Colrectal Stage 3 cancer.

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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Are you 36 or 54?

Are you this:

Or are you this:


I am for 20 days now recoveing at home from the back surgery for the really bad car accident when some moron trucker fell asleep in nov 2012 hit us.While was driving home in my Lexus SUV.

So cant sit or stand atm, so very limited gaming atm not more then like 30 mins due to the pain.

I told you in PM that was having the back surgery long ago from the car accident.

I posted in shroud thread 12 hours before Gecko made thread on it, on Richard Garriots post.
Even had pics, had links.

At the same time posted in EQN and Teso thread same info with pics, cause what Garriot said if read the entire pc gamer acticle really was true.Even if was not tactful,Garriot always been love it or hate him very Cocky or Arrogant.

I did not make new thread, and even posted in TESO and EQN threads reason why was what Garriot said appliyed to alot of MMO's since those are 2 biggest yet to come, fiquired it would get read,debated the most in those 2 threads.

Then 12 hours later Gecko made a thread for this, I reported the thread to mods, and even sent him PM about it.

Yet see you posting on the thread about it, when you probally did not even know all the facts, instead of asking me in PM.

I have to read your Snide comment.

So what has happend to you?

I mean you used to be able to talk better, some the Idiots on the boards act like they are in Junior High or High school, and frankly some them probally are.

Half my Negs have been not for my bad writeing mistakes in english, they are cause im 54 years old with 2 daughters in medical school In CA, and im not a cool hipster kid.
I have gotten negs from idiots that even neg and say we hear you are not kewl, I have to go with my high school dwag yo.
I speak 6 languages level 5 fluent, and dont even know what this Junior high fucking slang means dwag yo.
Yes even english is level 5 fluent speaking, reading, however the writeing is the 1 language its not level 5 which you all know.
Anyone that has spoken to me in real life, or skype, vent would tell you this.

I am sorry,Maybe im too educated dont just speak english, cause when,where was born we had to learn mutiply languages.
I dont know what it is, its almost like you believe alot of these kids before you know facts like you used to.

This board seems to like a Junior High School Popularity Contest.

In junior high know what I did?I skipped 2 grades went to High school, cause tested out of 2 grades in row.

Then went on to get my BS,Grad School then Law School.

Know what most the Idiots that are in the gangs, and packs in Junior High and High school do alot them Later in life?
Beat their wives, do drugs, never even get pathetic AA degree.
Then they end up liveing alot them in the South in the USA were most of them are on Public Assitance.
Hey but they are kewl kids then they post on boards from the grandparents or parents basement next 40 years.

I mean prime example of this was the refund thread on FoH for GW2 hey its to grindy, there is no end game, there are no dungeons,pvp is gank fest.
Any moron even one liveing in cave would known this was going to be to the case.
But more to the point asking for refunds in any game just about when you have beta tested or most others have then you buy, sit whine about it, or play it for 25,50,75 hours whatever then want a refund go fuck yourself kid, No mean really go fuck yourself, finish high school, get fucking education.

Maybe for the board you should start a welfare section for alot of the Junior High,High School kids.

So they can donate with there Food stamp cards from there Foster Parents,grand parents,Parents etc.

I was going to Donate 40k to 50k so the boards could get proper servers for the boards, but after seeing what most the boards have turned to Junior High School Popularity Contest.
Over last few monthes even prior from FoH were ashats complain about paying 15 bucks for mmo, just cant see it.

Hell if my wife and me go to dinner we spend anywhere from 400-4000k just for dinner.
Alot of the places we go have wine lists up to 100k.
So the 4k can be alot higher depending on what bottle of wine we choose.
Sometimes it can be few times week.

I wanna be clear this has nothing to do with my back surgery, and massive pain im in atm due to that.
Its just overall disgust with Junior High School Popularity Contest when probally half them are on some type welfare its just fucking sad.

Or this
I am not even 37 years old, I am 36 with 29 year old GF was going to Marry have kids with.
Edit: Much forum love to you if you indeed have cancer. But dude, you're a shady-ass poster.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Dude, seriously. What's your deal?

AlekseiFL_sl said:
911 call Attempted Murder and Robbed and im charged with drug charge help plz

I am disabled 100 from VA and SSDI due to my mental disorders i foolishly was waiting on cab at 330 am to go home from Bar, seldom go out due to disablity and 2 young men offered me ride in truck home, so took it, we all watched little creed video.

they then said they were to tired to drive home could they crash hour half, stupidly again I have alot of disabilities I said yes.

I stayed awake however was typeing email to my mother at 430 in am.

Next thing you know i take all my meds im about to ask them to go home as soon done with email, I have my 60 inch hd tv going and 2 cats running around, Next thing you know pillowcase cover goes over my head I had given them pillow each cause they asked they then have belt or rope around pillowcase flip me out of computer chair and are chokeing me to death im in shorts and t shirt at this poiint im trying to drive with my 2 knee's on carpet to get hood off so can breath and stand up fight to door its almost 5 am, sun coming up and neighbors wake up to yell for help, my cell phone is in other room,.

so I finally get hood of my knees are skinned to bone, have rope choke mark around my neck like clint eastwood from hangem high, have concsuion, 3 bruised ribs, cyst on brain from blows, find out next day at VA when Bond out of Jail.

