Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde


A Mod Real Quick
Nice. Grats.

Does ilvl have an actual impact on your DPS? By that, I mean does the actual ilvl give you better damage tables when you reach certain thresholds or is it simply from the additional intellect/stamina(or whatever your class stats are)?
No it's the stats, people use ilvl as some sort of measuring stick to how good yuo are though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I know its pretty well tied to stats, you can tell a noticeable difference when you are 630, 640, 650, and even 660+ now as a tank.


Vyemm Raider
ilvl trumps everything on most (non trinket) gear because of the amount of primary stat it gives, no matter what the secondaries are. A secondary stat is at best around half as powerful as your primary.

Unfortunately, they don't do anything useful like weigh your overall ilevel based on item type - since a weapon obviously impacts your performance a fuckton more than a ring. If they did that, then maybe ilvl would be a more useful gauge of potential and less of a crapshoot.

What surprises me is Mr Robot has all the stat scales built right into the website yet it ranks you against other players by ilevel. What a waste. It's not "I play better than 90% of other derps!" so much as "my items are budgeted better, too!"


Blackwing Lair Raider
Hist put a calendar invite out for Mythic to try on Hyjal, he said he will run it and ask for a firm 655+ iLVL and He will pug the rest.Talk to him in game if you need more information or if you have any concern, he doesn't post on forums.

Thanks to the bros who put together THREE heroic HM runs yesterday. We got 4 healers in guild 670 weapons and I think 3-4 DPS their 670 weapons, overall a winning night.


Hist put a calendar invite out for Mythic to try on Hyjal, he said he will run it and ask for a firm 655+ iLVL and He will pug the rest.Talk to him in game if you need more information or if you have any concern, he doesn't post on forums.

Thanks to the bros who put together THREE heroic HM runs yesterday. We got 4 healers in guild 670 weapons and I think 3-4 DPS their 670 weapons, overall a winning night.
That's pretty cool of hist to do, be sure to pass out tab 5 junk if people need it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Vit how much will an Inferno Tarot run me from you? Not sure if the prices on the AH are good or not.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What is the min ilvl for these guild heroics? 645 or so?
I would say its more along the lines of can you sustain 20k single target pretty easily, otherwise you are just going to be a carry. I would say to hit normal for a couple of weeks and make sure you are a solid 650 to be safer. I just looked at our AM heroic run where our more geared toons went and it looked like Fart and I were the only ones that weren't at 660+ I am the second lowest ilvl in the raid @ 660 and Fart is the lowest.

The difference between our morning run and night time run which had our 650 toons and people who missed the other 2 is like 40% less DPS overall with the same amount of people. I don't know if the 10 ilvls does it since gear stats seem to rise exponentially on gear in highmaul or if its the makeup we had.


Vit how much will an Inferno Tarot run me from you? Not sure if the prices on the AH are good or not.
It would take me a week of paint cooldowns and roughly 15-17k in bloods. There's one listed at 33k which is the lowest I've ever seen it and very competitively priced considering the paints are valued at around 10-15kg for the ones required to make the inferno tarot.

Paint value is a derivative of the current darkmoon card market.

Essentially I could get you the tarot at half off the market price if I was bothered to login and get paints each day.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Alright bought the 33k card then. I figured that was a good price. I've seen them bottom out at around 29k but it seems like Bloods are steadily increasing in value again.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I would say its more along the lines of can you sustain 20k single target pretty easily, otherwise you are just going to be a carry. I would say to hit normal for a couple of weeks and make sure you are a solid 650 to be safer. I just looked at our AM heroic run where our more geared toons went and it looked like Fart and I were the only ones that weren't at 660+ I am the second lowest ilvl in the raid @ 660 and Fart is the lowest.

The difference between our morning run and night time run which had our 650 toons and people who missed the other 2 is like 40% less DPS overall with the same amount of people. I don't know if the 10 ilvls does it since gear stats seem to rise exponentially on gear in highmaul or if its the makeup we had.
I figured as much. I've got 4 seals waiting to be rolled on for the normal raid tonight and up to 640 without really much raid loot to speak of on this guy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I sustained 18k yesterday on heroic Karg at 646(pre potting, flask, and a second pot during the fight). Wasn't in the chain group for once(I'm combat) so I didn't have that inflation. Up to 649 now so getting close to the 20k. Though I know there's no way I can sustain that against the Twins. At least one quake I wind up running stupid far away to avoid the fire.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm at 645 ilvl now and can get ~19 - 20k single target with potting / bloodlust / etc. My DPS takes a major dump on stuff like Twins where I gotta move around a lot. I gotta get rid of my shitty 630 heroic weapon though!


I've only done 2 normals to my name and I'm already 653 - swiping my EBT at the garrison and getting 660's at arenas did the trick.

Edit: Spending ~150k filling trinket and ring gaps.



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I did 75% of a normal last Saturday. Hope to do the same this Saturday. Hopefully we'll be Ko'ragh this time.