Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Vyemm Raider
Plot twist plot twist: They just openly fuck each other in the change rooms now.

What a time to be alive.


What do you mean? Theydidwin! They weren't trying to pander to feminists, they were trying to sell toys to girls, and they were very successful.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
What do you mean? Theydidwin! They weren't trying to pander to feminists, they were trying to sell toys to girls, and they were very successful.
Obviously, shit for brains, he means they can't win with feminists.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
The feminists who try to pressure companies to change economic models for businesses like "gamers don't have to be your audience"


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah, basically if 3rd wave Feminists actually knew anything about real world economics, they wouldn't have gender studies degrees and six digit student loan debt. Using that group of people as a source of market advice is as dumb as asking Mist for relationship advice.


Avatar of War Slayer
Producers Don't Dictate to Consumers

Now, the source of the misunderstanding here is apparent. The activists think that Lego is responsible for deciding what girls should want because - like many people who don't understand how markets work - they think that producers dictate to consumers what to buy.
The idea at work here is that girls will buy and like whatever it is that Lego Corp. wants to market to them. Thus, by extension, it is Lego's job to fight culture wars and tell girls what the "correct" play experience is.

But it doesn't work that way. Companies make money by selling what people want. At the same time, companies that make products few people like will ultimately fail, no matter how many commercials they put on the television.

Consumers Decide What Is Produced

After all, if people will buy whatever they're told to buy, then why not just spend nearly 100 percent of the toy company's budget on marketing and advertising? The rest can go to making a low-quality product. If it breaks easily or turns out to be no fun, then that's all the better because then they'll just buy another one because an ad told them to.

If a slick ad campaign is all that is necessary to make someone like a product, just make a slick ad showing the sub-par product in a good light. People will just keep on buying it because the advertisements say so.

Everyone instinctively knows this is not true, though. McDonald's can run TV commercials all day long, but that, apparently, isn't enough to keep people buying Mickey D's food at the price the company prefers. Subway can repeat the "eat fresh" mantra, but that won't keep sales from slipping, as they have been doing for several years.

And if we'll buy whatever toy makers tell us to buy, why aren't children playing with the same toys they were playing with thirty years ago? It costs money to develop new toy lines and design new sets. Why go through the trouble of creating new toys, when it's possible to make customers like your products by just running ads for existing ones?

The reason for this, as Murray Rothbard observed long ago, is that every consumer has the ability to simply refuse to purchase what she's asked to buy for whatever reason or whim she deems important. Ludwig von Mises called this "consumer sovereignty."

Even more frustrating to producers is the fact that consumer preferences change constantly due to a variety of - often inscrutable - factors far beyond the control of marketers and producers. Producers thus have a choice: adapt to changing customer preferences, or die.
I feel like I should cross post this in the Oscar thread...


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
This is ultimately why what the 3rd wavers/blue hairs want amounts to censorship. They are too fucking lazy to correct the perceived problem where it exists (the population at large) and so are just attacking and attempting to shut down the sources of offending (to them) material that there is demand for (e.g. Video games, any entertainment with white dudes in it, ect.) at the source. Even if you bought into their bullshit premise of toxic masculinity, or whatever buzzword they are groupthinking in twitter on a given week, their methodology is completely fucked. If they had bothered to read history, prohibition or even the first wave of feminism could have educated them to that simple truth.

Interestingly enough, this is also how most organized religions push their agenda and expand their influence; by banning shit and going after symptom instead of cause.


Murder Apologist
It's really way simpler than all that. Basically women are fucking crazy. It's not just the bluehair SJW's either.

Throwing women into STEM won't un-crazy them.

Case in point, /pol/ just found this faintly smashable Indian neurologist in a highly respected research hospital...


and what does she do for fun?



It's really way simpler than all that. Basically women are fucking crazy. It's not just the bluehair SJW's either.

Throwing women into STEM won't un-crazy them.

Case in point, /pol/ just found this faintly smashable Indian neurologist in a highly respected research hospital...


and what does she do for fun?



Murder Apologist
See there you go trying to fit a crazy hormonal feminist tetrahedon peg into a LOGICAL square hole.


Trump's Staff
Sorry, JEEZ. I thought you were making a point instead of just being a hand-wringing busybody. Carry on.
Back to that tired old line, eh?

Guys! Dropping one liners in an enclosed anonymous forum makes you a handwringing busybody! Give me a fucking break.