Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Anyone know good organized... uh guilds? Outfits? Not sure what they're called here :p Looking to be a team player!

Also, I was getting horrid stuttering my 2nd match. When I hit 'j' to use /say, I typed in a bunch of shit, but didn't see it. Then at the end of the game it put through all my /say text, like 10 lines lol... No clue whats goin on man!


A nice asshole.
I take back what I said, I am still crashing often enough to make me want to wait for some patches. Very annoying.


Must..stop...reloading and losing half full clips worth of ammo...

Stupid ass design decision and or bug on Dice's part. If you want to put in stupid mechanics like that put it in hardcore.


I could be completely wrong, but I want to say it was like that in 1942. It's taking some getting used to, but it doesn't bug me as much.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Ok singleplayer ran like a dream, but no matter what server I pick (sorting my low lag) I get horrible stuttering, it's unplayable. Especially in a vehicle.


Bronze Squire
Servers will certainly vary, greatly. There are absolutely servers that don't lag though...I personally have had great success with servers that use NFO as their host. Running vehicles and everything just fine.


Did anyone else order this from Amazon? My box arrived today, at the same time i got an email from amazonm in it the code for the game (in case of shipping issues, so that i can play it on release date). However, the code in my mail is a completely different one from the one in my physical battlefield 4 box. I just finished installing the game with the box code, it works and now i still have a code left. Anyone has the same 'problem'?


A nice asshole.
Did anyone else order this from Amazon? My box arrived today, at the same time i got an email from amazonm in it the code for the game (in case of shipping issues, so that i can play it on release date). However, the code in my mail is a completely different one from the one in my physical battlefield 4 box. I just finished installing the game with the box code, it works and now i still have a code left. Anyone has the same 'problem'?
One may be a temp code, I suggest making sure the digital one doesn't expire or something.


Counter knifing is the greatest addition ever simply because of the rage you know you just induced every time you do it.


Servers will certainly vary, greatly. There are absolutely servers that don't lag though...I personally have had great success with servers that use NFO as their host. Running vehicles and everything just fine.
It seems to me certain maps are causing most of the lag/rubber banding. I don't know their names, but the Dam and the tropical Hotel one always lag out for me.

Either way I'm gonna avoid 64 player servers until its sorted. Maybe do some OperationMetroLocker grinding


Yes I've found anything below 48 players is fine for server performance. Those 64 player servers all lag and rubberband like hell. I can't help but wonder if it's all the people VPN'ing from other countries though. Had one game where pretty much half the people on the server had around a 200 ping or more.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Don't feel bad. I rocked at BF3, normally 2to1 or 3to1 ratios nightly up until tuesday. Now in BF4 I am hard pressed to maintain 1to1. The game just has a different feel, recoil, and server detection still seems a bit sloppy.
BC2 I owned. BF3 I was meh (though I hated BF3) BF4 I love, but I just suck. Christ I don't know what it is. Clearly my reflexes aren't the same as I have gotten older, but for fux sake, this bad? I was fine on Shanghai, but most of the other maps it was bad. I got just one Ace all night. Once I learn the maps, I HOPE shit gets better.

I am doing all I can to stay 1to1 K/D.

The map with the large satellite dish you fight underneath...when that dish collapses, and your under it, it FEELS awesome. The sound in this game may be the best in every FPS ever.

The flooded map, in rush mode is sick. It may be the best of the rush maps IMO. So many little things they got right there.

I think I hit level 8? Has anyone seen an MG36 or found a gun that feels like that sort of gun?

The sound on the map where you break the dam is just fucked. The resort map after a time starts to fuck up for me also. Anyone know whet the issue is?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Must..stop...reloading and losing half full clips worth of ammo...

Stupid ass design decision and or bug on Dice's part. If you want to put in stupid mechanics like that put it in hardcore.
This mechanic was allowing me to level up as support incredibly fast last night. The closed in map with the tunnels had EVERYONE reloading and reloading. I just stood back throwing ammo one after another and the supply ribbons and xp was coming in like rain!


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Really sucks when the game locks up for no reason while having a blast and leading the boards. To find none of your XP went to diddly shit.

Fix this fucking thing. Seriously, how many iterations do they need to fuck around with before they get it right.


I dont usually play these sorts of games, military shooters have never been my thing but peer pressure convinced me to grab this one and holy damn am I horrible. Starting off as a Recon/Sniper so far has been a fairly frustrating experience, any tips on how I can make things a bit easier on myself? Once I get some ranks and access to better weapons Im sure things will get better but as a Rank 1 it's pretty painful.


<Gold Donor>
I dont usually play these sorts of games, military shooters have never been my thing but peer pressure convinced me to grab this one and holy damn am I horrible. Starting off as a Recon/Sniper so far has been a fairly frustrating experience, any tips on how I can make things a bit easier on myself? Once I get some ranks and access to better weapons Im sure things will get better but as a Rank 1 it's pretty painful.
I assume you know this but if not, Hold Shift to hold your breath and steady the scope right before you take the the shot.

Learn to snipe while strafing side to sde, only pausing the movement for the shot. You should really only lay down when you have a great cover spot, which are few and far between.

Lastly, lower your mouse sensitivity this really helps with Head Shots when you need to only move scope that 1 100th of an inch.

I am no pro but those things helped me snipe in all the previous BF Games.


Sniping is always perceived as the "easiest way to play". While that may be true when it comes to minimizing deaths, and to some extent K/D, that's just because you're spending 90% of your time out of position doing jack shit. It's probably the hardest infantry role to have an impact with. It requires a lot of map knowledge and game sense to be at the right place at the right time and land your shots before you give your position away. For an easier time, play Assault/Support(/Engineer) instead and just run to whichever uncapped spot your teammates are going for.

That said, I am fucking terrible at this game, and I'm usually[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */Shit's hard.


FPS noob
jump in a vehicle and gun, thats imo the easiest way to start the game. You get the protection of armor and your guns are fucking awesome. Thats pretty much the only way I ever have a K/D ratio over 1, because I am fucking terrible but being a gunner in a tank, chopper, etc lets me kill a lot more stuff.

video on selecting which starting guns to use, haven't watched it yet
BATTLEFIELD 4 - Best Beginner / Early Unlock Assault Guns / Rifles - YouTube

Also emblems are fucking badass, I was wondering how the fuck people are having custom logos in game. They show up on your weapons, camo, etc. Click on your profile, edit, soldiers, and then customize emblem on the far right. You can design your own shit and make some crazy looking ones, or find a soldier you like and just straight up rip theirs off. There is a way to also copy and paste HTML code (its all CSS) into your browser console, and a few places that have shared the CSS code for it. I'm currently using the HL3 logo


To see how to copy/paste emblems use this reddit threadExporting / Importing Emblems: The most effective way to share your emblems. : bf4emblems
The HL3 css code isHL3 Logo -


Golden Squire
Ok, so I finished the single player story. Bottom line is that the first half rocks, the second half is crap.

The story was interesting right up until the Singapore mission. Then it went completely off the rails. I'm also confused why Dima was in some random Chinese prison but OK. The reveal regarding the injured VIP was obvious from the start but the "LET'S GET BACK TO ZE SHIP!" storyline was stupid.

I was also getting tired of the fact that every mission ended with you getting blown up. There was like zero pacing in that regard. The pinnacle of Battlefield single player campaigns, strangely enough, is Bad Company 2. Yes I know the game is about multiplayer but it's frustrating they can't get single player right.