Blade and Soul - Kung Fu Korea - Action MMO


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yes, with a group it took me over 20 runs to get my staff for the summoner from Blackram Narrows. I leveled from 20 to 22 in a group in that dungeon
I'm not sure I could have soloed it in any amount of reasonable time. I had all the jewelry in there without issue by the 4th run though iirc only one of them (the necklace) is used for an upgrade.
ya compeltely misunderstood the 3h thing.

And yea for narrow only the neck is required, but still 20+ run to get the wpn you needed is alot, must have horrible luck. At least you got the hp bonus for it, i actually miss that on most of my chars.


I did get the HP achievement. It was one of those RNG bad luck times. Luckily the combat is pretty fun so it didn't seem all that terrible to do it.


<Silver Donator>
At least for alts it doesn't take nearly as long. You can buy a viridian key for like 1g using the currency exchange(need 2g cause it's a bit more than 1g but you have points left over) and buying it for hongmoon coins, so you don't have to farm it at all.

Hp bonus is pretty shit, cause all these bonuses compete with each other, you can only have one active, and 600hp when you have 35k+ isn't really much at all. I think piercing is more useful on some bosses, or defense overall. There's an attack power one we don't have yet too which is probably gonna be the best once it unlocks, I assume it's 50+ content though.


<Silver Donator>
Is that the key that ensures when you open a box it is for your class?
Yeah Hongmoon Viridian key in the shop. Can also buy them for real money, they're like 60 or 80coins I forgot, so it's cheap as fuck to not have to do the dungeon several times. Can also buy a cinderlands key for about 2g(an actual one, not from the shop), and with the one from the survey, you can open deva+infernal chests in one try too. Saves a ton of time for leveling, definitely doing that for my warlock.


<Silver Donator>
Sweet, any other tips for the first play through?
Hmm well that was for an alt since the key otherwise requires real money, even if not much. Other advices is don't waste unseal charms on random crap, only unseal breakthrough/evolution items and only open chests that drop these. For blue weapon chests(stalker, corrupted, imperator, lycan), you can buy the weapons from the market instead of opening them too, generally less expensive. Also make sure to switch channels if there's people competing for quest mobs or whatever, or group with them for the quest. But at this point in time leveling zones should be mostly empty, so if you see people, pick another channel and it'll go a lot faster.


3) crafting is important, but you can get everything with gold. Id take pottery and then either jewelcrafting (very easy to make money with diamonds, and its easy to craft, as you can craft purple pentagonal diamonds at tier 2, that goes for 30 35 gold at market), or the one that craft soulshield and transformation stones (you will need tons of those at max lvl).
How do you support this with gathering? Maybe i'm misunderstanding something but you'd need 4 gathering profs for this. Or are you suggesting this only for someone who's already max level and has gold and is buying all their mats off the market to craft and turn profit.


<Silver Donator>
How do you support this with gathering? Maybe i'm misunderstanding something but you'd need 4 gathering profs for this. Or are you suggesting this only for someone who's already max level and has gold and is buying all their mats off the market to craft and turn profit.
The current crafting mostly requires only one gathering each, even though they list 2, shit's pretty fucked.

You can easily do the very common soulwarden+merry potter with tree fellers+green thumbs, and it covers everything. If you get Radiant ring that's when it gets fucked a bit, but not too much, the only relevant gathering for radiant ring atm is stonecutter, since they removed the crafted jewelry which used prospector stuff. I wouldn't recommend Radiant ring though, profits are like inferior to merry potter/soulwarden, for the most part. Main advantage of Radiant ring is you can start crafting good stuff right from tier2, but otherwise the money is pretty meh.

Not that as a new player, you'll run into an issue to make good money out of soulwarden at first, because you kinda need like 55g to get started with your first batch of stones. You can buy the recipe and make soul shields in the meantime I think they sell ok for a smaller profit.


The current crafting mostly requires only one gathering each, even though they list 2, shit's pretty fucked.

You can easily do the very common soulwarden+merry potter with tree fellers+green thumbs, and it covers everything. If you get Radiant ring that's when it gets fucked a bit, but not too much, the only relevant gathering for radiant ring atm is stonecutter, since they removed the crafted jewelry which used prospector stuff. I wouldn't recommend Radiant ring though, profits are like inferior to merry potter/soulwarden, for the most part. Main advantage of Radiant ring is you can start crafting good stuff right from tier2, but otherwise the money is pretty meh.

Not that as a new player, you'll run into an issue to make good money out of soulwarden at first, because you kinda need like 55g to get started with your first batch of stones. You can buy the recipe and make soul shields in the meantime I think they sell ok for a smaller profit.
Ah ok, thanks. I'll probably go the soulwarden route then, I just picked this up over the weekend and started on Junghado which was listed as a (new) server so maybe the economy won't be as flooded and easier to make ezgold.


Trakanon Raider
Soul Wardens is currently a 52g investment to make 59-60g so the profit margins are fairly good, but the initial buy in for the pattern makes it something a new player can't rely on to make gold early. It's also a 24 hr turnaround.

Radiant Ring on the other hand is random.. you could get a gem you'll just recycle for 2 gem fragments, or you'll make some bank with the +19 attack blue gem. You could go double or nothing on the purple gem, which is double the cost and time and twice the profit.

1.8g investment to make 12g, turn around time for that is 6 hours.

You could go double or nothing on the purple gem.

3.6g investment to make 25g turnaround time is 12 hours.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
RNG aspect makes it so iffy. Almost better to sell just pouch. I got purple atk first time, then every pouch after(10+) never got it again.


<Silver Donator>
It's about the same if you sell the pouches or open them, on average. At least current prices on EU, pouches are 7g, attack diamond is 35g. You need 5pouches to get an attack diamond on average. Now on top of that from opening the other 4pouches, you get also 1 of each of the other gems, which go for like 50s each, so difference is 2g after 2days and a half. So if you're not feeling lucky, you can definitely sell the pouches instead since it's pretty much the same thing. But diamond price tends to rise pretty high during weekends, or say, when they release a new class ^^.


Lord Nagafen Raider
yeah i crafted around 8 diamonds so far, first 5 was block/eva/add dmg ( 2 2 1 ratio), then i got 2 atk in a row, and block again. Thing is to craft it is really cheap (the water refiner goes for 25silver each if you dont have pottery), and for gem is actually cheaper to buy sparkling diamonds in ah than to buy the fragments (in case you need), In Windrest cheap purple diamonds goes from 40 to 43 silver (which neet ya 3 fragments ), while often the fragments goes from 16 to 19s depending.

Only annoying thing is the time required to wait. I hoped once at t3 you could craft exagonal purple, but you can only craft blue version, good thing is it doesnt require soulstones (right now all mine are going into crafting moonwater transformation stones, to deck out my soon to be lock ).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Only annoying thing is the time required to wait. I hoped once at t3 you could craft exagonal purple, but you can only craft blue version, good thing is it doesnt require soulstones (right now all mine are going into crafting moonwater transformation stones, to deck out my soon to be lock ).
Hexagonal will take soulstones. Because iirc, it requires marble cubes which do take soulstones to craft.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hexagonal will take soulstones. Because iirc, it requires marble cubes which do take soulstones to craft.
hexagonal purple you mean? probably ya, but its not craftable as of yet or am i missing something? cause im t3 with the drop recipe from brightstone (which is kinda useless for jewelers atm), and there is no hex purple.