Black Desert


Blackwing Lair Raider
The nodes look to be points of interest and travel points using the auto run. There is a lot that is not well understood, but I see that you can hire workers, and can rent out buildings to craft things and have carts as well. so it may also have some sort of setup to become a trader of goods between crafting resource nodes and towns. Everyone is wowed by the graphics but it does look like there is a great deal of sandbox stuff involved


Someone needs to explain the whole node connection thing i don't get it. Also where the fuck do you get the donkey quest?
The node management system does a few things, Im not sure of everything it does but two things for sure - it allows "permanent discovery" on the world map, if you just walk from one side of the world to the other, it will go back to a "fog of war" look but if you get the different nodes activated it stays discovered on your map (as well as your alts as well). Another thing I know it does is there are certain things and quests that require certain nodes to be activated before you can do quests and other related things like workers etc.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Okay after a bit of fiddling there is a massive mini game underneath the graphics. In the towns there are houses you can rent, they take time to build to use (as a residence, as lodging for minions, as a production factory for materials, as storage for bank space), and by spending influence that you gain from doing quests and murdering monsters.

The nodes that you start seeing on the map have many different meanings. Some are crafting production nodes, like mines. You can hire worker minions in the towns and send the minions to the nodes to get raw mats for you. Or you can travel there yourself and mine as well. You can also set up trade routes with minion wagons between trade nodes, or buy/build a wagon of your own if you want. You can take over a node and get tax breaks too if you like and many other things I have not yet explored.

They have an energy system that limits gathering and crafting and upgrading your nodes and houses. 1 energy every 3 minutes logged in but it caps out pretty fast. Talking to certain npcs takes energy as well for conversations and you have individual factions you have to play a mini game with to up rep with that person. The higher rep can get you all sorts of perks like more quests or conversation pieces to discounts i guess.

There are drops that you can vendor like sharp teeth, or you can take to certain areas and trade for much more than vendor cost to some npc's. The items tell you what they are worth and you can right click to find out the npc that wants them.

So far it is extremely sandbox, but while the fights are flashy they are really kinda simple overall. Just have lots of pots and spam them and you live pretty easy. It is also a huge grindfest but with the flashy fights it is kinda neat.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh and also they nodes act like a chain of influence. If you get a house in a town area then you can chain off there to be able to send minions to other nodes near there. You have to rent a house in a town first then can chain down the nodes spending influence to rent them for minion use.


Vyemm Raider
I think this game just isn't for me. Everything is just so overwhelming and I have no interest in what I've heard about the endgame.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I am coming to that conclusion as well. It is extremely sandbox like but I am trying to find the fun in it. With no trinity and no-one talking to each other it is a very pretty combat and cart simulator. There does not seem to be much game in the game.


Vyemm Raider
Got hunter to 20 but its beyond hard to die, its gotten to the point i literally run around and hit everything just so i can run in circles comboing shit to death. Im not sure i would buy the game but im interested in trying out different classes to see what plays like the most fun.That high level berserker video did give me a chub tho.


I played a bit of the RU version.

The world is really impressive. I love how there are NPC's everywhere, some doing routines. Most can be interacted with for at least a bit of conversation. The graphics are great, awesome design throughout, character models are amazing. Combat is extremely flashy(too flashy?) I didnt get to play enough to really judge it fairly but the camera shake and particle effects are on even the most basic moves.

I will note, I didnt like the movement of the character - it just didnt feel right to me but maybe I just need more time with it.


Vyemm Raider
I fiddled with a ranger a bit - it was ok but i felt like i was doing DDR with all the bouncing and twisting from abilities.


After trying out BnS, I don't think I like that very much. There isn't anything wrong with the game necessarily; it's fine. Looks good and the combat is the most advanced I've seen in a long time.

The main problem I have with the game is.. the combat is the most advanced I've seen in a long time. I'm too fucked to try to commit all that shit to memory and too slow to do anything if I do. Too much fucking juggling. I can't imagine even trying to work this G600 mouse in with other buttons I rarely use like Z, X, C etc down the line.

After looking at Black Desert's boring UI, it appears this might be the game for me vs BnS. Looks like something a simpleton like me can handle.

Oh and it looks better visually and a lot less 'titty'. They have them just not all in your fucking eye.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
True, this combat seems x100 less complicated then BnS. This game seems like a mix of Diablo 3 and gw2, combat wise.

Not sure about the "titty", most depends on the costumes they will or wont have for BDO.

Looks like I will be playing this, as PRX is going to play. So guess I better learn fast :p


Vyemm Raider
Eh this combat seems more oriented for a gamepad - i used my gaming mouse and g13 to somewhat meld as many combos together as possible - If you've played it and are ok with how the combat works then so be it but its quite a curve from a traditional MMO for sure.