Call of Duty Modern Warfare II 2022


FPS noob
COD beta is back up they added Invasion - large map 20v20 mode feels a bit like battlefield can level up to 30 now in final beta. new maps in MP too, i ran a museum map for first game

beta should run till sometime next week, i think it ran till tuesday morning this week

i preordered, game seems fun enough and the only other game I've bought this year is Elden Ring. Warzone will be f2p though so really if all you want is a MP fix you don't have to pay a dime, Warzone 2.0 though won't be out till Nov


Buzzfeed Editor
COD beta is back up they added Invasion - large map 20v20 mode feels a bit like battlefield can level up to 30 now in final beta. new maps in MP too, i ran a museum map for first game

beta should run till sometime next week, i think it ran till tuesday morning this week

i preordered, game seems fun enough and the only other game I've bought this year is Elden Ring. Warzone will be f2p though so really if all you want is a MP fix you don't have to pay a dime, Warzone 2.0 though won't be out till Nov
havnt been following. free open beta or pre order? steam or propietary launcher. my initial interest was the people trying to say warzone will be tarkovish


FPS noob
the beta is for preorders the first day or two but opens up as open beta sometime this weekend


Potato del Grande
I really liked Cold War and the last Modern Warfare. Hoping I take to the changes. The campaign in the last Modern Warfare was amazing.


I've been out of the COD circuit for over a decade, but this looks intriguing...
I've been watching Jackfrags play on PS and PC and it looks like I might give it a go... $70 is really tough to get over, though

here's a bit more detailed and critical take
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Its worth 70$ no doubt about it. The baseline game feels incredible, the shooting, ttk, movement (feels heavy, substantial, but not restrictive) and hit markers are all fantastic. Everything else can be shit and the game would still be FUN. The weapon customization I cant speak on as I havent advanced enough yet but from what Ive seen it seems rather extensive. I think it will be at least as good as modern warfare 1 remake, which is worth 70$ IMO.

And them copying Enlisted (and other games that Im not aware of) was a really great move. Adding bots to the team deathmatch type modes makes the game so much more fun. It gives terrible players some dopamine, and provides a more realistic and active battlespace overall. It makes killing an actual player feel more rewarding, and also balances out camping faggots and guys abusing a certain tactic as the bots provide enough distraction in order to give you a better chance when dealing with them.


Vyemm Raider
Buying this game always depends on the HC maps and modes. Core is some pleb shit, i wish theyd bring back HC CTF - havent bought a COD since the last time they had it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Honestly the "core" mode in this game is just fine. The TTK is not bad at all, if anything I feel like it might be a touch too quick. Adding a tactical camera and a deployable stationary stun has created a way for hardcore camping faggots to effect the game in different ways instead of just sitting and not helping team or pursue objective. I mean people will always camp, and still are, but the UAV and spot capability has enough of an effect to help neutralize sitters. These factors lead to more people running and gunning, making the matches more enjoyable overall.

This isnt considering the bot element either, which like I said before adds another layer to the flow of the game, leading to even less spot hugging. The problem with camping is what it has always been, its like being an actual faggot, if everyone did it, the entire thing falls apart.


FPS noob
the nice thing about 20v20 mode is there is always a perma-UAV running flashing everyone's position every ~5-10 seconds, I don't think stuff like ghost disable it


FPS noob
they just added 32v32 ground war with a ton of vehicles (invasion also has vehicles but they tend to spawn late game), pretty fun stuff. i think COD has been doing big map stuff for a while now but this one feels really, really solid both in small 6v6 and also 32v32

the map mechanics (pushing forward, hold points, etc) are nowhere near as good as battlefield 4 but its a nice bit of variety when you're tired of TDM

cross play is interesting 90% of my lobbies are ps5 and xbox players but i do get a few kbm pc players


Blackwing Lair Raider
Got my 30 beta levels. I enjoyed it. If the campaign is halfway decent, it’s more than worth it.

