Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019


Log Wizard
Most people would be upset lag caused their eventual death. I'm not. Just another #WarzoneThings

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Log Wizard
Ever wanted to hear a cheater? It wasn't a Chinese guy or a 14 year old. It was YOU!



Molten Core Raider
Not sure if MW suffers the same issue.. but some of these cheats are expensive as fuck nowadays.. they even come in the form of monthly payments.

So half the time, I do just think it is disgruntled old men.. they've always been the saltiest in my past experience when it came to the days of joining dedicated servers w/ the tag "Christian Server" to terrorize.


Buzzfeed Editor
Rofl, one of my fondest memories in bad company 2 I think it was. When my clan was empty, there was a Christian server I liked for some of the rules, but after a week of tearing up their 13 year old sons and the adults, I got banned for alleged Hacking.

What happened was id solo rape in tanks, and one trick was id actually play recon not engineer. Pop out and drop the drone or whatever it was. Then get back in. So once time they had like 3 of them hide behind a slight hill trying to triple rocket me. I knew they were there and popped one as soon as he stood up, then shifted 5 feet right to the other and instant grape shotted him as this was early when you could fire both Canon types with no delay.

So much salt was tasty but was a little sad to lose a server I otherwise liked.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm really getting tired of this game and most of it has to do with crossplay.

For all those console tards like to complain about mouse and keyboard being superior, sure, maybe if the PC player has great aim and doesn't miss his shots.

I'm really fucking tired of getting the jump on people and all the killcams look the same. No recoil snapshots to the chest then 3 rounds later it gets locked on to my head and I die. No, the guy is compensating for recoil and adjusting his aim here. It's straight up an instant lock on. Chest > Head, instantly. It's always pleasant getting lazered by someone who seems to otherwise control his character using what Stephen Hawking uses for his wheelchair.
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Trakanon Raider
Holy fuck the last few days of ground war have been infested with hackers.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm really getting tired of this game and most of it has to do with crossplay.

For all those console tards like to complain about mouse and keyboard being superior, sure, maybe if the PC player has great aim and doesn't miss his shots.

I'm really fucking tired of getting the jump on people and all the killcams look the same. No recoil snapshots to the chest then 3 rounds later it gets locked on to my head and I die. No, the guy is compensating for recoil and adjusting his aim here. It's straight up an instant lock on. Chest > Head, instantly. It's always pleasant getting lazered by someone who seems to otherwise control his character using what Stephen Hawking uses for his wheelchair.
Same here. Aim assist is bullshit. Our squad actually figured out if we go into the last couple circles and it's a wide open space, we can generally win. If it's houses and shit we absolutely lose.

And it's all because our actual skill can be used when they don't have the benefit of locking on immediately (we're top 25% in wins in this, but were top 1% in PUBG, just for reference). But overall that makes for disappointing gameplay. Especially when you see the final few circles closing in on a place like train station or the hospital. It's like "well, fuck, guess we're not winning this one!"


Log Wizard
Multiplayer is fun to get the attachments and use every gun you want etc etc, but still some VERY CoD problems. Overall enjoyable though. Just make sure to hit F9 to mute everyone unless you want to hear some death screams.



FPS noob
shoot the ship (shipment 24x7) is supposed to come back starting tomorrow, thats the only multiplayer game I really like. get a bunch of daily missions and shit finished quickly and its fast paced and fun with no sniping camping assholes. My COD time has gone downhill massively in the last few weeks, from 1-2 hours a day to 3-4 hours a week with no shipment map playlist.

its funny, as a console player i never see any of the cheating issues you guys mention since 99% of my matches are against other console players, i have cross play on but I believe a console player with a controller will basically never get matched against a PC KBM player unless there aren't enough (low ping) fellow console players in your region, and with warzone f2p thats almost never. I also don't really feel like auto aim assist turns me into a laser accurate killer, gulag is a great example where most of the time I am blind panic firing with a pistol when I see movement and my win/loss in there is probably under 50%.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I also don't really feel like auto aim assist turns me into a laser accurate killer, gulag is a great example where most of the time I am blind panic firing with a pistol when I see movement and my win/loss in there is probably under 50%.

Trust me dude, the aim assist is simply way too strong in this game. It's not quite aimbot because the player still has to get his crosshairs close to the player but once they do its like a laser. You don't seem have to compensate for recoil at all.


Buzzfeed Editor
Do you spawn in war zone with your perks, or only get them via load out box? If by box do you drop your guns for the load out and if the looted ones better you can repickup? Only like lv 30, so other than my perks, not much reason to grab load out guns.


Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
You drop in with a pistol only regardless, have to grab a load out box to get yours. Yes, you drop the gear you were carrying and can pick it back up.


Buzzfeed Editor
Lawl, was trying to blow up this quad to see if it was an unlock. (like 10 shots w/ .50bmg and still burning/???) Then the 2 potatoes meet. I did finish him after my shadowplay cut out.

Can you not detonate your c4 until both are down if you have 2?


Log Wizard
Lawl, was trying to blow up this quad to see if it was an unlock. (like 10 shots w/ .50bmg and still burning/???) Then the 2 potatoes meet. I did finish him after my shadowplay cut out.

Can you not detonate your c4 until both are down if you have 2?

Apparently you can throw your C4 and hit "f" (or whatever your use button is) to detonate one.

Controller is better for some stuff, but I play PC and my Multi lobbies were about 3-4 PC and 8 console and I destroy them all. It's not even close. With the super low TTK in MP compared to Warzone and headshots still having a big multiplier, PC easily has an advantage. The aim assist just helps if you're unarmored or they're using a bodying gun/two-shotter like a shotgun or something. Aim assist has nothing to do with recoil. That's just the guns. You can kit most guns to have negligble to no recoil. The M4/Grau are meta in WZ due to this. I don't think it matters in MP as people die in 4 bullets regardless.


Log Wizard
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Buzzfeed Editor
So pretty sure I've headshot with the big snipers before and it didn't kill, yet full armor i just got 1 tapped?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So pretty sure I've headshot with the big snipers before and it didn't kill, yet full armor i just got 1 tapped?

Bullet drop can be a thing, especially if you were using the AX-50. Once you get the longer barrels for it and monolithic suppressor to increase range it's a lot better...prior to that damn thing kept just giving me hit markers like crazy. I still go back and forth between it and the HDR b/c sometimes I just like the point and click right on the head of the HDR.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Do you spawn in war zone with your perks, or only get them via load out box? If by box do you drop your guns for the load out and if the looted ones better you can repickup? Only like lv 30, so other than my perks, not much reason to grab load out guns.
If you want to level up your guns faster, just play WZ Plunder as you already drop in with your load-out and perks. For example ,I am trying to unlock Akimbo for my .357 pistol(s). In multiplayer, its tough so I drop in plunder and run around unlocking chests and doing missions for weapon exp.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Free multiplayer weekends do help with leveling, though. High amount of console players and on certain maps, sniping people is like shooting fish in a barrel. I worked on my mp7...used quick ads and large bullet mag. I would kill like 6-8 people before dying to a cruise missile lol