Brave Frontier


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's dumb because the only thing it tracks is how much zel/karma you donate and nothing about how much xp you farm.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Greetings All!

I've reloaded the game, as of a couple days ago, and will be playing again....hopefully more casually than I managed last time lol.

If anyone wants to add me or re-add me, my info is as follows:

Player Name: Kamali (Level 322)
Player ID#: 6599869935

My friends list has suffered in my absence, so any friend requests would be very much appreciated. I look forward to hanging out with everyone here again - it is really nice to see some familiar names still active with the game.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Regarding the general state of my game, I've still got an Avant plugged in as Leader...though I hope to update that slot soon.

I screwed up a little after I first loaded the game back up. I had left my current unit capacity completely filled up, so just to make room I started fusing whatever crystals/metals/gods/burst frogs/imps etc into any characters I could cram them into lol......not realizing at the time that 8-star/Omni Evolutions were a thing now o_O

Of course, after I noticed OE's were a thing, I instantly evolved my Selena to Omni, but still only have her slotted in my Arena group which seems a horrible shame.

I've got an Anima and Breaker Eze to choose from (I had left all starters except Selena maxed out at 6-stars just because at the time I couldn't justify burning Legend Stones on characters I wasn't interested in using).... I may need to wait until the next Super Honor Summons before I bump the Anima Eze up to his Omni Evolution, and will plug him in as Leader/Helper at that point. I'd like to be able to offer better than a starter omni at leader, but until I get damn lucky at the gates, Eze will probably be the best I can muster.

I noticed that you can set a pre-defined attack order for your squad now, which is awesome - I didn't tinker with the timings or advanced options yet, but even just being able to set an attack order is Boss lol

Honestly, there are so many changes to the game that it is almost a little overwhelming. It is going to take a while before I'm familiar with things again. Tons and tons of new shit added since I was around last. I'll try to keep my questions to a minimum as I get back into things, but I'm sure to have a few.

Anyways, its nice to be back.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Think my sig is still update to date. Add me and app to the guild (or I can go back and add you).

Avant is still meta (and his OE is coming soon). Breaker Eze is awesome (and in theory better than Avant). Burn most things you have to evo him.

Also for the Autobattle... you can specific actions too (Auto, Guard, BB, SBB, UBB, Attack). It's pretty amazing and has really increased the amount I "play" the game. As well, they have quest repeat in now (and at least in iOS, it disables sleep on your device), so you can preconfigure actions, order, and amount of times to run a quest. It's awesome.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Leto! I'd welcome you back but I'm retired. What with the new guild feature, though... damn tempting.
lol Heyas Doc! Damn good to hear from ya.

The time away from the game did me some good. I feel like I've walked 40 years in a mobile gaming wilderness....Dark times indeed. This is still one of the best games going on a mobile platform imo. Probably my favorite, doubt I could name one better.

Think my sig is still update to date. Add me and app to the guild (or I can go back and add you).

Avant is still meta (and his OE is coming soon). Breaker Eze is awesome (and in theory better than Avant). Burn most things you have to evo him.

Also for the Autobattle... you can specific actions too (Auto, Guard, BB, SBB, UBB, Attack). It's pretty amazing and has really increased the amount I "play" the game. As well, they have quest repeat in now (and at least in iOS, it disables sleep on your device), so you can preconfigure actions, order, and amount of times to run a quest. It's awesome.
Holy Crap, that is awesome about Quest Repeat lol damn. The day after I came back, Amazon posted its newest version for Android/Kindle, but if Quest Repeat is in it, I haven't run across it yet....might still just be iOS.

Will add you and app to the guild....Good to see you Ao-!

Nice to hear that Avant isn't totally toast already.....Even better to hear that he has a OE coming up soon. And Krantz too? I did a quick OE search not long after I realized they existed, but only saw Japan's list of characters. Was really surprised to see Avant and Krantz on it, would have assumed they'd have to wait quite a while longer. I'm kinda excited about that news just because I left not long after getting Avant and Krantz and never really got to enjoy them properly....getting back just in time to warm up for their Omni versions is almost perfect lol....will get to enjoy them after they've roided up to high heaven lol

I assume the game still follows some of its old patterns? "Double" Honor for the next 5 days then in all likelyhood, a Super Honor Summons not long thereafter? I will probably wait that long to get Eze up before getting impatient and dropping energy on Metal Parades instead of Honor and Evo mats. I definitely want to get Eze going quick though, love those +BC on Spark leads.

Just accepted your friend request Ishad, thanks, Damn glad to see you man.


*sigh*. Old crew successfully reconstituted, now I gotta jump back in. Will DL tonight. In roughly the same shape as Leto, ezxept with Ensa-Taya and Deer. They're what prompted my retirement in the first place as they ran me out of gems.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Approved, I think? Post your game names here so I don't accidently remove non-RR people from the guild.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Welcome back everyone! Most rs oe units are pretty bad. Basically if you have an ensa the best unit for you is felice, if not Sirius.

