Breaking Bad


people probably hate skyler because she comes across as callous at times, but i don't think their dynamic is boring at all. the only thing i don't like about the show is the timeline of events. there's no way all this stuff happens within a year.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I'm not sure if Walt's self-destructive behaviors are there because of lazy writing to create drama or genius to make Walt interesting.
It's the former. The whole initial thing is cheesy and would never happen in the real world. That said, the writing on this show is great generally, so I can overlook a little cheese once in a while.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yep, but I think one of the points was that we were misogynists (instead of the writers I suppose) for thinking Skyler is a turbocunt. Skyler sucks, hard. So much fat, jaw, and bitching.
Yeah, and I still think it is misogyny for the most part. A similar male character would not be judged near as harshly, and there is a pattern of female characters across many shows being treated much the same way. I don't know where this stuff stems from, but I do not believe it is the writing. Overall I think her character is believably written and the actress portrays her as the writers intended. But she isn't our drug-dealing child-murdering hero so we don't sympathize with her.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The hypocrisy of calling the writers misogynists...the discussion thread for every major series is full of anti-female character hate, it's almost as tiresome as the unchecked volcano of racism that is the Zimmerman thread
I don't read many tv show threads here but I do read the GoT and walking dead thread and the well written women characters in it are pretty beloved and the average written ones are accepted. The exception to that is Andrea from TWD, Catelyn Stark from asoiaf and Skyler from Breaking Bad. And guess what, they're all basically the same person. It's like the writer's individually sat down to think of a character and thought, "I'm going to model this out of everything I hate about women."

I don't know anything about the writers of either of those tv shows, but I do know that I love strong women and well written female characters. And that the female characters I hate are balls of dumb-bitch stereotypes.

As to Chaos' point that if it were a man doing it instead of a woman we'd all be more accepting, it's tough to say because I don't know what the male version of Skylar would be. The closest we have is Walt Jr but he's nothing like Skylar since he isn't a hateful pudge of spite even if he's constantly pissed at both of his parents for being horrible people.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Nerds only like women that act like men. If you find a female character that is popular on this board it's because she carries a sword and kills people. When they act like real women, everyone here hates them. We've been through this all before of course.


Buzzfeed Editor
It's like the writer's individually sat down to think of a character and thought, "I'm going to model this out of everything I hate about women."
I don't see that. Really, if anything I think Skylar's reaction to all of this shit happening in the span of a couple of months was pretty reserved. I think she served to highlight the hypocrisy that lives in a lot of people regarding issues like these and that is something the writers wanted to explore. She and the fan reaction to her remind me of Betty from Mad Men, people seem to have the irrational hatred of their characters. Maybe because they work counter to our "hero" so that pisses us off, they are an obstacle, I don't know. Last time I brought this up with Mad Men, Lithose berated me for pages about how wrong I am, but whatever, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK LITHOSE.


Musty Nester
It's not misogyny to dislike an intentionally bland character whose only defining characteristic is being a turbocunt. It's misogyny to write a character who's sole characteristic is being a turbocunt.

We all know a few turbocunts IRL. Well, I assume. I know three. Do you dislike them because they're women, or because they're turbocunts?

Same thing.

I've seen plenty of male characters "like" skylar -- but they're short shot devices, not full on supporting characters. And they've even tried to turn skylar into a main character if you credit the arcs and screentime given to her.

It's acceptable, I'll watch the second half of the last season. But it's really not good. Of course then again it's free -- so bang for my buck even with Skylar's lacklusterness is quite good.


Buzzfeed Editor
Nerds only like women that act like men. If you find a female character that is popular on this board it's because she carries a sword and kills people. When they act like real women, everyone here hates them. We've been through this all before of course.
This is exactly how the conversation went before. Now, tell me what makes a "real woman", what traits define them as opposed to male characters. Last time, you guys essentially assigned every trait that was good (Rationality, critical thinking ect) to "masculine", while assigning a bunch of weak/flaws to "female" characteristics. But somehow you're not the misogynists for believing that because a woman wields a sword, she is "acting like a man." (Just think about that for a minute).

Give me a break.

Skylar isn't liked because she is written like an irrational, hypocritical, shallow and ultimately weak character. Almost every course of action she has taken to resolve her dilemmas has been poorly thought out, completely ineffective and completely absent any critical thought to consequence. The writers do this because the trope of assigning women these qualities is accepted as what is inherently female. It is the epitome of misogyny.


