Bioshock Infinite


Tranny Chaser
I find it interesting, in an entirely meta storytelling sense, that 30 years ago the scientist who created the means to do all this would have been the evil genius of the piece. Nowadays we instead have the principle figure of evil being a politician / religious leader / zealot even to the extent that Comstock is completely powerless without the Lutece 'twins' yet they become ancillary support characters.

Gone is Ming the Merciless vs Hanz Zharkov or Doctor Doom vs Reed Richards. Instead we have science as a tool which can be used either for good or for evil and is thus neutral at best as it relies on a strong non-scientific personality to make use of it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Considering that big science really doesn't happen without huge amounts of PR and external funding these days, it's hard to see scientists as the Leading Man currently.

Tie that to how many years of completely fucked up dysfunctional government, of all the scandals and such from around the world, of 30 years of legitimate "corruption creep", on top of all the noisy Teabaggers and other nutters out there influencing the narrative and you clearly have the new Face of Evil.


Trakanon Raider
Considering that big science really doesn't happen without huge amounts of PR and external funding these days, it's hard to see scientists as the Leading Man currently.

Tie that to how many years of completely fucked up dysfunctional government, of all the scandals and such from around the world, of 30 years of legitimate "corruption creep", on top of all the noisy Teabaggers and other nutters out there influencing the narrative and you clearly have the new Face of Evil.
I always thought the most vile thing is to remove man from the consequences of his actions. I believe people are good in nature, at least when they see what their actions lead to, so when you have bunch of people just making money without ever seeing what their actions end up doing, you end up with current economy crisis. But that's derailing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
How did

Elizabeth's mother get revived. And how was Comstock able to force Elizabeths powers to reanimate her into life/unlife. I know she is kind of like the Letuces existing in different places at once but shes also Elizabeths emotions manifested?


Avatar of War Slayer
How did

Elizabeth's mother get revived. And how was Comstock able to force Elizabeths powers to reanimate her into life/unlife. I know she is kind of like the Letuces existing in different places at once but shes also Elizabeths emotions manifested?
no answer for that. and honestly, not one I feel even needs one. Space magic. Maybe its a hint for the next Bioshock. Bioshock:Afterlife. someone builds a city in the afterlife.


Lord Nagafen Raider
One more thing...

In several audio logs, Fink it talking to/about his brother who is in the process or understanding the tears. Both Fink and his brother were trying to exploit the tears and I *think* they eventually realized their potential or at least what they were. I know Fink's story ends when he is killed but what about his brother?

Fink's brother = a different timeline of himself?

Bioshock: Butterfly Effect ?


So I typically trust a lot of the jaded fucks who mull around on here. Can someone give me the no-shit on this game? Is there anything besides the story that makes it worthwhile?

I mean obviously I'm gonna wait until down the road when it's on sale, but regardless I'd like a straightforward take on it, minus all the rosy-glassed 10/10's


Unelected Mod
While I felt the game was great, to me almost all of that greatness was the story. Elizabeth is an incredible character, as someone said earlier its like they put a Disney character in the game with you, fully fleshed out.

On the other hand, I didn't feel the gameplay was anything spectacular and I was particularly annoyed at how the game essentially forces you to play scavenger constantly, even when the story is urging you to hurry up and move on. It really broke me out of the narrative at times.


Registered Hutt
Yea, I felt the gameplay was dull. So I stopped playing it. Same reason I stopped playing Borderlands 2. The story isn't sufficient to keep me going when the practice of going is tedious.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So I typically trust a lot of the jaded fucks who mull around on here. Can someone give me the no-shit on this game? Is there anything besides the story that makes it worthwhile?

I mean obviously I'm gonna wait until down the road when it's on sale, but regardless I'd like a straightforward take on it, minus all the rosy-glassed 10/10's
All story. Environment pre-destruction of the floating city is gorgeous but after that, pretty much any weapon/power combo can get you through it.

Edit - and yes, fuck spending 90% of the game mashing F looking around. Would've been easier to bind search/loot all to w/a/s/d.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So lets see. You get to customize your load out pretty hard core with gears, vigor upgrades, and weapon upgrades. You get to zip around on lines like a fucking roller coaster as well as rip open space time fabric to exploit super cool traps and allies. What the fuck do you guys expect from a FPS? Please tell me of a FPS that has better "gameplay" then this. And I mean a ton better, not just a little better. The gameplay is top notch. I think some people expect the game to give them a blow job.