Finished all 8 rc6 spheres so ark has a decent elgif now.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, you accepted me Ao - Balzmir's my ign.

Thanks, Ishad. No idea what to work on, but I went ahead and OE'd Ensa. No Felice or Sirius.
Ensa oe is amazing, with her, Selena, atro, magress you've got a solid team. Felice really helps out your bb management.

Leto Eu`Acumen

As well, they have quest repeat in now (and at least in iOS, it disables sleep on your device), so you can preconfigure actions, order, and amount of times to run a quest. It's awesome.
Finally found the Quest Repeat option lol

No telling how long I would have overlooked it if I hadn't known it existed. Thanks Ao-


<WoW Guild Officer>
The dailies are now just a matter of remembering to do them!

Also farming is great now.

Leto Eu`Acumen

So I had 1,600+ Raid Medals stored up, and today I burnt every single one of them.....but my Eze is fully evolved, max leveled and max imp'd. ....and of course right after I finished that, I read the post that announces Omni Avant and Omni Krantz are being patched in tomorrow gah lol

No Regrets. (ok, that's a lie - *small* regrets, but I don't have Krantz's or Avant's Omni-specific spheres yet anyway.)

I know everybody and their brother have Eze's piled up to the high heavens, but it's still damn nice to have a legitimate Omni Tier Leader/Helper on offer.

I do have a bit of a decision to make however....I could use some advice from anyone: I have a 7* Lord Avant that is fully Imp'd, and a 6-star Breaker Avant with zero imp's. Obviously Avant is an offensive powerhouse, so he'd benefit from Breaker typing....all those imp's already invested in the Lord though. What would you guys do?

The dailies are now just a matter of remembering to do them!

Also farming is great now.
Honor farming last night with Quest Repeat was goddamn magnificent. Never shall I look upon honor farming with distaste again!


Trakanon Raider
I'd go with the breaker avant. Taking the long term approach, some imps and crystals to level the new one from 6 to maxed 7 is maybe 2 days of energy spent on imp dungeons and metal parades, but you're going to be using that avant for probably 2-4 months, so go with the superior type. Another option is to raise both, and go with different SP builds. I don't think Avant's SP options are compelling enough to want duplicates, so I'd probably just raise the breaker and keep the lord type in cold storage.


I'd go with the breaker too, but not because it really matters. I'm sufficiently attuned to my own psychology to know that if I oe'd the lord version of a unit with an attack value as high as avant's when offered the possibility of oeing a breaker version, it'd annoy me until the unit reached the point of obsolescence, and that'll be quite a long time. And I doubt i'm alone.

Luckily my only avant is already a breaker.

Leto Eu`Acumen

I'd go with the breaker avant. Taking the long term approach, some imps and crystals to level the new one from 6 to maxed 7 is maybe 2 days of energy spent on imp dungeons and metal parades, but you're going to be using that avant for probably 2-4 months, so go with the superior type. Another option is to raise both, and go with different SP builds. I don't think Avant's SP options are compelling enough to want duplicates, so I'd probably just raise the breaker and keep the lord type in cold storage.
I'd go with the breaker too, but not because it really matters. I'm sufficiently attuned to my own psychology to know that if I oe'd the lord version of a unit with an attack value as high as avant's when offered the possibility of oeing a breaker version, it'd annoy me until the unit reached the point of obsolescence, and that'll be quite a long time. And I doubt i'm alone.

Luckily my only avant is already a breaker.
Thanks Guys. That's what I'm going to go with....It's the right call, just a bitter pill to swallow lol

First thing I did after logging in this morning was to A) Evolve Krantz to "Glorious Hero" like the Boss he is....and B) Evolve 6-star Breaker Avant to 7-star and start dumping Imp's on him so I have no excuses to look back lol. Need a SHS and Evo dungeons like nobodies business though.....they can't come soon enough o_O

I'm really diggin' the Enhancements/SP system, although I'm gonna be stingy with my SP spending on it. I have a crapload of Burst Emps sitting around, but they'll go quick if I try to max everybody out.

Seriously considering raising up a Guardian Atro for his Tri-stat Buff and BB Management. Trying to rebuild a good Raid group, but having difficulty getting all the pieces to fit together. Up until Avant and Krantz this morning, I basically only had Starter Omni's and outdated 7-stars to work with. Considering that the Starter Omni's have been out for...3'ish months already? I'm hesitant to dump too much into them as they are destined to be outdated sooner rather than later. Krantz just killed Magress this morning (may he R.I.P., poor bastard lol) Going to keep tinkering with it though, I'll have a better view of my own landscape after the next SHS.