Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


<Gold Donor>
There is also another fucked up law in some states, not sure which, but when a chick gets pregnant and has the baby, she can put down any name for the daddy she wants, so lets say Bob is a nice rich local dude and she puts his name on the birth certificate. Then the state has to notify the father, and he can refute this by a paternity test. But lets say Bob does not check his mail, or simply overlooks it, or sees it and does not understand it or whatever, he is now the daddy of the baby which is required to pay child support.


Mr. Poopybutthole
How is that wrong on his part? I had a 15 year old girlfriend when I was in 17 High School. There is nothing wrong with it at all and it was not uncommon. Perusing legal action is some seriously messed up shit.
I learned from the latest Transformers movie that at least one state has a grandfather clause where if the relationship was legal when it began, it remains legal after the older partner turns 18. I assume that joke had to have been based on a real law and not just conjured up out of nothing.


Trakanon Raider
I learned from the latest Transformers movie that at least one state has a grandfather clause where if the relationship was legal when it began, it remains legal after the older partner turns 18. I assume that joke had to have been based on a real law and not just conjured up out of nothing.
Isn't it pretty goddamn simple to have a clause in the law that states something to the effect of "if the older relationship participant is within X number of years of age of the younger, this statute does not apply"? I'm almost positive that when Canada raised the age of consent from 14 to 16 back in 2008 (FUCK YOU HARPER), that's pretty much what they did:Age of consent reform in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In June 2006, the Canadian government proposed a bill to raise the age of consent from 14 to 16, while creating a close-in-age exemption for sex between 14-15 year olds and partners up to 5 years older, and keeping an existing close-in-age clause for sex between 12-13 year olds and partners up to 2 years older.
That seems pretty goddamn reasonable to me. I don't know if I'm thrilled with the idea of a dude at 19 banging a 14 year old girl, but it's not absolutely ridiculous either.

Apparently we'd left it at 14 since 1890. Nice.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
It does, the laws are exactly like that, but there is a floor, a number that it doesn't matter what the age difference is, the result is statuory considered rape. For example, Florida you can date a girls that is under age, 16,17, if you are under 23. You can not however, touch a girl under 16, even if you are 18.


Got something right about marriage
It does, the laws are exactly like that, but there is a floor, a number that it doesn't matter what the age difference is, the result is statuory considered rape. For example, Florida you can date a girls that is under age, 16,17, if you are under 23. You can not however, touch a girl under 16, even if you are 18.
That was Eomer's point. It makes no sense to have an absolute floor. An 18 year old should not become a sex offender for having sex with a 16 year old. That's ludicrous.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Like it or not, we draw those hard lines in several places in society. Driving age, drinking age, voting age, and so on. In the pre- information age it was not as big of a deal because it was not as obvious that kids were banging, but in the era of dick picks and sexting nothing ever gets kept on the down low.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Mrs Adebisi is cooking dinner for the family for the fist time in months. I'm such a misogynist.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
That was Eomer's point. It makes no sense to have an absolute floor. An 18 year old should not become a sex offender for having sex with a 16 year old. That's ludicrous.
Did you read what i said? 18 and 16 is fine, 18 and 15 is not!!!! If you are 18 wait until she has her sweet 16 party, then plow it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
My dad was 25 and my mom was 16. I'm kinda glad he didn't get nailed with a statutory rape charge seeing as how they had their 33rd anniversary this year.


Murder Apologist
There's gotta be some kinda pedantic reasoning behind that. The prosecutor has a giant pile of potential cases and finite resources to pursue the republic's interest, so somewhere in there they thought "this'll strike a blow against XXXX". Whatever XXXX may be.


what Suineg set it to
Since this thread was talking about dumb laws, check this out.Girl is charged with making child porn...of herself.(16 year old girl took nude selfie for her bf, since she made a digital image of her own underage body--she committed a crime. Holyfuck. This country and fucking sex, man.)
Frankly I'm more surprised they charged a girl.

lol this quote:
The girl was listed on a warrant as both the adult perpetrator and the minor victimof two counts of sexual exploitation of minor - second-degree exploitation for making her photo and third-degree exploitation for having her photo in her possession.
Oh wait, of course:
The Fayetteville girl, Brianna Denson, was sexting with her boyfriend, Cormega Zyon Copening, the Sheriff's Office said. The agency hit Copening with five sexual exploitation of a minor charges - four for making and possessing two sexually explicit pictures of himself and the last for possessing a copy of the picture that Denson made for him.
He's like a quadruple rapist/victim/child pornographer/sadist/something/something/darkside...


Potato del Grande
There is also another fucked up law in some states, not sure which, but when a chick gets pregnant and has the baby, she can put down any name for the daddy she wants, so lets say Bob is a nice rich local dude and she puts his name on the birth certificate. Then the state has to notify the father, and he can refute this by a paternity test. But lets say Bob does not check his mail, or simply overlooks it, or sees it and does not understand it or whatever, he is now the daddy of the baby which is required to pay child support.
I'm seeing a potential career for myself if I can figure out which state this is...


Musty Nester
There's gotta be some kinda pedantic reasoning behind that. The prosecutor has a giant pile of potential cases and finite resources to pursue the republic's interest, so somewhere in there they thought "this'll strike a blow against XXXX". Whatever XXXX may be.
I wonder if they took the case because things like this are popping up more and more frequently and they are, I think obviously and somewhat self-evidently, absurd. BUT the law is the law and the DA is not the lawmaker. So you throw a couple of these cases against a jury and see if they nullify -- so that we get laws which are more cognizant of current technologies.


Musty Nester
But I dunno. You don't get ahead in life as a DA by losing cases. So I doubt it. I bet there were just some "concerned parents" that wouldn't shut up and probably think that if you start throwing adolescent boys and girls in jail they can stem the tide.

It's never worked but I guess there's always a first time.


Trakanon Raider
For the most part, I've only ever skimmed the SJW threads and discussions here. I have pretty much zero personal stake in the topic, being that I'm a rich, white, male shitlord. Life's good, you know? Unfortunately though, I just got dragged in to one in real life. Or at least, it's finally affected someone I know.

A good friend of mine, who is a lesbian, joined the board of an LBGAYTLKJDASFOIUY outreach organization. Primarily to get volunteer board experience. Her and her wife have never really been huge in to the LGBWLKJESTOIU community. I mean, yeah, they got fat after they left their husbands for each other, but otherwise don't really play the part of bull dykes. They're pretty normal. In any case, this organization I guess started up a program to reach out to LJAGLKHSDGLJKH people "of color". TLDR: a bunch of non-white people in this new program are now basically in the process of completely destroying the entire organization because reasons. My friend called to ask me to put her in touch with my sister, who is a lawyer, because she is concerned that she's going to get her ass sued off or be dragged in front of a human rights tribunal because of the shit storm.

I'm reading through the most recent meeting minutes, which were kept by the people "of color" (POC, apparently, fuck they love their acronyms), and it's just fucking loony tunes. Holy shit. My mind is totally blown right now. The whole thing would be hilarious to me were it not severely affecting my friend, who has barely slept the past week, was bawling on the phone, and most importantly, only ever got in to this shit with the best of intentions but is now looking at possibly having her life turned upside down because of some shit that I can't even figure out. Basically, it would appear that the brown people will not be satisfied until every white person is out of the organization, or the organization itself collapses. Already the majority of the board has resigned, along with the executive director, because shit has gone crazy town and they want nothing to do with it. Unfortunately my friend was naive enough to hang around in the hopes that she could help be part of the solution.

But I guess that's the problem, isn't it? These fucking people don't want a solution. They want to go through life being professional victims. It's so fucked up.