Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Ssraeszha Raider
Like whatsisface said, I didn't get Hodj RRPed. He couldn't stand being wrong about something, so he spiraled into a self-induced dementia that was beyond grating to everyone around him and it got him shitcanned. You've got a ways to go before you can approach the levels of self-delusion and obnoxiousness he put on display that day, but you're certainly on the right path.
I know I have a ways to go. For starters, I'd actually have to be wrong. Notice how you keep deflecting from the main point of the argument, where you treat women like children? You are the one who said "he" gets "her" drunk. Now why don't you go ahead and explain yourself, asshole. How does "he" get "her" drunk? Is she not making her own decisions? Is he in charge of her?


I know I have a ways to go. For starters, I'd actually have to be wrong. Notice how you keep deflecting from the main point of the argument, where you treat women like children? You are the one who said "he" gets "her" drunk. Now why don't you go ahead and explain yourself, asshole. How does "he" get "her" drunk? Is she not making her own decisions? Is he in charge of her?
Is that not the phrase I already said I should have used gender neutral terms for? If not, then I should definitely have used gender neutral terms for that phrase too. Good catch. It was a slip up that occurred as a result of most of the conversation centering around women claiming rape. I apologize for my poor choice of words which you correctly pointed out as sexist. My point still stands.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Sorry, I was channeling the spirit of Hodj there for a moment. Tanoomba got me all worked up.

And mist, to clarify, I thought that trollface was asking for Tanoomba's titties. Obviously we all want to see YOURS.
When I find them I'll post a memo.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Tanoomba is so far off the rails that even Mist is trolling this thread now.....


Ssraeszha Raider
Is that not the phrase I already said I should have used gender neutral terms for? If not, then I should definitely have used gender neutral terms for that phrase too. Good catch. It was a slip up that occurred as a result of most of the conversation centering around women claiming rape. I apologize for my poor choice of words which you correctly pointed out as sexist. My point still stands.
You did say that, but I guess I was confused because I'm not sure how using gender neutral terms makes the statement better. The thrust of the statement is that one person is forcing another person to get drunk. That's the infantilizing part. Men aren't "getting" women drunk (or vice versa). Adults make choices for themselves. I got shitfaced on purpose in Paris during/after an M83 concert once, and spent the whole night passed out on the Paris metro. If I had been robbed blind, that would have been my fault. I did that. Nobody did it to me. The girl I was with didn't get me drunk. I got me drunk.

The wording of one person "getting" another drunk. That's infantilizing.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
You did say that, but I guess I was confused because I'm not sure how using gender neutral terms makes the statement better. The thrust of the statement is that one person is forcing another person to get drunk. That's the infantilizing part. Men aren't "getting" women drunk (or vice versa). Adults make choices for themselves. I got shitfaced on purpose in Paris during/after an M83 concert once, and spent the whole night passed out on the Paris metro. If I had been robbed blind, that would have been my fault. I did that. Nobody did it to me. The girl I was with didn't get me drunk. I got me drunk.

The wording of one person "getting" another drunk. That's infantilizing.
M83 in Paris ... goddamn....


The Big Mod
i recently joined a gym that is notorious for having a lot of gay in it, and i find the women (dykes) inside are a lot less receptive to me trying to eye fuck them while working out than the girls at normal gyms. any suggestions?


Trump's Staff
I'm trying to wrap my head around what tanoombro means by 'getting' someone drunk... I've worked behind bars for many years and seen my share of shit.

There is a particular brand of manipulative evil dude out there. They'll intentionally seek out women who are already out having casual drinks or getting on a decent buzz. They'll roll up, play the Mr. Charming game we all know how to play, pull out the wallet and turn a casual night out into a night of heavy drinking. Now, maybe the girl is attracted to him. He's a nice enough dude, spending money, making her laugh... Maybe she could see a casual make out session or a number exchange as a possibility... maybe sex that night is not in her plans... But maybe it is in his. Multiple shots in rapid succession often hit inexperienced drinkers like a ton of bricks. Most of the time her girlfriends are there to pick up the pieces... Sometimes she leaves with him. Who's to say what happens after that, and how that differs from her original intent.

Is she responsible for taking those drinks? Absolutely. Was the possibility of rape on her mind? Probably not... But it should have been. It's awful that it has to be, but that's just reality. When was that moment that she should have clued in that her ability to give her 'consent' was being diminished? Those 3 j?ger shots brought her from coherent to drooling in 10 minutes. Should she have used that 10 minutes to inform him that she had no intention of sleeping with him that night?

I've seen it happen to young girls and it's pretty rough... But it's certainly a grey area. They did, after all, do the shots.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
i recently joined a gym that is notorious for having a lot of gay in it, and i find the women (dykes) inside are a lot less receptive to me trying to eye fuck them while working out than the girls at normal gyms. any suggestions?
what are the ratings on the dykes. like even ellen page is 6/10. dykes are disgusting fucks.


You did say that, but I guess I was confused because I'm not sure how using gender neutral terms makes the statement better. The thrust of the statement is that one person is forcing another person to get drunk. That's the infantilizing part. Men aren't "getting" women drunk (or vice versa). Adults make choices for themselves. I got shitfaced on purpose in Paris during/after an M83 concert once, and spent the whole night passed out on the Paris metro. If I had been robbed blind, that would have been my fault. I did that. Nobody did it to me. The girl I was with didn't get me drunk. I got me drunk.

The wording of one person "getting" another drunk. That's infantilizing.
If you had been robbed blind someone would still have broken the law. It's not legal to steal from someone because they're drunk.

And yes, I did say that insisting a drunk person can't be raped if they have no memory of what happened and have no signs of physical resistance basically endorses the idea of anyone being able to rape anyone by "getting them drunk enough". That doesn't mean that that's the only way rapes can occur. I'm saying that if you say it's OK to rape someone if they're drunk enough not to remember it, you will have people taking advantage of that (both men and women) by, yes, "getting someone drunk enough". You can accuse me of the "slippery slope" fallacy if you like, it's probably apt. However, none of that matters when the main point I'm trying to make is that getting someone who doesn't want to fuck you to fuck you by exploiting their inability to make rational decisions does count as rape.

In an attempt to maintain internal consistency, many of you claimed that waking up with a assful of semen and no memory of what happened the night before wouldn't necessarily mean you've been raped. I think part of the reason such a ridiculous claim is being made is that, in all likelihood, it's a scenario none of us will ever actually face. It's fun to play hypothetical and say "well if it happened tomeI'd be totally cool with it".

Well, I'm calling bullshit. If I go out and get smashed and I wake up with an oozing asshole, I was fucking raped. That's an "out" hole, not an "in" hole, and there's no fucking way anybody is ever getting in there if I'm in any way in control of myself whatsoever. HAVING SAID THAT, it in no way means I need to see somebody go to jail no matter what. If there is insufficient evidence that I've been raped, that's something I'd be forced to live with. I don`t believe my rapist should go to jail on the strength of my words alone. That would be ridiculous. Best case scenario: there is enough evidence (circumstantial or otherwise) that would prove beyond a reasonable doubt that I had been raped. Worst case scenario: Either there isn't enough evidenceorI actually wasn't raped, despite my convictions. In those cases everything that could have been done has been done and I'd just have to accept it anyway. None of this is unreasonable, by the way.