Buzzfeed Editor
It's not misogyny to dislike an intentionally bland character whose only defining characteristic is being a turbocunt. It's misogyny to write a character who's sole characteristic is being a turbocunt.

We all know a few turbocunts IRL. Well, I assume. I know three. Do you dislike them because they're women, or because they're turbocunts?

Same thing.


It is definitely misogyny to boil down a female character to a single base aspect, ignoring the further years of character development.


Buzzfeed Editor
This is exactly how the conversation went before. Now, tell me what makes a "real woman", what traits define them as opposed to male characters. Last time, you guys essentially assigned every trait that was good (Rationality, critical thinking ect) to "masculine", while assigning a bunch of weak/flaws to "female" characteristics. But somehow you're not the misogynists for believing that because a woman wields a sword, she is "acting like a man." (Just think about that for a minute).

Give me a break.

Skylar isn't liked because she is written like an irrational, hypocritical, shallow and ultimately weak character. Almost every course of action she has taken to resolve her dilemmas has been poorly thought out, completely ineffective and completely absent any critical thought to consequence. The writers do this because the trope of assigning women these qualities is accepted as what is inherently female. It is the epitome of misogyny.
I wouldn't say "real woman" I would say "real person." It isn't as if she is the only one on the show to make poor decisions, shit, if you made that same statement about thinking out dilemmas about Walt or Jesse it would be mostly correct.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't see that. Really, if anything I think Skylar's reaction to all of this shit happening in the span of a couple of months was pretty reserved. I think she served to highlight the hypocrisy that lives in a lot of people regarding issues like these and that is something the writers wanted to explore. She and the fan reaction to her remind me of Betty from Mad Men, people seem to have the irrational hatred of their characters. Maybe because they work counter to our "hero" so that pisses us off, they are an obstacle, I don't know. Last time I brought this up with Mad Men, Lithose berated me for pages about how wrong I am, but whatever, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK LITHOSE.
I was actually going to respond a little while ago with. (BEFORE Brutal's post)

"Watch, the next post is going to be how we only like females because they are written like men."

I didn't though, meh, because I'm slammed in work, lol.

But on the whole, this conversation went the exact same way last time. And we dissected pretty well how Skylar's reactions, while having a rational origination, were handled with the ineptness you'd find in a high functioning chimp. And somehow, those qualities, the inability to doanythingright, ironically, except for when she acted like a bimbo/idiot (I can't make this up, remember the IRS scene) are just "inherent female qualities".

But somehow when we point to characters like Joan, who are very feminine, but also loved here, we are still assigning male traits because Joan is ultimately extremely rational. It really comes down to a deeper perception of women. Most "feminists" on here view them as inherently weaker. As if their irrationality is an obvious side effect of them having a vagina, and if you dislike that irrationality, you're just a super-secret chauvinist!

So obviously the only reason Peggy, Arya, Joan, Ava Crowder (Justified) and a slew of other strong female characters are enjoyed is because we believe their strength comes from fictional penis placement in the writing. It's so absurd that it almost boggles the mind that otherwise rational posters feel this way.


Buzzfeed Editor
The IRS scene was complete retardation, granted. THAT was poor writing. I get what they wanted to show with Skylar abandoning her intellectualism and putting on a facade or whatever, but it was just hard to watch.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Nerds only like women that act like men. If you find a female character that is popular on this board it's because she carries a sword and kills people. When they act like real women, everyone here hates them. We've been through this all before of course.
Lithose already beat the shit out of this argument before I could get to it, but yeah. You're putting women in a box defined by negative stereotypes and then saying that women who exist outside that box are acting like men.


Buzzfeed Editor
I wouldn't say "real woman" I would say "real person." It isn't as if she is the only one on the show to make poor decisions, shit, if you made that same statement about thinking out dilemmas about Walt or Jesse it would be mostly correct.
I wish this was still FoH, remember, I got into huge thread destroying debates with how Jesse was being a douche in Season 4, so yeah, I'm absolutely hard even on well liked male characters (I also posted about how shitty Rogers reaction was at the end of Mad Men.)...But the fact is, male characters tend to make those "god that was stupid" mistakes a lot less.

