Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019


Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
The entertainment value of having a squad grab your helicopter and not paying attention to the C4 you left behind cannot be overstated.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
In general I look to use overkill to get AR (I like the Grau as much as the M4), and my sniper, then look to hit a random loadout drop to later swap to ghost. I'd maybe reduce the range on Heartbeat's, but far too many people just sitting in corners in buildings to really nerf it too much. I'd rather have them to prevent as much of that bullshit as possible.

Right. Ghost perks should be nerfed before UAV/Heartbeat sensors. Anti-Camper detection is good IMO.


Log Wizard
Right. Ghost perks should be nerfed before UAV/Heartbeat sensors. Anti-Camper detection is good IMO.
Literally everyone would then use heartbeat sensors. At that point, just give everyone permanent radar.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Definitely a lot of hackers out tonight. Go from full armor to nothing in half a second from 150m away with an iron sight SMG. Happened 3 times.


Trakanon Raider
And realism ground war is gone, time to shelf the game again till it comes back.


Log Wizard
It's a fun game, but not a good game in its current state. Worth $free.99, but not worth 60 bucks. Losing every game because one of my teammates (me, usually) doesn't have Ghost and 4 fuckdicks with heartbeat sensors, C4, M4, and AX-50's kill us because they get infinite UAV within 80m during the end game.

I'm not even exaggerating. Next time you die top 10, watch the people til the end. Everyone has an M4 and heartbeat sensor. It's ludicrous. All these weapon combos and perks and you have to use the same ones and play the same stale meta to "compete". But then again, none of it matters when a hacker MP7's you from 200m and you end up their 28th kill.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's a fun game, but not a good game in its current state. Worth $free.99, but not worth 60 bucks. Losing every game because one of my teammates (me, usually) doesn't have Ghost and 4 fuckdicks with heartbeat sensors, C4, M4, and AX-50's kill us because they get infinite UAV within 80m during the end game.

I'm not even exaggerating. Next time you die top 10, watch the people til the end. Everyone has an M4 and heartbeat sensor. It's ludicrous. All these weapon combos and perks and you have to use the same ones and play the same stale meta to "compete". But then again, none of it matters when a hacker MP7's you from 200m and you end up their 28th kill.

Gotta be honest, I think I need to fully level an M13. It might slap just as hard as an M4 or Grau in mid range. I don't know what it is about that gun when I get it in lobby with some attachments but it just feels so fucking smooth with a VLK scope.

I understand what you're saying about heartbeats...although if you have one, you can't have stuns/flashes/gas nades as your tactical which could help in those late game scenarios when you need to push or you know someone else has to push to you. I'd reduce the range on them, but with the TTK in this game they have to give some sort of option for all the fuckers that just sit in a corner prone look at a doorway.


Log Wizard
Heartbeat sensors need to have a duration or limited number of uses. That's it. That would make them more reasonable. The "well what if this house is camped by a camper!" thing people bring up is retarded. Use a snapshot grenade. It literally shows the entire 3 floors of a house and pinpoints where the enemy is and what position they're in. It also works through ghost/cold-blooded. You also can use Restock and get them every 40 seconds which is more the enough to check for campers. The heartbeat is a shit crutch right now. End game it's literally a free UAV for anyone not Ghosted. There's no way that's acceptable.

I have 5days and 12hours playing this game. This is the sweaty hardcore player opinion. I know a lot of you are normal humans who play an hour or two every once and a while, but currently this is what I do and that shit needs to go to make it enjoyable for no-lifers like me.


Log Wizard

Apparently they're shadowbanning them too. So they'll all get to play in their own cheater servers against each other.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Heartbeat sensors need to have a duration or limited number of uses. That's it. That would make them more reasonable. The "well what if this house is camped by a camper!" thing people bring up is retarded. Use a snapshot grenade. It literally shows the entire 3 floors of a house and pinpoints where the enemy is and what position they're in. It also works through ghost/cold-blooded. You also can use Restock and get them every 40 seconds which is more the enough to check for campers. The heartbeat is a shit crutch right now. End game it's literally a free UAV for anyone not Ghosted. There's no way that's acceptable.

I have 5days and 12hours playing this game. This is the sweaty hardcore player opinion. I know a lot of you are normal humans who play an hour or two every once and a while, but currently this is what I do and that shit needs to go to make it enjoyable for no-lifers like me.

Xevy I have about 80 hours in, so it's not like I'm some hour a week guy. Battle Hardened cancels snapshots, and you aren't using Restock without not having Overkill or Ghost (at least in Warzone). It's not retarded at all, the camper thing, especially in solos. Vehicles and dudes sitting in corners, that's what solos tends to be for a lot of the game in my experience. Every "good meta" thing is going to be a crutch, from cold blooded, to ghost, to heartbeats, to launchers, etc.

Also if they'd improved the audio like footsteps, there would be less need for heartbeats as well, since it's amazing how many people don't know how to creep around quietly.


Log Wizard
Very few people run battle-hardened. That's why it's better than heartbeat. You ever run a stun grenade build? You'll stun every last person without the BH indicator. Honestly unless they're running Amped I have no idea what other people are using. I used Overkill for a while, but with the new drop weapons, I just run my custom sniper and use literally any M4/LMG/SMG epic+ I find. I don't need to run my custom MP7 anymore there's more than enough options. Even a white/green M4 is fine. Missing out on Ghost is unfortunate, but this just brings back my point that it's MANDATORY at this point to play which is the whole point of my complaints.

