Blood Bowl


Mr. Poopybutthole
Christ almighty, how long did you play that team? My screenshot was from after a single rotation, so 5 competitions I think?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Are interceptions modified by Sure Hands?
No, sure hands is for picking up the ball. What you want is stuff that modifies catching, agility, diving catch, nerves of steel, extra arm, etc. It's sort of a moot point, In all my SP matches the computer has only thrown a handful of times, and of those, I successfully intercepted once. Against a human opponent, unless you've got a nerves of steel catcher right in front of the thrower, you're probably never gonna intercept the ball unless he's passing out of desperation.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Christ almighty, how long did you play that team? My screenshot was from after a single rotation, so 5 competitions I think?
That team is 49-0-0, outscored opponents 121-8, caused 259 casualties and killed 23.

I should say for people reading this and thinking that they have no chance of ever competing with Gavinrad or I when we post those types of screenshots, understand that it IS against the AI, and most players won't actually just stand there and let you smash their team to pieces. It's apples and oranges on multiplayer. If you've got a star player, he gets targeted first by anyone with a brain, and his lifespan is significantly shorter playing multiplayer.

No, sure hands is for picking up the ball. What you want is stuff that modifies catching, agility, diving catch, nerves of steel, extra arm, etc. It's sort of a moot point, In all my SP matches the computer has only thrown a handful of times, and of those, I successfully intercepted once. Against a human opponent, unless you've got a nerves of steel catcher right in front of the thrower, you're probably never gonna intercept the ball unless he's passing out of desperation.
Diving catch isn't included on that list, DC is +1 to catch an accurate pass targeted to your square, and that's not the case on an intercept. Catch lets you reroll the intercept roll though, so that's pretty useful. And also Very Long Legs, that's a +1 modifier as well. Against the AI, you'll get the odd interception (that orc team above has 3, btw), and yeah, in multiplayer, generally people avoid passing over any of your players, so you're pretty much never gonna get the chance. It's unfortunate too, because I absolutely love the interception animation, it's always a nice surprise.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I'm really good at picking apart the computer but I tend to play a little sloppy against human opponents. Honestly though, even the biggest noob is still a more difficult opponent than the computer. The computer doesn't know how to min/max injuries, won't take any risks when trying to score, makes some pretty dubious skill decisions when leveling up its players. Playing the computer too much tends to lock you into habits that are sub-optimal against real opponents.


Golden Squire
Yeah I'm really good at picking apart the computer but I tend to play a little sloppy against human opponents. Honestly though, even the biggest noob is still a more difficult opponent than the computer. The computer doesn't know how to min/max injuries, won't take any risks when trying to score, makes some pretty dubious skill decisions when leveling up its players. Playing the computer too much tends to lock you into habits that are sub-optimal against real opponents.
I just started playing in the last week, but the biggest thing is that the computer doesn't seem to value the health of its players - at all. The computer will gladly leave 4-5 guys next to your team and not bat an eye over you knocking all of them down repeatedly on the next turn. I feel like vs a good human opponent you'd have to earn your non-blitz hits far more.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
You definitely do. I certainly won't stand toe to toe with anyone with any of the kill skills for longer than necessary. I'll 2d block them if I can, otherwise I'll probably risk the dodge on Agi 3, because eating the knockdown is better than eating the block. Agi 2, you're probably better throwing a 1d block than dodging.

The ultimate goal of any game is when you only give your opponent 1 block per turn -- the blitz. Also, you give them as few blocks as possible when you kick...assume everyone you place on the LOS is going to be injured at the end of your opponent's first turn.


Molten Core Raider
I just recently started up a campaign while waiting for the league to start, been having a good time finally being able to level Ogres, Piling On really adds up!


Bronze Knight of the Realm


In case you guys prefer more "chaosy" looking demonette cheerleaders instead of the human cultists. hehe

Been playing BB Tabletop, DE Edition, Legendary, and now Chaos forever. I play mostly DE, used humans and orcs for TT demo games. Used to play a lot online but got fed up with pretty much every opponent at 2000tv being Dwarves or Chaos, gets boring after a while.

Normally our TT games are pretty ruthless since we're all ultra-competitive. We usually will set up a spur-league to put teams in when you lose too many players or get too many injuries, kinda wish FoL (or what ever it's called) did the same.

