

Vyemm Raider
oh i agree,
Castle: "i am not a cop,
you know the girls you took....the red headed one, i'm her father,,the cops outside are my friends, they are friends to my daughter, so i am going to ask you one more time,,where did the black suburban take the girls? switch to beckett(who just left the room where the injured driver is), who flinches as an agonizing scream comes from the room...

damn did he look...cold.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Great episode. I don't want to wait a whole week now /sigh. Although, Now next episode we need Castle to fly to paris, meet up with Liam Neeson & just have 43 minutes of explosions, guns and car chases. I'm also keeping my fingers crossed we have Castle on the phone with the guy in charge and he gives some sick ass monologue.

Castle: I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I have tons of money. I'm also with my friend who has a very particular set of skills; skills he has acquired over a very long career. Skills that make him a nightmare for people like you. He's trained Batman, Obi Wan, and Darth Vader. He is both Aslan and Zeus...and he punches wolves. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. We will not look for you, we will not pursue you. But if you don't, we will look for you, we will find you, and we will kill you.
Head Boss Dude: [after a long pause] Good luck.

Yeah....something like that.


Throbbing Member
Great episode, can't wait for the next part. I do wish they would have taken it somewhere other than Paris, especially if the whole angle ends up being a sex slave deal.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Is it just me or was the actor that played the driver the same as the one who played wash from firefly?


Vyemm Raider
so far they have had from firefly on last week- gina torres and baldwin last season.

they also have had SEVERAL from star trek (various series)-gates, worf, the doc from umm voyager(the one that was a hologram), frakes, the ferengi damn forget his name, a few others....

they also have had at least 3 from Buffy the vampire slayer (amnesia guy from fifth bullet, from tick tick tick & boom the black guy, the fbi ex-boyfriend from season 1 episodes 9 and 10)
they have had 3? from Chuck As well. (baldwin, the nun-general on chuck and gina castles agent-was in one chuck episode)
at least one from battlestar galactica (the scifi channel version) demming

oh ya one thing i noticed, Gates, Definately knows something is up between the two of them, but is ignoring it. she DELIBRATELY looked away from castle and beckett when they are in the office holding hands.


Ha yeah, I thought they were heading towards "Beckett, go home with him, he needs someone to look after him tonight." and then Gates just looks at her as Beckett looks astonished. Anything other than that kind of reveal is going to make Gates look a chump when they do finally bring it more out into the open.

Surely comic Castle or someone on the team will make some kind of Liam Neeson joke next week.

I quite liked how they slow played Alexis being involved, it was a much better plot than I expected after being burned by most of the two parters. Decently played FBI agent as well, no hint of betrayal and actually seems concerned about helping them. How refreshing for drama tv


Vyemm Raider
Honestly, i didn't like the fbi guy that much, don't know why. something to me seemed off.

fillion was awesome in the episode, the emotion on his face @the Van scene. choked me up with the agony in his voice @seeing the blood.(of course i am easy to choke up, wife calls me a wuss i cry at sad parts in movies).

my one nitpick for the whole episode:

WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T THE BODYGUARD DODGE --he is a highly trained special forces operative. Dying means you FAILED. Live & you can Succeed at your mission.

going to watch the episode again @9 next week so as to get the 2 parter in one "session"


Vyemm Raider
My personal theory, which others have, they have it backwards, Alexis was the one kidnapped, Sarah was the bystander.....


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My personal theory, which others have, they have it backwards, Alexis was the one kidnapped, Sarah was the bystander.....
Alexis. Kidnapped by Arabic speaking professionals and shipped to a European city with a large Muslim population. Friend was just conveniently the daughter of a RICH EGYPTIAN WITH ENEMIES IN THE MIDDLE EAST.

This theory is a stupid theory and I will be wildly disappointed if it pans out.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah but everyone knows Castle's dad shows up in the next episode (was in the promo at end of show, so not like they are trying to keep it a secret). If Sophia Turner was right and he is CIA, it is possible they kidnapped Alexis to try to draw him out. Probably specializes in middle east affairs or something. I find it too convenient that the bad guys were monitoring Alexis's video blog if she was not the real target.


Vyemm Raider
naw that is the "twist" all the episodes have. like sophia being the double agent 2? years ago. the other taxi driver being the terrorist(american to boot), etc.

i've seen the promo pictures of the episode and castle's dad is bad ass with a gun...


Throbbing Member
I'm on the side of it being Alexis they were after. Too much coincidence. However, they haven't ruled out that they were just kidnapped to be sold as sex slaves.


Yeah but everyone knows Castle's dad shows up in the next episode (was in the promo at end of show, so not like they are trying to keep it a secret). If Sophia Turner was right and he is CIA, it is possible they kidnapped Alexis to try to draw him out. Probably specializes in middle east affairs or something. I find it too convenient that the bad guys were monitoring Alexis's video blog if she was not the real target.
Yeah this was my thought too, and makes the most sense. One can only hope Liam Neeson actually plays his dad and we get the Taken joke from Ryan at the same time


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You guys are talking me in to it=/ Not liking it, just it being where they are going. And I hate it. They always do the misdirection thing, they have to of course. I just dislike the insanely huge level of coincidence involved, even if it is planned coincidence to throw them off. Just....guh. But whatever, it will still be good.