Here's the thing about being unsure about houses: If you don't hear a chest don't go in. That's why they hum. It's to alert you to their presence AS WELL as let you know that place has had enemies. I don't know why people are deep-diving into houses unless you're looking for money (no hum, no enter) or you're looking to hide for a while. Most campers are deep inside there, so just chill in the entrance if you need respite and cover. I get the solo's wanting heartbeat sensors, but most solos are playing too loose in a game where TTK is half a second. You guys remember PUBG? You went into every house thinking "there's a fucking guy in here" and you were ready. BR's since then have had higher TTK so people could react and adjust, but not anymore. I play squads/trios and I won't go into a house unless I desperately need money to spawn my team back if there's not chests in there. The funny thing is people think hearbeat sensors are going to counter the mega-campers, but they're running Ghost already. So really you're just using it to fuck over normal people in the late game with small circles. Almost every night I've stopped playing because the last game we're top 5 and hugging the gas, using the 17 inches of cover the ground gave the 4 of us and then BAM! Some dickholes sprint out of the safe zone, to us, and blast us instantly. Every time, no exaggeration, they have hearbeats. Every fucking time. People complain about UAVS but these guys literally have an INFINITE UAV during the last circle and they can pre-fire camp any spot they want as long as ONE person on a squad didn't run Ghost. It's just fucked. It's terrible game design.

Give them 3-4 uses or make it a purchasble killstreak item with a duration. No one uses any other tacticals. I've been stunned/flashed by a kitted person maybe twice in 4 days of play.

The balance is off.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Sometimes you're last guy or two (when in trios or quads)or just coming back from a late gulag in solos, and looking for money. In those cases, you aren't always just listening for the hum (come on man, that's basic), but you're going for contracts. A lot of times they put contracts in some silly spots that force you to enter buildings. Also even looted buildings sometimes will have a leftover AR or something that is better than just a pistol.

It's not that we think they're going to hard counter mega campers with ghost already, obviously it doesn't. But not everyone runs ghost or they're guys that are just coming back from a gulag or buyback (non solos) that even with some scrub green AR if they're camping in a building can mow you down from full armor to zero.


Log Wizard
In those points you listed you won't have a heartbeat sensor anyways.

But the campers will.

Edit: In my previous rants I forgot to mention: Battle-Hardened makes you immune to the snapshot, but still gives you a BH indicator on hit showing you there's an enemy in the Snapshot radius.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
In those points you listed you won't have a heartbeat sensor anyways.

But the campers will.

Edit: In my previous rants I forgot to mention: Battle-Hardened makes you immune to the snapshot, but still gives you a BH indicator on hit showing you there's an enemy in the Snapshot radius.

I wasn't using those situations as a "have a heartbeat to check for campers", just as a counter to the "don't ever go in buildings without a chest humming" point.

On the heartbeats I just don't run into that problem like you have that often, and I usually run Overkill to run Grau/M4/Aug with my sniper. Usually if a team/solo just suddenly runs in on us/me prefiring it's due to a late bounty contract on myself or another team member, so they pretty much know where you are. I definitely support some sort of nerf on the range of a heartbeat, I'm still not sure how it works with z axis, either.


Molten Core Raider
I know that my friends run heartbeat, I tend to not care because more than half the time; i'll win the aim battle.. I've always prioritized getting claymores and prox mines, just dropping that shit in random places.. I don't really know if there is a limit; but nothing more satisfying than getting the notification you downed or killed someone.

I think more often than not, prolonged fighting has been my bane. Where team after team just keep collapsing, sphaget everywhere.. or we also spend too long taking popshots at another team, then another team comes at us. I've come out of it alive, but its never something my whole squad walks away from.. even sometimes just flatout having to just disengage, playing the whole choose your battles.


Trump's Staff
Would be hilarious if anyone that gets reported gets flagged for the cheater servers (even if only temporarily).


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I know that my friends run heartbeat, I tend to not care because more than half the time; i'll win the aim battle.. I've always prioritized getting claymores and prox mines, just dropping that shit in random places.. I don't really know if there is a limit; but nothing more satisfying than getting the notification you downed or killed someone.

I think more often than not, prolonged fighting has been my bane. Where team after team just keep collapsing, sphaget everywhere.. or we also spend too long taking popshots at another team, then another team comes at us. I've come out of it alive, but its never something my whole squad walks away from.. even sometimes just flatout having to just disengage, playing the whole choose your battles.

You can still get heartbeat (Tacticals) with claymores and Prox mines (Lethals). Heartbeat just means you won't have flashes/stuns/gas grenades/snapshot grenades/decoy grenades (which btw are amazing when they work to draw someone out, so funny)
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Molten Core Raider
Lol, I have no idea what i'm doing with that slot then; wtf. I'll have to give it a go next time I am on.

I've been trying to run a shotgun as a secondary the last few times I have been playing.. some really good salt inducing moments.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Honestly, after the first 10 minutes you can't really rely on the heartbeat sensor anymore. I'm still going to check it before going into buildings but with the amount of people running Ghost I can't really drop my guard anyway.

Reason so many people run the M4A1 is because it's the most balanced gun out there. It's a jack of all trades, master of none. You'll get whooped by an equal skill shotgun or SMG user in CQB and by a marksman or sniper at long range.

Personally I'd love to be able to run Snapshot grenades but without the Restock perk it's not really worthwhile and there's no way I'm dropping Ghost because it's just too valuable not to show up on HBS and UAV's. Same reason I won't run a primary without a suppressor, showing on the minimap for everyone when you open fire is begging for it.