Typically, "male character" mistakes happen because a foil of equal intelligence stops them, forces the mistake in an otherwise rational plan. Women characters though, are often written so the very weight of their bad decision brings to fruition the consequence of their mistake. It's a very different form of bad decision. One is like watching someone lose a game of chess, the other is like watching someone lick lead off old chess pieces. Both people "lost", but it's a very different form of losing.

Women are written poorly more, because it seems like we expect them to make thesekindsof mistakes. When women aren't written like that, when they are written with some major critical thinking skills, they are said to be "written like men".


Musty Nester
How is she even a developed one?

How is Skylar any different in her "I guess I'll just go drown myself in the pool" episode than she is in episode 1. The character is entirely flat. She only shows a hint of being examined twice. Shut up and I fucked Ted are her best lines for a reason.


Buzzfeed Editor
Bro, if you think storage room full of money Skylar is the same as episode 1 henpeck my husband Skylar, you either aren't paying attention or just don't care. Just because you don't like the character doesn't mean she hasn't been developed and given depth.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
How is she even a developed one?

How is Skylar any different in her "I guess I'll just go drown myself in the pool" episode than she is in episode 1. The character is entirely flat. She only shows a hint of being examined twice. Shut up and I fucked Ted are her best lines for a reason.
She was only pretending to drown herself, she wanted an excuse to get the kids away from Walt.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
i enjoy watching cunts and hating them. y'all can go watch twilight or women empowerment shows (go watch mad men kkk). i honestly don't give a fuck. this show isn't about fucking skyler. it's about walter and jesse. i don't expect them to fully develop skyler. they can run on typical tropes all they want.

EDIT: by lithose's definition of misogyny, same effect, though, men acting like pussy (women) and insulting them for being a women is a misandry against him. it's okay for women to flee and act weak but not men? is it more right for women to be seen weaker but not men? any definition of gender role will have this attribute and it is pretty unavoidable. it goes for both genders.

and i don't see that as a problem. some people may hate it, but i don't. these expectations give me something to hate and enjoy. i don't expect everything to be a masterpiece.

lithose_sl said:
Women are written poorly more, because it seems like we expect them to make these kinds of mistakes. When women aren't written like that, when they are written with some major critical thinking skills, they are said to be "written like men".
yeh, but if you look at other shows, it shows that women are illustrated as smart, well thinking individuals while men are portrayed as bumbling fools. it's not really simple as you make it.


Buzzfeed Editor
yeh, but if you look at other shows, it shows that women are illustrated as smart, well thinking individuals while men are portrayed as bumbling fools. it's not really simple as you make it.
Not trying to argue, but not sure what you're trying to say here. I agree, there is some massive bias against men in commercials and a lot of comedy in general. But they are written with different goals, meant to appeal to different consumer markets. Like the article says, commercials are written for women--and I think most commercials have a huge "anti-male" bias, to the point of being terrible sometimes. Like how violence against men is a funny outcome because the man buys his wife a vacuum. I mean, imagine seeing a commercial where a woman winds up in the hospital because the man opened a power saw for Christmas, but that commercial actually exists--except it was a woman who got an iron, and the man was in the hospital. (I suppose spousal abuse is funny when it's men being burned with irons)

But those are mostly comedy and targeted at specific, mostly female audiences. I'd say it's hard to judge the standards of one medium (Drama), as with another (Comedy, targeted specifically at women). But yeah, absolutely commercials are ridiculously misandric, and short comedies tend to be also. In Drama though, "cheap" drama fromdumbdecisions? Tends to flow from women.

With some major exceptions, Justified, for example, doesn't really ever use the women=dumb/weak trope. Also, you could argue GoT season 1, Ned was the source of bad choices. But that was pointed out, heavily, by the S1 thread--so again, the point stands, I don't think the audience is being sexist by calling this shit out, because people took Ned through the ringer for derping, I just think it's more consistently written into women characters, so we tend to see it more as a reaction to certain female characters. (Like Cat was essentially Ned, but for three damn seasons.)

Which was the point. Can you say the audience is being sexist for hating on a disproportionate amount of female characters? Or are female characters disproportionately written to be sources of stupid, irrational and short sighted decisions? I'm firmly in thelattercamp.