Captain America: Civil War (2016)


Mr. Poopybutthole
Saw this last last night. My top 5 are so hard to list because they are all so close to one another. This is in my top 5....probably top three. I know it didn't pass Guardians of the Galaxy as my favorite though.

Ant Man, for me, was the greatest part of the movie. Paul Rudd continues to be the perfect casting choice for that roll.

On a side note, I want to get that shot in the bunker where Iron Man is blastin gCap as he's holding his shield and it sorta freezes there for a moment as my desktop. If anyone finds this, please post it.
Comic book version?



I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, it was a really nice call back to the comic, a nice moment not spoiled by trailers somehow.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Marvel has done a great job of making you care about characters no one gave a shit about back in the day. Paul Rudd has nailed Ant Man just as well as RDJ nailed Iron Man. I can't wait to get Ant Man and Star Lord along side of each other.
Enough can't be said about how important it is to have people in the right positions whose talent is recognizing the talent in others and how well it meshes with their over-arching plan. I think that is the major advantage that Marvel has over everyone else right now.


Log Wizard
During the IM blast to Captain America's shield all the fucking nerds applauded and screamed in my theater. FUCKING NERDS!


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Really great movie. However, I don't know if it suffered from too many characters, a slightly boring "villain", or something else entirely. After leaving the theater, there was something about it that I just can't quite put my finger on that still puts it a rung below IM 1, GotG, Avengers 1, and Winter Soldier for me.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Really great movie. However, I don't know if it suffered from too many characters, a slightly boring "villain", or something else entirely. After leaving the theater, there was something about it that I just can't quite put my finger on that still puts it a rung below IM 1, GotG, Avengers 1, and Winter Soldier for me.
What does it say that people say it was great, but not in their top five?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
What does it say that people say it was great, but not in their top five?
I don't know. I really think I'm starting to feel the whole "superhero fatigue" that everybody keeps talking about. I think it started with Avengers 2 and now Civil War. None of these arebadfilms, hell, they're pretty universally accepted as objectivelygoodfilms. Nonetheless, I keep leaving the theater with the same thought process.."Yeah, it was a good movie,, I dunno, just something about it..".


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I think the fatigue is just not being able to decide exactly where it fits in the rank of the MCU's top 5-10 knockouts. It's tough first-world type problems.

Kirun though, I dunno, if you're leaving dissatisfied maybe these just aren't your thing. That's totally fine buddy!


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I think the fatigue is just not being able to decide exactly where it fits in the rank of the MCU's top 5-10 knockouts. It's tough first-world type problems.

Kirun though, I dunno, if you're leaving dissatisfied maybe these just aren't your thing. That's totally fine buddy!
That's just it. I'm not really leavingunsatisfiedper se, I'm just leaving with a..."Yeah, good movie.." type of reaction.

They just aren't blowing me away anymore like Avengers, GotG, etc. And most people here seemed to be pretty blown away by Civil War as well. The infamous airport scene was great, but it still didn't give me that giddy, little kid type of reaction that the teamups in Avengers did, or wow me with intrigue like Winter Soldier did, etc. I guess I'm just not getting that..."Wow! Fucking awesome!" reaction out of these movies anymore and I don't know if it's the movies themselves, or just me getting tired of fucking the same chick for the 500th time.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I'm willing to accept the analogy of the MCU being the 50 year diamond anniversary marriage, as opposed to banging a new chick every other weekend.

I dunno, for my own part, I left thinking "holy shit this new Spiderman is great!" and "Wow, I can't fucking wait for ALL OF THE NEXT ONES." Which is what, Dr. Strange later this year, and then... Thor 3 and GotG 2 next year? I don't recall. Everything on their slate is something I'm looking forward to though, and will see opening night.

Avengers 2 and Cap 3 may both *slightly* suffer from middle build-up syndrome though, as they expand on characterization and build toward Infinity War. I can see that the pure wow-factor of Avengers 1 and Cap 2 tends to be higher than the aforementioned.


Avatar of War Slayer
Question about Winter Soldier:

How did Ironman destroy Winter Soldier's arm? I thought the arm was adamantium.


Avatar of War Slayer
Damn. For years I have thought Winter Soldier got his arm around the time Wolverine went through the Weapon X program. Hence why I thought it was adamantium. Damn.

Thanks for the link.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Do people not watch trailers or something? I'm not understanding why everyone is upset that Zemo wasnt a good villain. Most went in not even knowing Zemo was in the movie and if you did it wasnt going to be about him. I love that they are building him up as a villain


Well, I can't blame them. This stems from the Marvel Universe thread, but Marvel really should have had another big bad guy in the decade waiting for Thanos to show up that lasts for more then one film.

It will be cool later when all the villains come together, but the general populace doesn't know that.

Also I really didn't like that they changed the Barons back story. It was kind of like the Dread Pirate Roberts getting handed down from generation to generation, and they gave him such a lame background in the movie version.

It really wasn't necessary. Zemo has all the motivation to destroy the Avengers without that new lore they added.


<Gold Donor>
I totally missed the BvS jab as well. I'm really looking forward to seeing this one again to catch the things I missed or couldn't hear from all the nerdgasms.

On the topic of fatigue and bubbles, the only "supehero fatigue" I'm experiencing is from having a throbbing boner every goddamn time I even hear about a Marvel movie now. It is exhausting having an erection for this long. I dub it "Superhero Priapism."


I'm really looking forward to seeing this one again to catch the things I missed or couldn't hear from all the nerdgasms.
I said this earlier, but this movie definitely deserves a second viewing. There is so much going on, and the action scenes are so awesome why wouldn't you want to see it again?


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Ah shit Baron Zemo, coming out I was trying to explain stuff to the wife and for some reason (I'm dumb) couldn't spit out Baron Zemo as to who the bad guy was, Zemo was so familiar, was on the tip of my tongue.

I do agree with Column though, a little stronger villain(s) couldn't have hurt. Some big bad that seems evil and puts the pressure on the team, or someone less forgettable than a one off... I dunno, Thanks is going to show up and people will be like, 'ooohhhh.... who is he?'

On topic; movie was freaking awesome. Spiderman was incredible. First fight scene was a little shaky cam for me, but it seemed to settle down.