Business Ethics - Companies that you refuse to do business with


Trakanon Raider
Curious to hear what companies people refuse to do business with. This would be either because of their ethics, treatment of workers, environment, etc.

I refuse to fill up at BP after the spill. I'll go the extra mile or across the street for .10 cents more. I doubt this makes any real difference but I'll never give them a dime.

It seems like everyone I know has a certain company that they refuse to step foot in. Interested in hearing the community opinion.


Trakanon Raider
I don't go to BP either, but they aren't any cheaper than the other places around here. There are a few automotive repair businesses I avoid from bad past experiences.

I try to avoid Walmart but convenience gets to me sometimes.

Edit: Also I can't remember which bank it is now, but I try to avoid the really big banks because they always seem to dick you around. Lastly, my girlfriend had bought furniture and was paying monthly and the place always messed up the payments, charging more, and repeatedly did it. I can't remember the name but I'm sure she will never forget how annoying it was.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I thought I remembered reading something about how the franchise gas station you end up going to his almost nothing to do with the source of the gas. They basically pool it all so you have no choice in which oil company you support.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I've never avoided a company on ethical grounds. For me price, convenience, and quality are the only deciding factors in whether or not I'm a customer.

For example, I like to buy American when possible, but if there is a cheaper, relatively comparable version from China sitting next to it on the shelf, I'll most likely go with the Chinese one.


Silver Squire
Only thing I try to do is buy locally when possible. I use amazon and have prime but I do try to support local stores if they match prices or even if its close to the amazon price. Threshold depends on the item price.

Walmart is also a stop of last resort.


Got something right about marriage
Walmart is the biggest one for me

LG is the other big one. I had the shadiest experience with their customer service over a blu-ray player. Automated customer service messages pretending they couldn't hear me and hanging up, claiming they don't create the firmware for the player and that I need to get that from newegg (where I bought it), trying to pretend it wasn't actually a blu-ray player... crazy shit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Dell, because every Dell product we've bought has broken down within a year.

Nestle, because they watered down their infant products in third world countries and killed thousands of babies from malnutrition. They've apologized but there's no way my babies are drinking their formula.


Trakanon Raider
Walmart, Wells Fargo, chase bank, target and taco Del mar to just name a few. All of them because they are shitty businesses except taco Dell mar, they just fucked me over once and I'll never forget it.


Deus Vult
While i have to use them because of a quality monopoly comcast are some shady fucks and i would prefer to never give them a dime. Bank of America is pretty bad as well.


Unelected Mod
I can't think of any place I skip because of hipster bullshit, but I mainly buy online. If I have to go to a store for necessities, it is Wal-mart because the prices are cheap.


Trakanon Raider
I avoid Wal-Mart if only because I don't like associating with the dregs of society. That said, the clientele has improved, at least as far as I've noticed. When the first Wal-Mart opened here, it was out in the boondocks near a trailer park, so it was full of absolute filth. Now they've got more central locations and it's become more socially acceptable to shop there, so you see some actual normal, functioning human beings when you go there. Full disclosure: I've been to one approximately 5 times in my life.

Otherwise I do try to support local or independent businesses when I can. Not to the exclusion of others, or to my own detriment if I'd end up paying way more for the same thing. I don't have any huge ideological hangups about business or corporations, I'd just rather support the little guy over the behemoths is all. In general I will also tend to avoid ultra successful brands for clothing and the like as well, again if only because I don't want Nike to rule the world or whatever.

I can't really think of any specific companies I've boycotted or avoided because of ethics or the environment. In general I don't think that consumer choices can make much of an impact 95% of the time, although there are some exceptions. I think people's time and energy is far better spent on electing politicians and lobbying governments to enact regulations and the like to fix market failures. Consumer action often ends up resulting in bullshit "greenwashing" that doesn't end up making much difference in the end.

As far as businesses my company won't do business with, primarily we won't do business with people we know we'll have difficulty getting paid by. I was going to say because of that we don't work for people of Indian or similar descent, but that's not true. We're just extremely careful with them! Probably half our work right now is for Indian developers, some more tight fisted than others. I don't care if it's racist, it's a goddamn fact that Indians are cheap as hell and take a dim view to honoring contractual payment terms.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I don't avoid any companies due to ethics. I don't have the time or energy to vet bad stories of businesses I might frequent and don't believe in being unevenly distraught at business practices by companies A, B and C when D-Z probably have shady shit going on too.

Personally I'm not big on brand names in general, I care about the product, not the name on it and with how free information is these days staying loyal to a product because the last one you got happened to be good isn't as wise.


Golden Knight of the Realm

Because fuck Howard Schultz for selling the Sonics.


<Gold Donor>
I don't avoid any due to ethics or hippie save the earth reasons either. If Wal-Mart has the cheapest price, I'm getting it from fucking Wal-Mart. However, I'm also lazy as fuck, so chances are that I will just sit here at work and search for it on Amazon, and if the price looks ok I'll just order it and have it here, at work, in two days or less.

I do, however, avoid a few companies due to bad service or just terrible experiences in general. Wells Fargo and Bank of America are top of that list. There are a few others, but most of them are local and wouldn't mean anything to anyone. But they have to piss me off pretty badly for me to refuse to buy their products, no matter who they are. I typically avoid every single thing Apple if I can, but I still have an iPod because it was the best product at the time.

On the other hand, I have a few manufacturers that I have had nothing but fabulous experiences with, and will choose their brand over any others regardless of (somewhat comparable) price. Yamaha receivers top that list.