Blood Bowl 2


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Very cool. Although I never got huge into the first it was quite fun until I put it down. Hopefully they find a good way of lessening the learning curve.


A nice asshole.
Very cool. Although I never got huge into the first it was quite fun until I put it down. Hopefully they find a good way of lessening the learning curve.
It isn't a hard game to grasp, it is just such a shitty UI all around and not even a little user friendly.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It isn't a hard game to grasp, it is just such a shitty UI all around and not even a little user friendly.
Yeah the rules themselves aren't bad but I always got the feeling I was "doing it wrong." Like do I buy more cheerleaders? Do I buy star players? I guess it is hard to really teach the strategy behind all that.

And yeah the UI was an abomination


Really looking forward for this game , but meanwhile we still have fun playing the first one!


Mr. Poopybutthole
I've got almost 300 hours Steam time in Blood Bowl, and there is no way I could ever imagine trusting Cyanide to get it right a second time. Like even if Cutlery suddenly swooped back to the forums and proclaimed that BB2 was a textbook perfect port of the board game, I still wouldn't get BB2.

Between the half assed piss poor single player AI, the bugs, and the fact that they decided to make up their own shitty team instead of implementing the other missing teams or the missing star players that are pretty crucial to balanced league play, Cyanide can go fucking rot for all I care.
I don't like how there's only 8 teams at release for a full price game, and they expect you to pay for all the rest as dlc. "Oh most people don't care about having most of the teams, this way you only get the ones you like." Greedy ass mother fuckers. They learned a lot from Games Workshop.


<Gold Donor>
I want this game but not at full price. I think I will see if there is a pre-order deal or wait for a sale.


Molten Core Raider
This game is going to end up splitting the online community even more unless they offer some sort of discount incentive for previous owners of BB1. Once it comes out you'll have the BB1 diehards who won't leave, those still playing on the free FUMBBL java platform, and then whomever ends up purchasing BB2. I love the game but I am hard pressed to pick it up without any sort of discount if there are only 8 teams out for release.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The fact that they're going to nickel and dime people to get all the teams means I wouldn't play this game even if I got a free copy.


what Suineg set it to
The fact that they're going to nickel and dime people to get all the teams means I wouldn't play this game even if I got a free copy.
For whatever reason the future keeps looking like the bleak 1980s cyberpunk mega corporations and unscrupulous business tactics that used to be funny in an outrageous way are coming true. Hooray for micro transactions.


A nice asshole.
They are remaking blood bowl with better graphics, hopefully better UI and accessibility too. They do that and they get my money, how many times have we just asked for an updated version of a game and received nothing? Looking at you mutant league series...

Anyways, I am still pumped because they are (hopefully) giving us the game current players will love and maybe new players will be interested in.

Oblio if this game gets Decent reviews I will buy you a copy so when my goblin team kills two of yours players in a game I won't feel so bad.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Unless they are fast on putting all the teams in, I wont be rushing to jump over. I stopped playing the tablet version of BB1 because it was boring as fuck with 6 teams only.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I can't wait to try this out, new graphics and a better looking UI? It's been a while since I played BB1, but I liked seeing exp gained by things like passes/tackles too or did the first one have those? I thought you only got exp for scoring a touchdown unless that was updated there.


<Gold Donor>
Blood Bowl THE VIDEO GAME Blood Bowl 2 : The Team management

Blood Bowl 2 : The Team management

In BloodBowl 2, YOU are the coach! That means team management is entirely up to you. Youwill recruit players forming your team, choose which ones will play thematches, upgrade theirs skills when they level up, and provide your team with extra staff to support it.

Each team may accept a maximum of 16 players, 11 of them to be picked to play on the pitch at the start of the match. After every touchdown before kick-off, and at half-time, you can change your set-up freely, switching active players between the pitch and those waiting for their hour of glory, or drawing from the reserve pool to replace casualties.


Playing matches in leagues will grant SPP, the "Star Player Points" (the Blood Bowl experience points) to your players. Please note that friendly matches don't count - they are way too "friendly" to provide any experience to your players! Only exceptional actions will grant your players precious SPPs: achieving a pass (1 SPPs), scoring a touchdown (3 SPPs), managing an interception (2 SPPs) or making casualties among the opponent's team (2SPPs). Additionally, the Most Valuable Players elected at the end of every match will earn 5 SPPs!

Once a player has stacked enough SPPs, they will be able to level up (up to 6 times). A two-dice roll (the "improvement roll") will determine the development opportunity for that player. While you will always be able to pick one of the skills available to the player's "normal" skill pool, specific dice result will let you pick other skills normally not available to this player, or, if you're lucky, an extra characteristic point such as Strength, Agility, Armour Value or Movement Allowance.


