

Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Never been invaded until Menses or whatever, now I can't actually progress because it's nothing but spam of invaders. How does it even work in this game? I'm not even ringing a bell, assholes are just showing up constantly. I don't think I've actually gained a level in the last like ~5hours.
There's mobs in that area the ring sinister bells that summon people.

Like said, play offline for that part if you want to avoid that shit.


Molten Core Raider
Or find the Bell Maiden and kill her - she won't respawn once shes dead. The first one in Mensis is just to the right after you enter a castle with spiders.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Played this for the first time on a PS4 at a friends last night on a beamer. Since he never played any Souls game, he thought this game was like super fucking impossible hard. It was pretty funny to watch him watch me not die, and I had never even played with a controller before.

It however is, from a purely unbiased point of view, a bit harder and easier at the same time. Stuff can now hurt you while you're knocked down, but you can heal through damage, and that obviously reduces the need to heal on bosses a little. Also, Gazza once charged the spot I was dodging to instead of the spot I was standing. I don't know if that was just because he hopped into the tree and it threw him off course, or if that was actually intended.

Was surprised as hell to see this actually got voice translation to German. So were all the buyers on


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
They normally skip german voicing on most stuff Quin?

Sidenote: For people having difficulties - have you tried using Beast Blood? I just started tinkering with it and it's amazing for boss slaying.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No, it is fairly common with English titles, just the Dark Souls titles were just text translated, but voices remained English.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Question about Chapel/Clinic NPCs:
I sent the nun to the chapel. To stop her from killing Arianna, do I need to kill her or can I just take her blood instead?


Trakanon Raider
Question about Chapel/Clinic NPCs:
I sent the nun to the chapel. To stop her from killing Arianna, do I need to kill her or can I just take her blood instead?
yea, i'm unsure what to do with the whore and the nun... i've read that if you take the whores blood offering (not sure what this is for) the nun will kill the whore and go all bat shit crazy. I've read to take the nuns blood first, but she never offers it to me and then only take the whore blood when the nun is not there (she is always there)
for now, i'm just not doing either.


Trakanon Raider
I beat the game spoiler free. I still have no idea what the fuck was going on in terms of plot.

Early bosses were, by far, more difficult than later bosses. At least on NG. After the 3 Shadows I never had a problem with a boss again. Not even the last boss was all that bad once I figured out his movesets.

I know I missed a lot. I know there's a secret boss too. I want to Platinum the game so I'll eventually go back and do it all but right now I have no idea how. I'm just waiting on my Guide to come next week.

Overall it was a decent "Souls" game but not my favorite. In my head Demons Souls was the best (but as I said above, today it's pretty much unplayable). Dark Souls 1 and 2 were both great in their own way. I think 1 was the tighter game but was extremely frustrating in some spots. 2 was actually on the easy side and you could tell it was the B team. I'd say Bloodborne comes in 4th. It's still a great game but some of the level designs were simply sadistic and were made frustrating just for the sake of being frustrating since it's a "Souls" game and, thus, has to be frustrating.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Blood is a huge heal plus a secondary effect. I think the nun's increases stamina regen, forgot/never noticed what the others (you can get Iosefka's at the beginning of the game too) do. They're unique, you can only carry one blood of any type.


Apparently I beat the game. No idea what the fuck happened.

So I got the "real" ending. Ate all 4 umbilical cords, refused Mr. Crippy and killed Moon Blood. I still have no idea what the fuck was going on. I felt like I had a decent grasp on the story up until Byrgenwerth, but then it got completely lost on me.

So were we an alien worm baby of the Cthulhu gods that got transfused into the foreigner by Iosefka?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Question about Chapel/Clinic NPCs:
I sent the nun to the chapel. To stop her from killing Arianna, do I need to kill her or can I just take her blood instead?
The whore and the nun both survived (until I accidentally murdered her trying to stab her fucking nightmare baby) in my game and I just cleared Menses and I think I'm at the "end". Never took the whores blood cause I liked the nuns blood so much with the +stamina regen, but she will start going crazy towards the end and not give any responses but mad laughter (and no more blood).


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Are Chalice dungeons supposed to be done with others or are they still for a single player experience. I just want to do them with what From had in mind. I have a strict no help on bosses on my first run through things so if they designed them for Co-Op I don't even want to waste my time on the depth 4+ ones if they weren't designed to be solo'd. I'm up to depth 3 and it's still somewhat easy.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea, depth 5 is fucking murder town. Most bosses oneshot me even at 35 vit


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
NG+ cleared - man the souls given by bosses starts getting ridiculous - I'm using all three Moon runes admittedly, but 400k+ for some of the bosses is just silly.


I know this comes late to many of you but, I just killed Rom the Spider tonight and.....

Holy shit, does the game just get batshit insane. Not only with the whole plot about the baby, but how the moon and sky change, how you can see these huge, building-sized enemies straight out of H.P. Lovecraft, and the Unseen Village is at least twice as hard as anything I've fought up to that point. I'm loving it. Even revisiting old areas is sweet. I revisited Central Yarnham and right there by the lantern was a mob that dropped a sweet rune.....increases visceral attk dmg by 100% or something like that. Crazy. I'm definitely digging this game a lot more than anything else out at the moment. As far as From games go, I would rate them BB, Dark Souls a close second, Demon Souls, then DS2.