Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
There you are with the fucking creep again. It is 11.4 for first term and I closed the window but I think it was something like 7.x% for second term. How many of those are the same responder we don't know and we should because it matters.

Teenage girls are pressured into sex by teenage boys, sometimes even forcefully? WELL GOSH. YOU DON'T SAY.
Right, so you didn't even bother to read the study at all.

483 women entering the college were surveyed, then followup surveys were performed on that same sample every 4 months, for a total of 1 baseline measurement and 3 measurements after 3 interval periods.

I'm not overstating anything and I know very well what I'm talking about and you clearly do not.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
How is it that a study narrows the definition of rape down from the ridiculous parameters of the previous study, yet come up with almost the same number? Honest question. Yes, I know it was a different sample population
I'm thinking its a pretty fucking rapey campus! Explains why they can't name the college, there's no way they would want their name attached to this. These numbers are fucking bad.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Its unrealistic to expect people to sit there and say shit like "I would like to have consensual sexual relations with you, would you be amenable to such a proposition? If so, please sign these forms in triplicate indicating your desire to engage in sexual intercourse with me."

You can tell the people who think that explicit affirmative consent should also be requested and given prior to sexual contact have virtually no social skills, and certainly no sex life.

I've been in the same relationship a long long time. My wife and I were living together, essentially as run aways, for over three months, and had been in a relationship with one another for a total of six months, before we had sex. That was because I respected that she was still young and insecure about sex, and didn't force it on her in any way, but I have NEVER in my life gotten explicit "Affirmative consent" to have sex with her.

It just does not fucking work that way. In fact, I'd say its the fastest way to completely ruin the mood and bring a halt to any sexual encounter I can think of.

I'm not even sure how an assertion of explicit affirmative consent could hold up in court in a rape trial anyway, without a video proof or some sort of signed document. You're talking about essentially entering into a verbal contract, where if the case were to go to court, you'd just have a he said she said situation anyway. The male says he asked for and received verbal consent, she denies it. How can anyone tell who is telling the truth without a 3rd party confirming the action, be it a witness, a written contract, or a video. Its asinine.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Will I need a physical signature, or can I obtain an eSignature for consent? I think I should get the Note 5 next since it has the stylus and all...


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
"Hey baby, you so fine, I wanna have sex, but before we do I need a photocopy of your current driver's license, and this form notarized and signed in triplicate. Thanks. Now that that's all taken care of, I sure hope you're still in the mood, cause I know I am!"

Its almost comical. I mean its like a scene from a goddamn shitty American Pie style movie or some shit.


Unelected Mod
Less rapes is not a dystopian nightmare.

Literally what is the worst that could happen if everyone respected affirmative consent? Less sex?
We get it.

You don't want people to have sex.
You don't want people to drink.
You don't want people to have fun.

Fuck you are one miserable person. I hope your mom outlives you and makes your life fucking miserable the entire time. You deserve it for doing your best to make everyone else's life miserable.


Molten Core Raider
This American Life had a story on this this past weekend.

Birds Bees | This American Life

The parts that struck me were How many times - how often - must express verbal consent be asked for/given? And, we seem to be trying to train guys to constantly get consent, rather than teaching women how to protect themselves against rape.

This kind of workshop was repeated in classrooms all across campus here and throughout the country in the last year. College administrators are panicked about sexual assault, as they should be. So they're turning to this kind of education as the answer instead of mostly focusing on protecting women, things like rape whistles or travel with a buddy programs.They also want to teach men actual sentences to say. Do you like this? Can I kiss you? But the students here are struggling with the basic premise.
They have to learn to speak in this new way because if you don't you're a rapist? Because it's just more virtuous? They have questions right from the start.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Yesterday morning, I was raped.

My wife grabbed my cock when we woke up, and started sucking on it, then hopped on it and started riding it.

I was never asked by her whether I was DTF or not.

Should I contact a lawyer and the police Mist?

My point is your desire is unrealistic. You have some weird social hang up about sex and sexuality that isn't normal. I like you as a poster on here, but this rape stuff and absolutism in regards to informed consent is nonsense.

Now, if a girl explicitly says "No" that's an entire other barrel of fish to fry. But if you're both making out, getting hot, clothes are coming off, that is informed fucking consent unless she says to stop or that she doesn't want to go past X point, or whatever. Communication is important, yes, but not explicit, absolutist informed consent in every situation. It just does not work that way.

Humans are fundamentally animals, and when they're all hot and shit, informed consent is the last thing they are thinking about or worried about.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
This American Life had a story on this this past weekend.

Birds Bees | This American Life
The parts that struck me were How many times - how often - must express verbal consent be asked for/given? And, we seem to be trying to train guys to constantly get consent, rather than teaching women how to protect themselves against rape.
The complete lack of potential victim education is a serious problem, and one that should definitely be addressed first before going into this affirmative consent stuff.

The first minute of college orientation should include a pamphlet + video that says "DON'T GO TO FRAT HOUSES AND GET DRUNK UNLESS YOU'RE REALLY ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT GETTING RAPED."

That said, I still don't see the practical downside of teaching people to be a little extra cautious and respectful of their partner's wishes rather than trying to pressure them to do something they might not want to do.

I mean, dudes don't like it when girls constantly and annoyingly pressure them into giving them money. You should claim wallet rape if you didn't consent to such pestering.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yesterday morning, I was raped.

My wife grabbed my cock when we woke up, and started sucking on it, then hopped on it and started riding it.

I was never asked by her whether I was DTF or not.

Should I contact a lawyer and the police Mist?

My point is your desire is unrealistic. You have some weird social hang up about sex and sexuality that isn't normal. I like you as a poster on here, but this rape stuff and absolutism in regards to informed consent is nonsense.

Now, if a girl explicitly says "No" that's an entire other barrel of fish to fry. But if you're both making out, getting hot, clothes are coming off, that is informed fucking consent unless she says to stop or that she doesn't want to go past X point, or whatever. Communication is important, yes, but not explicit, absolutist informed consent in every situation. It just does not work that way.

Humans are fundamentally animals, and when they're all hot and shit, informed consent is the last thing they are thinking about or worried about.
I don't actually think affirmative consent is a good idea, and I also don't really care about it. I'm just theorycrafting what are the actual problems with it?

Things I actually care about are: the amount of actual rapey rapes going on and the various reasons they go unreported. And that goes for both genders.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
That said, I still don't see the practical downside of teaching people to be a little extra cautious and respectful of their partner's wishes rather than trying to pressure them to do something they might not want to do.
That's a lot different, and more reasonable, than the absolutist statement you made before.

Of course people should be more respectful of their partner's wishes and not pressure them to do things they don't wanna do.

There's lots of things people should do, and should not do, and education is important.

Its just that the absolutism of academia on this informed consent stuff is unrealistic in the way they push it, as unrealistic, in the exact same ways even, as the Conservative Christian abstinence only education movements have been.

Human behavior patterns need to be accounted for somewhere when designing these educational standards, rather than inventing contrivances that bear absolutely no similarity to how reality actually works.

I don't actually think affirmative consent is a good idea, and I also don't really care about it. I'm just theorycrafting what are the actual problems with it?

Things I actually care about are: the amount of actual rapey rapes going on and the various reasons they go unreported. And that goes for both genders.
Sure, and that's fine. Actual rape should be a real concern, especially on campuses and whatnot.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Frat houses should just be required to hand out rape waivers at the door during parties. If you don't consent to being potentially raped they should have to turn you away.

I'd be really interested in seeing how many sign anyway.