2-9: A new Skill
10: A new Skill OR Armor Value point OR Movement Allowance point
11: A new Skill OR Agility point
12: A new Skill OR Strength point
Additionally, rolling a double will allow you to ignore the normal reward, and let you pick any skill from either the player's normal skill pool, or their "double" pool. For example, a Human Blitzer normally has access to only General and Strength skills, but upon rolling a double you may also pick a skill from the Agility or Passing pool. Additionally, leveling a player up will increase their Player Value - and your overall Team Value.

Keep in mind though that your players are not immortal. They can get injured (temporary, or definitively) and even killed on the pitch. Also, even the lucky players who manage somehow to avoid getting maimed during their career will eventually retire. For every seven matches played, a player will gain one "year of careers". After some years, and the closer he is to the maximum number of years (14), the bigger the chance for him to retire. You will need to manage your players wisely, recruiting rookies to train them and replace your older players, and/or making use of the new Player Marketplace to renew your pool of skilled, veteran players!


While players are the bread and butter of every team, teams can't be complete without Staff to support them and 'extra services'!

These are some of the extra services you can hire or afford for your teams:

Team Re-roll: the Team-reroll lets you do exactly that: re-roll a failed dice roll! However, keep in mind there is no guarantee the new result will be better than the previous one. it could be worse!
Apothecary: injuries, casualties, and even death is common on a Blood Bowl pitch. Having an Apothecary in your team will give you the opportunity to change the result of a casualty roll, one time per match, hopefully saving from certain doom one of your downed players. Keep in mind though, his medical license is probably forged, and a broken leg could very well turn into a painful death. Good thing you can choose between both the old and new result!
Cheerleaders: most Blood Bowl teams have a troupe or two of cheerleaders both to inspire the team's players and their fans. It's the team's cheerleaders' job to whip the fans into a state of frenzy and lead the chanting and singing as the crowd's shouts and howls build up to a deafening crescendo. The more cheerleaders you have on your team, the more likely you are to win the "Cheering Fans" kick-off event. you could get a free, extra re-roll out of that!
Assistant Coaches: assistant coaches include offensive and defensive coordinators, special team coaches, personal trainers for your legendary players and numerous others. The more assistant coaches you have on your team, the more likely you are to win the "Brilliant Coaching" special event at kick-off for an extra team re-roll.
Fan Factor: the Fan Factor represents how popular the team is, and can have important effects on the results of some special events during kick-off. The more you have, the higher the chance for the fans to go for the other team when they hurl a rock or when they invade the pitch. Additionally, having more fans grants you better gold rewards when the match is over!


Mr. Poopybutthole
I can't wait to try this out, new graphics and a better looking UI? It's been a while since I played BB1, but I liked seeing exp gained by things like passes/tackles too or did the first one have those? I thought you only got exp for scoring a touchdown unless that was updated there.
Touchdown - 3 xp
Cause Casualty - 2 xp
Successful pass - 1 xp


Trakanon Raider
I think I'm going to start playing with my local league. Anyone have recommendations for getting miniatures and any other materials I may need since Games Workshop doesn't really support it any longer?


Molten Core Raider
I think I'm going to start playing with my local league. Anyone have recommendations for getting miniatures and any other materials I may need since Games Workshop doesn't really support it any longer?
This (Talk Fantasy Football Login) section of the Talk Fantasy Football forum might be a good place to start. This forum used to be TalkBloodBowl before a cease and desist letter from GW, and is one of the most popular posting communities for it that I remember.


Trakanon Raider
Official release date of September 22nd now.

I've been playing tabletop Blood Bowl for a couple months now and even played in a local tournament. Definitely a different experience...I didn't realize how little I knew the rules because I was relying on the computer doing all the backend stuff. Even for my Norse that I won our Rerolled league with, I realized I was not using Jump Up or Dauntless to their full potential.
I didn't think I'd like painting miniatures, because I've never been an artist, but something about it relaxes me and the end result is rewarding. I got a Human team that was painted, but was missing a few pieces, so I started off just trying to match that paint job. I ordered a metal Norse team and putting that together was a pain in the ass, but I finally got the assembly done. There are so many details to get right with the painting, but I'm getting there slowly. Next up will be some plastic Amazons or Chaos. I only have the beastmen for the Chaos and need to find some Chaos Warriors I like.

Also playing in an online league I found called GOBBLN where I'm playing High Elves. We just started the season, but if anyone is interested in a league for next season: