical shit especially in the Super Hero realm.

It always reminds me of Harlan Ellison railing for days on how bad Star Wars is, and how only a chimp would enjoy it.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Superman IV was on TV yesterday and it vastly improved my opinion of this movie. Holy shit I forgot just how horribad Superman IV was..


Mr. Poopybutthole
There are some fantasy movies that are more internally consistent than others.
As one reviewer said, go see this if you want to see Batman and Superman fight. Don't go see this if you are expecting a good story, or character advancement (there wasn't any). They even made Batman one-dimensional, and there were gaping plot holes.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I mean I guess lmao. They all seem to be train-wrecks of illogical shit especially in the Super Hero realm.

Even I fall prey to this. The prison in the Flash Show still bother's the fuck out of me.
Yea there are some that bother me and others that don't. I don't know. Might be a character flaw.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
As one reviewer said, go see this if you want to see Batman and Superman fight. Don't go see this if you are expecting a good story, or character advancement (there wasn't any). They even made Batman one-dimensional, and there were gaping plot holes.
Wonder Woman was cool. She was smoking hot in the various dresses. I don't know if she would have let Batman grab on to her and intimidate her in that one scene. Was waiting for some kind of reaction there.