Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Mist, I'm asking you because I'm busy in work and can only read blurbs, instead of being obtuse and letting go of little one liners, why don't you just explain what you meant. Reading over the methodology now. I'm still seeing a very broad, and open ended question.

Incidents involving forced or unwanted sexual acts are
often difficult to talk about. (Other than any incidents
already mentioned), have you been forced or coerced
to engage in unwanted sexual activity by (a) someone
you didn't know before, (b) a casual acquaintance? OR
(c) someone you know well?

I mean, I guess someone who could not consider oral sex a sexual act. But really? That sounds like crap. Need to read the questionnaire to find the other classification questions.
Everyone who's ever taken a survey design/research methods class knows that how you word the questions and administer them has a profound impact on responses. It's the only way to explain large differences in responses between the NCVS and NISVS data.

I absolutely think the 1 in 5 data is garbage too, but you'd have to be pants on head retarded to think these numbers are representative of the true scope of the problem either.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Everyone who's ever taken a survey design/research methods class knows that how you word the questions and administer them has a profound impact on responses. It's the only way to explain large differences in responses between the NCVS and NISVS data.

I absolutely think the 1 in 5 data is garbage too, but you'd have to be pants on head retarded to think these numbers are representative of the true scope of the problem either.
Well, ok, so this is where we're at now? "No, your study sucks. I think the numbers are higher/lower depending on which side my views align with" ??

I don't remember you criticizing the 20% number when that suck ass study/article/whatever came out.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Well, for one, there's a big difference between 'young women living on campus' and 'young women enrolled in college' because the latter includes commuters, online colleges, etc.

But no, I never believed that number, and I did say overly broad definitions of rape are harmful.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
madonna has been raped

is this one of those 1 in 5 rapes that women are always talking about?



Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Normal people don't routinely go around vandalizing the cars of gay students on campus. In fact, if frat boys went around doing that to gay men, they're be fucking crucified for it, but sorostitutes can go around doing it to gay girls and get away with it.



Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It would bother me more if we weren't facing the very real possibility of an extinction-level threat.


Buzzfeed Editor
Woman goes around telling men that them sitting with theirlegs spread is oppressing her. Love some of the comments below, where women tell men what it's like to have balls, and then instruct them how to sit comfortably with them. (However, it seems a lot of women in the comments are deriding the idiotic article, which is good.)