With my DE team which I have for both TT and Digital BB:Chaos edition I normally run with:
1 WitchElf. 290 with Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball, +1 AG, and +1 ST. In TT since it's a lot more deadly I usually have another WE in reserve (similar or juggernaut build). Online I'll grind teams until I get a girl with that +1 ST, if not I'll go with Dauntless instead. A dauntless girl will usually get juggernaut in there just to keep her moving (both down as pushed).
2 Blitzers, 180 or so, usually 1 with Dodge, Tackle, and Diving Tackle. The other will trade DT with guard if needed although usually I keep the guard with the WE. Huge fan of Diving Tackle moreso than Block in many cases.
1 Lineman built like a blitzer keeping TV low, but also with either DT or Guard.
5-6 Lineman. Usually with Block if possible, but I'm using Fend more and more. My LoS will always have three lineman with Fend, one of my first goals
1 Lineman with Kick, Kickoff Return, Sure Hands, and Dodge if possible. Normally the job of a Runner, but I try to keep TV low. I'll bring in a runner later in a season if I can.
1 Assassin. I'm still experimenting with them, I've never been a fan. But usually Dodge, Block, Tackle, and DT or some combination of. The Stab is just a free armor roll with no risk involved.

The WE is the keystone of my team, although the Blitzers can pick up the slack, we lose out on the free Frenzy movement that can really break in-out of a cage. She's built as a ball stripper. She is never less than two squares from any opponent. I'm willing to risk a dodge into a -3 and have her down, than to have her hit. I almost always pull out of a failed blitz if possible to reposition her again. Rarely do I block with her, prefering to blitz specific targets. The idea with her is to use her frenzy to break into a formation/cage and ignore the tackle zone penalties, or pull out of a cage and get into a better angle. There is almost always a diagonal square to move into in BB with a -1 which for DE's is no problem.

Early season I'll usually have a Guard with her. But guards tend to be expensive and hard to get, so if I can't get a guard, I'll have either a diving tackler or a fender near her. The idea is to use your WE as a shotgun, ramming her into a cage to either strip the ball or pop it. Using the Diving Tacklers to both protect her and cancel/hold opponents. This works much better in the TT game as opposed to the Digital game where you sometimes lose the ability to chose some skills. If she can't get +1 ST (which is rare) I'll go with Dauntless; the idea being to try and get equal ST with 80% of all models in the game.

Of coarse I don't expect to run into some crazy nut like me that turns a Minotaur/Ogre/troll into the main ball carrier/blitzer/ball stripper.... but I've seen it happen...

As DE I rarely throw blocks. The more blocks you throw the higher the odds of things going bad for you. I'd rather park diving tacklers/tacklers next to models than throw blocks. I leave the Blocking to either the WE or a backup Blitzer. As a DE I more often create "nets" rather than actually put models right next to opponents, forcing you to dodge or run through me to get to where you need to go.

My main challenge is a well built Chaos, Necro, Undead, or Skaven team. Anything with mutations and extra movement can be a pain. As well as passing teams. My biggest issue is a 2 turn passing team (Wood elves or Skaven for example) which I've encountered and are a pain. Dwarves are easy to starve of movement, Chaos almost, but they can really shut me down with tentacles. Movement (specially dodging) is an elf teams' greatest asset. Elves should never try and slug it out. Although DE's have the 8 AV on Blitzers and Lineman, don't let it fool you. The Meta with DE is to strike specific models while dodging into specific locations to create TZs (or cancel TZs) in order to strip/retrieve the ball.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I just recently started up a campaign while waiting for the league to start, been having a good time finally being able to level Ogres, Piling On really adds up!
That's awesome dude, I'm happy to see that.

And yeah, injuries come quick when you can 2die block everyone without worrying about positioning


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Spectator mode is now available on the client. Still using steam beta (a few posts up if you need instructions), but they're talking about going live later today. It's pretty sweet.


Mr. Poopybutthole


rofl. so 30 seconds after I post this, he makes 3 of his KO recovery rolls. roll rock throw on the kickoff and one of his 3 guys dies outright. So tempting to play halflings for the league.

*edit again* 4 of those knocked out guys in that picture ended the match as casualties after making their recovery rolls. Love stunty teams.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
"Oh good, Halflings. I got a couple of Black Orcs that need to be leveled up"


Mr. Poopybutthole
One of the treants went down on a foul, the other one was to a black orc. My troll didn't get a single kill, still just shy of lvl 4 ><


Silver Squire
I love playing against Halflings, even as a Skaven team you feel like giants.
Halflings are sometimes a pain to play against when they have a TV of 600 or so and use the difference for a star player treant and some bribes etc. (a good player to fully utilize those things is very important too)


Molten Core Raider
Halflings are sometimes a pain to play against when they have a TV of 600 or so and use the difference for a star player treant and some bribes etc. (a good player to fully utilize those things is very important too)
The 100k Chef inducement can be a pain in the ass too if they roll well since most developed teams like to float at about 3 rerolls. A TV difference of 400 gives them Deeproot and a Chef so you could be facing 3 treemen on the line with no rerolls if the Chef steals them all.

Tier 3 team for league play definitely but in short duration tournaments a good coach can pull off some amazing shit.