Invasion - great for leveling up weapons and just fucking around with a beer in your hand - basically a modified zombies. As others have said, the AI isn’t smart, but it provides just enough of a distraction to campers. Great cover you can trail behind. I’m sure this mode is for them to suck up as much player data as possible. Future AI bots have the potential to be amazing.

Ground War - Pretty much Promenade with high rise buildings. Long shooting lanes that will just be endless snipers in the future.

TDM/Hardline - Fast paced, maps felt a little tight.

Haven’t played the hostage rescue one yet. Guessing this plays hot a lot like an R6 game. I could see them trying to make this mode part of e-sports.

Also hope they bring back the night vision shit. The halloween caves event was amazing. They really failed to exploit what they created.
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Log Wizard
It's okay. Not 70 dollars worth by any means, but the free shit will be cool. Guns feel okay, movement is good, TTK is ALMOST good except for the classic insta-death to SMGs they have going yet again. Bunch of bugs and graphics are fucked but it's a beta so that's to be expected. Already run into a bunch of cheaters too, which is also to be expected.

Definitely better than Cold War which was real shit and basically in MP everyone just used the Mp5 for everything. Pretty sure it's looking like a DMR or SMG in this one too whether you want to kill some one in two hits instantly with hipfire or kill some one in two hits from medium to long range.

I'd give it a 7/10. Any mode with Vehicles is terrible. It's like BF2042's problems magnified by a billion because there's no cooldowns on vehicles, there's no "weak spots" to kill drivers/gunners, and no one has the requisite amount of grenades or explosives it takes to destroy one even if you're fully focused on it. There are AP rounds for guns, but I don't think it amounts to much.


Buzzfeed Editor
They also drive like shit, I was getting the 50 cal to go all hazy if i'd zoom in, and it'd clear sometimes but go hazy again if I panned much. 3080 so dont think I'm pushing any limits.

UI's are garbage but that's been standard for ages. Just another cod I'm skipping, been dead to me since the last ww2 one like a decade ago. Shame Battlefield was my old standby and we know how that's gone the last few as well.

Need to just play heko's indy games for my style, though I'm still been a tarkov loyalist. (And played all of 10 hours in the last month as busy as I am, so maybe fuck it, need to finish my transition to mid life "adult" who doesn't play anything.)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Honestly one thing I think that has been lost over the years of FPS development is the gun factor. Like, acquiring new guns that shoot different, feel different, and cause you to play different. Unlocking that badass weapon you have been looking forward to means something, its one of the most important aspects of these games. Solid progression and impactful, varied weapons is what ultimately makes the online mode successful.

They have done a decent job of that here, but I cant really tell yet as they didnt really give you shit for weapon options. Its so dumb they should have added more weapons.
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FPS noob
yeah the limited weapons kinda sucks but on the other hand it quickly develops a meta of "these 2 guns are BiS, everything else is trash" so hopefully a bit more balanced.

There are a lot of options on motion blur, film grain, etc so be sure to turn all that off and a FOV you like (i go max) for FPS, ADS, and TPS.

xbox/ps5/pc is cross play too as far as progression just like the last 2 or 3 CODs, i hit level 20 on ps5 and first time i started the beta on xbox it carried over and i could swap back and forth and it would carry over unlocks and everything - loadouts, daily challenge progress, skins, etc


<Gold Donor>
My kid say this is the best COD in a while ever since the last Black Ops 4. And he should know hes literally got tens of thousands of hours in this franchise. I think even in Vanguard hes like lv 600 or some shit.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
One thing I can say is I havent yelled about bullshit after getting killed much at all. Another thing I noticed is the map layouts are more rigid in terms of spawning and shooting lanes, most engagements are like one side vs the other side, and a no mans land develops in the middle. The team that wins is usually the team that begins to encroach on the enemy's territory, which is the point I guess, but from the small amount of maps and time that Ive played, the game style feels different, in a good way.