Chivalry: Medieval Warfare


Potato del Grande
This game is fucking AWESOME. Holy shit I feel stupid not picking this up sooner. Pure violent fun.
Yeah it's a fucking blast. Man I hope they make a sequel or some other company copies it and polishes it up to BF3 quality. I would play that shit 100's of hours.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This game is worth every penny. I haven't been pulled into a game like this in ages.. it's just so much fun.


A nice asshole.
When you are man at arms(works with any class but they move the fastest with no sheild) jab some one good then turn and run away while looking up and hit X then nine to laugh. It looks hilarious and it really pisses people off.


And now my Watch has ended...
So glad to see other people enjoy this game as much as myself

Lost Ranger_sl

This game is a hilarious good time.
It really is. I'm total shit at the game, but I don't care. If I kill someone before I die then I consider it a victory. Combat seems pretty technical, and the people who have mastered it are pretty impressive to watch. I'm sitting at like 17-18 on the boards and I see people with 77-4. Maybe I should try something other then the knight!


Potato del Grande
It really is. I'm total shit at the game, but I don't care. If I kill someone before I die then I consider it a victory. Combat seems pretty technical, and the people who have mastered it are pretty impressive to watch. I'm sitting at like 17-18 on the boards and I see people with 77-4. Maybe I should try something other then the knight!
Most of those super high ratio people are either archers or xbows I am sure. They are the only ones that can really stay alive that much, because they stand in the back plinking like pussies lol. Even the elite meleers die when a chunk gangs up on them enough. What I found works really well though, is the Vanguard class using the 2nd unlocked greatsword, it's got good speed and damage. They also say that the halberd kicks some ass, I have yet to try it though. But, a lot of people bitch about Vanguards and call them the newb class but I really don't think that's the case. They seem pretty well rounded and maybe easier to learn, but still difficult to master. Kinda like the AWP in CS. It took good skill, but everyone called AWPers noobs, even the insanely skilled ones.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't think I've landed a single Vanguard charge attack yet, haha. I did pretty well as the archer the one time I got to play one, got a bunch of kills on enemy archers and only shot one of my own guys through the head!


A nice asshole.
I rarely go archer and my ratio is awesome, take on three peeps as sword vanguard all the time and win, all about practice and mind games.

People parry first sign of movement so jump at them with a overhead swing, you land the hit because they hit parry far too soon.

Hard to get a kill with archer to be honest, and the good ones go 5 and 0 instead of a decent melee that will go 25 and 15 or 20.

Always down for a game or can coach on some duels or something.


A nice asshole.
Sheeeeeet here I was thinking I was pro a dude named Recon schooled me hard last night, only time I got a hit on him was when his blow would kill me.

Always some one better rule applies.


Molten Core Raider
Running around behind enemy lines with a Greatsword chopping down faggot archers is good, good times. All the hilarious suicide yelling is also a good deal. Best 6.94 or whatever I spent this year. Just fun as hell for a short burst of mayhem.


FoH nuclear response team
I will get on this weekend if anyone want's to jump on a server together, I've only played for a few minutes so I'll make great Ballista fodder.


And now my Watch has ended...
Playing as an archer is more fun for me than meleeing. Too many times I get hit by teammates using great swords. And, it is always nice when you hit someone with a bow and they drop, then start complaining about me being an archer. Using a bow in this game takes more skill imo to drop someone

Lost Ranger_sl

The good archers seem to take a fair amount of skill to play. They seem few and far between to me though. Most seem to just recklessly fire arrows into the crowd hoping for kills. They kill as many teammates as they do enemies. I have been trying to stick to servers that have a cap on archers for that exact reason. 10+ archers on each side is a cluster fuck.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Playing as an archer is more fun for me than meleeing. Too many times I get hit by teammates using great swords. And, it is always nice when you hit someone with a bow and they drop, then start complaining about me being an archer. Using a bow in this game takes more skill imo to drop someone
It takes a lot of skill to be as effective as most other classes. The problem is most archers aren't very effective. I hate when they just hang back 100 yards and try to snipe and basically either hope for a lucky hit or are just playing sniping wars with other archers. If the archers are up close and not too far behind the front line, then they can be useful.