

<WoW Guild Officer>
I might be riding my bike to class from now on to prevent anymore parking tickets. It would be early and late riding. Does anyone have any recommendations for lights and how many? One on handlebar, one on helmet, and two on the back?
What kind of trails? I do one on the back and one on the front. I don't do much that I actually need a headlamp for, because the trails are all paved and somewhat well lit. I posted above but I use a 350 Lumen Nightrider (on the lowest setting) when I ride, and just a standard blinky on the back (Bookman Light Goblin Green | BOOKMANbut I'd recommend the USB rechargable). The Knogs from above certainly would work, but I really like having something I can see with, though to fifey's point, I cover the side to avoid having a bright-light on a passerby.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Well fuck, both my bikes were stolen off my 2nd floor balcony sometime this weekend. I was all set to do the Seagull Century this Saturday, so I guess that's out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Should be covered under renter's insurance. (assuming by balcony, you mean apartment)


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Yeah I'm sure it will be. I already filed a police report/insurance claim. It's the timing that bums me. I wouldn't have given a fuck if they had waited till next week; this messes up my plans for the century on Saturday.


Not sure if anyone else experiences this, but I ride after work with friends once a week. It's usually a very hilly route that's 1500-2000 calories and 3-ish hours. I chug a ton of water before, during, and after the ride, but when I get home at 9 or 10 I feel like the human torch and my heart rate is going ape shit for hours. Last night I drank 4 water bottles during the ride and 6-8 after I got home. Even though I was so tired I was ready to go to sleep once I hopped out of the shower, I couldn't get to sleep until about 1:30, ended up waking up several times, and overall slept like shit. Seems like a big portion of it is due to hydration, so maybe drink more gatorade instead of water? Any other ideas?


Just a Nurse
Water does increase body temperature, so that could be it. If your HR is going crazy for hours even after not doing something, it sounds like an underlying problem. I would recommend going to a cardiologist and getting a stress test done. Have you checked your thyroid levels lately?


No I haven't. It's something that more or less has happened as long as I can remember. When I drink a lot of alcohol it's the same deal; I usually need to drink a bunch of water before I go to bed or I either can't get to sleep or wake up multiple times, and I get an elevated heart rate.


Just a Nurse
How're your extremities? Do they look edematous (fatty)? Are your fingers and toes typically cold? Or is your entire body hot?


My entire core and upper body is hot. Nothing feels cold or any different than the rest, and nothing looks fatty or any different than normal.


Just a Nurse
Yeah, go get a stress test done and get your hormones checked. :p I'm interested to see what they say. Do you sweat pretty heavily, and easily at that?


Trakanon Raider
I've been thinking about doing that shit. Can they do like, just your feet and back? I don't find my pits too bad, I just hate hearing a nice shirt, driving in my car, and ending up with a sweaty back. And a good pair of daily worn shoes doesn't last me more than 6 months before their stench is horrendous.


For me, it mostly happens on my shoulders and chest. My pits don't get TOO bad, and thankfully I don't get stinky. But yeah, sometimes I have to change shirts more often than I'd like.

I think they can do pretty much wherever. I don't know much about it though. Maybe changing socks more often would help with the feet thing.


Just a Nurse
They generally do it in the sweat glands; however, it is possible to do it anywhere. Botox is also indicated to decrease muscle cramps, so obviously they will use it wherever the cramps occur. The reason why I suggested getting your hormones checked is because you COULD have hyperthyroidism. I was asking about your extremities to find out if there was a circulation/perfusion problem to your hands and feet. I still think you should get some labs drawn up to see if anything could be down or up.

In regards to the hyperhidrosis, if it does bother you and you don't want to get shots, you can always take an anticholinergic as it is a drying (also sedating) drug.


Kuriin, is thyroid stuff a completely different test than what they would find in a general blood panel? I had a general panel done a few months ago and they didn't find anything abnormal other than elevated triglycerides, but looking online, some of the symptoms I'm experiencing fit into the hyperthyroidism (heart rate, difficulty sleeping, anxiety/irritability).


Just a Nurse
It depends on what kind of panel they did. Triglycerides are a lipid panel and require fasting. CBC (complete blood count) looks at your RBC, MCV, RDW RBC, WBC, etc -- essentially looking at how for potential infection or impaired gas exchange. You have your chemistry panel which is your electrolytes, liver, and kidney functions. They will also sometimes do a comprehensive metabolic panel (Chem 12), but it doesn't have your hormones. They will specifically look and check off the hormones they want to evaluate such as testosterone/free testosterone (which has to be done in the middle of the day). They will probably do a full male hormone panel (depends on where you are).

edit: They typically won't do hormone panels unless they suspect something is wrong or if it's a physical (first examination) just to have baselines.