Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


Bronze Squire
I love that damn elevator because 9 times of out 10 the retards come up it facing the wrong door and they just die before they even realize what happened.

@stave, I will agree with you on the engine or gameplay feel it certainly does not feel the same as BF3 (which I have also played a lot) and all my friends will agree. Personally I think the graphics look better and aside from the vehicle carcass getting stuck here or there I haven't seen anything game breaking really but maybe I have been lucky.


Blackwing Lair Raider
After playing some beta last night this went from a day 1 "must buy" to a let's wait and read some reviews and see what the community says.


Vyemm Raider
I found an improvement in BF3.5: If you do 75% or more damage on an assist, you get the kill.

No more Assist 100 FUCK YOU


Bronze Squire
I am also loving the battlescreen, I have it up all the time now. Mission system? Maybe I am drawing a blank but I have no clue what you are talking about. Did they always give out extra exp for killing off the last person of a squad? Loving the game so far.


Molten Core Raider
Map would be so much better if you could demolish every building and kill all the gimps camping on top of them.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Using C4 or grenade launcher from the parachute is actually pretty fun. I dunno how many faggots I killed today who thought they were in safe cover with some m320 rounds to the tops of their noggins.


Mission system is something you assign to your teammates I think. Its in one of the tabs of your hompage.

I need to load the battlescreen on my Ipad to see how that is.


<Gold Donor>
I literally just started playing BF3 again yesterday, hadn't played since launch.

What is the consensus on BF4? Better, worse or equal to BF3?


Vyemm Raider
I can't really enjoy it at this framerate. 30fps in a firefight is unacceptable. And I only get as high 50 fps if I'm inside an empty room.

The frustrating thing is, it's entirely the engine's fault. It doesn't even go over 50% GPU utilization unless you max out AA or resolution scale. The only way to actually increase performance is by scaling down mesh so less shit is being drawn. Near as I can tell you can max out everything else save AO and the framerate stays the same.

And before someone repeats the OMG ITS BETA retard mantra... I've never been in a beta a month out where the performance doubled. Not even close. This game runs slow as shit and I don't see anything on screen to justify it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just started the open opinion quite yet. It does feel different than BF3 but in some ways very much the same. I agree that the maps will make the game and it's impossible to judge from beta. I love the kill cam improvement and elevators are basically a death trap waiting.


I didn't like it at first, but after playing a few hours, it's growing on me. Elevators are fun, especially that one at the top of capture point C that opens on both sides (surprise assholes!)...and it is pretty cool to stand up there and just watch the battle unfolding.

A few of the balance changes I am digging. Here are a few I've noticed:

-defibs: the longer you "charge" them, the more health the person gets back
-engineers seem to repair slower, so you can't just sit there with two engy's and be a god amongst tanks.

-medpacks feel much more limited, so no more putting down 4 boxes and healing up uber fast

-movement feels slower to me, which was annoying at first, but it does make the game feel more tactical I guess would be the word (I could be wrong here, it has been a while since I played bf3).

-I like the dynamic stuff on the map like the shutters and the elevators. The collapseable building is cool, but I think that is like the antenna from bf3 in that it is triggered by number of tickets or something...I'm not sure how to actually make it collapse.

-gun customization does not feel radically different, but the two guns I have used (ak and scar) felt pretty nice and very different from each other. It also feels like you have less starting ammo.

-from what my buddy tells me sniping is a bit harder now.

All this is based on playing regular, I havent seen any hardcore servers yet.

Still don't like battlelog, but it is admittedly better this time around. I noticed it would automatically group me and my friends together, which is nice since BF3 it got annoying trying to do that.


Bronze Squire
I would disagree on the sniping, I think it is the same, if not maybe a little easier (and that is all I have been doing).

You blow up the building by destroying the 3, maybe 4? front pillars closest to the water.

I also feel like movement may be a bit slower as well but maybe that is me just getting use to the engine


Log Wizard
Pro tip: you autocomplete reloading if you're jump-sprinting over an object when you hit it.

Also they've changed it recently so elevators now randomly open/close. As early as yesterday they only changed when some one used them, making them easy as fuck to camp. Doors go shut, wait 4 seconds, gun goes brrraaap brraaap brraaap, win.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Completely underwhelmed by the graphics. Gameplay is indistinguishable from bd3 near as I can tell.


Vyemm Raider
Oops, I fixed something. Now it only drops to 40 fps but when it does it feels more like 5.