Yes the pacing kind of sucked. But not enough to completely downgrade the "gameplay". I found a ton of cool things looking around. They put that there so you look at the posters, the letters, and the little nuances they added to the world. The only thing I will sympathize on is the phonographs. You would be missing a good amount of story if you didn't find all of them. But if you were just looking around for a few silver here and there then you could've stopped.


Avatar of War Slayer
One more thing...

In several audio logs, Fink it talking to/about his brother who is in the process or understanding the tears. Both Fink and his brother were trying to exploit the tears and I *think* they eventually realized their potential or at least what they were. I know Fink's story ends when he is killed but what about his brother?

Fink's brother = a different timeline of himself?

Bioshock: Butterfly Effect ?
Music Fink dies in his house by Vox uprising. its in Emporia. has a red tear. his body is there. Theres no reason to think they are alt versions. just normal brothers. Music fink listening to tear music is where all the 30's-80's music found its way into the game. Industrialist Fink uses tears to spy on Rapture. to explain handymen, songbird, and Vigors. and vending machines, why not.


Avatar of War Slayer
So I typically trust a lot of the jaded fucks who mull around on here. Can someone give me the no-shit on this game? Is there anything besides the story that makes it worthwhile?

I mean obviously I'm gonna wait until down the road when it's on sale, but regardless I'd like a straightforward take on it, minus all the rosy-glassed 10/10's
I've made a few passing references. not really a full breakdown of course.

All in all. the game is a must play, imho. Its an absolute experience.

Bioshock 1 had several fatal flaws. the last 45minutes. The gameplay was a drag. hell I had entirely forgotten about the shitty crafting element in that game.
Infinite is a giant step up in gameplay from BS1 and even 2. it is not PERFECT. but in no way does the gameplay get in the way of your enjoyment. And in some places its quite good.
The constant rummaging through trashcans, is definitely a detriment. Again, look at a game like Batman AA, or Metroid. you dont need to stick a milion trashcans around to get people to slow down and look at the world. in fact, you often are so busy looking for trash, you miss looking at the world. If I had 10min with Ken Levine, I would force him to sit down and play those two...
Skylines are a joy. And should have been bigger elements. (as noted, I think this was a console thing. the probably WERE at one point)
Emporia<-not linear corridor shooter at ALL, and the final "stage" are pretty amazing set pieces. that final stage really should be considered for one of the best of all time.


Silver Knight of the Realm


I'm probably being dumb here but what are you showing besides the top two having the number?





Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea as I mentioned here or elsewhere, I ended up just giving myself a bajillion dollars in Bioshock 1 to essentially 'skip' the gameplay as much as possible. Here, I had no urge to do that. I played through totally legit and largely enjoyed it. I actually played it on normal first because I wasn't paying attention to the menu and felt like you were a little more fragile than you should have been for that difficulty but I'm going to play through it on 1999 mode soon and expect to really feel like a pansy.

Apparently I'm dumb too because I still don't get it. 0451 isn't much of a date, just April 1951, and is more likely just a reference to Ray Bradbury as pointed out before? And then you have New Years/Eve of 1983 in Bioshock Infinite in the future scene, and post-new-year 1959 in Bioshock 1, which is where shit went to shit in Rapture. Unless it's hinting that next Bioshock may involve New York in the 80's or something?


Avatar of War Slayer
Yea as I mentioned here or elsewhere, I ended up just giving myself a bajillion dollars in Bioshock 1 to essentially 'skip' the gameplay as much as possible. Here, I had no urge to do that. I played through totally legit and largely enjoyed it. I actually played it on normal first because I wasn't paying attention to the menu and felt like you were a little more fragile than you should have been for that difficulty but I'm going to play through it on 1999 mode soon and expect to really feel like a pansy.


Apparently I'm dumb too because I still don't get it. 0451 isn't much of a date, just April 1951, and is more likely just a reference to Ray Bradbury as pointed out before? And then you have New Years/Eve of 1983 in Bioshock Infinite in the future scene, and post-new-year 1959 in Bioshock 1, which is where shit went to shit in Rapture. Unless it's hinting that next Bioshock may involve New York in the 80's or something?
First two, and that number is actually used in ALOT of games. System shock1/2, deus ex, bs 1, bs2, etc. and yes its a Fahrenheit 451 reference. second set.
new years eve for Raptures meltdown, and new years eve for the new york attack