Back to story they stole my 2,500 $ gameing laptop, xbox 360 had I passed out or died they would stole all.

So I call police, they show up 3 deputies, the 911 call I told them I was attempted mirder and robbed I live in bad part of town due to eviction from 20 years ago from ex while in miltary.

Now police while taking serial numbers and finger prints I point to trash bag and tell them their water bottles and ciggartres was in their for dna and fingerprints in this trash bag they find Baggie Drug paraphernalia with cocaine resdue they test it so they arrest me instead and charge me with Drug paraphernalia and cocaine from resduie.

I did not know these thugs at all that did this to me, my disablity mental trusted them 2 persons didnt know not even 1st name in my house so got arrested, bonded out next day got medical treatment at VA.
Sorry for my bad writeing im very very disabled.

So my question is if they catch them maybe they drop charges against me, if they dont.

I have DUI and many old speeding tickets , also have drug charge from 21 years ago when was 20 years old it was judicatioion withheld.

So assumeing they dont drop charges I Live in Florida would I get Jail time or some type fine and communtity service , drug testing , probation.

I did nothing but scares me cause have charge from 21 years ago, even judcation withheld, also fact that was baggie with resdue only with their stuff, so would state of florida really send me to any jail time, or am I worrying to much and they just would give some type probation with fine or if get lawyer get thrown out and off record.?

considering I was robbed of my 2500 gameing laptop and xbox 360 elite edition, left for dead strangled with hood, broken ribs, concusion, water on brain cyst caused from it, both knee's skinned down to bone I was in shorts and t-shirt when and emailing on my big desktop 47 hd tv monitior siting in pc chair when snunck up behind choked me to ground i tried to fight to door as dawn was coming up and to yell for help.

Would state drop charges maybe and look for who tried to kill me and robbed me.

even if they do charge would they take into my mental disorder and medical condtions from VA and SSDI 100% disabled .

What is worst case if 1 charge dont get reduced or thrown out, am I just looking at probation drug testing and fines?

Seems upsurd cause im the victim and have legal guardian and im so sick im considered mentally incomptent?

Im basically asking they wont send me to Jail would they, I have had 12 sucide attempts since left miltary and any jail time without my pets would I fear cause me to consider that yet again.

I have chrons disease,ulcertive coltis, chronic adomonial pain, PST,anxiety disorder,Biopolar 2, Dissaccotive Identity Disorder,Scrophrena,sleep apnea, haveing colon surgery in may, Tothsis out both of them in my throat and cyst and tumor removed, also have parkinson disease.
Question all next week they are giving me something called a port to replace my picc.
Will this allow me to have more freedom when, I get home from the daily chemo sessions?
I ask this cause the picc really annoys me to sleep with as well as shower etc when get home.

I will upload the new 4 page schedule with all the chemo dates pre colon surgery to remove my entire colon as well as lymph nodes and to create a stoma for me around end of Dec 2013.
I wont know the round 2 chemo dates till well after the surgery at end of Dec 2013, as my col rectal surgeon Doctor Lisa J Modgil said she will know while I recover from surgery in Jan and Feb 2014 then sometime after that in end of Feb 2014 she will have me resume having more chemo.

cheers all.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'm not asking about your cancer documents. I hope everything works out there.

I'm asking why you have these strange conflicting stories under your previous handle AlekseiFL?
I asked this question like page ago but with all the spam none answered.
Next week they are giving me something called a port, to replace my picc for IV is this a lot better?
Cause the picc that I have sucks when I go to shower let alone sleep it annoys me but they said do to the daily chemo treatments had to have it.

So will this port thing they are giving me work better?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Ever read a thread and feel like its become akin to one of those fighter pilots on a flaming jet going down into the sea, never to be found again?

I just did.

it was this thread
Check this girl's YouTube channel. I found it randomly one night (probably clicked it because she is wearing a sports bra heh) but ended up admiring this girl a lot. Reading the comments her vids seem to be helping a lot of people, so maybe you will find it useful.

Wool series by Hugh Howey. The first one is free download.

Also, curious if you have tried marijuana to alleviate chemo side-effects?
I just watched her video again.
That girl is calm about her stoma, she has accepted it she is even younger then me.
I am just freaked out about getting the stoma still at age of 36, I be 37 by spring next year.
I am lucky in that, I already have good supportive fianc? but that don't change the fact, I think more then fact I may die from my colon cancer, that I am afraid of my future stoma more.
That is a terrible thing to say that is just being honest.
The worst part of me getting the stoma is, that I still will have a few more months of chemo treatments after the surgery before I will even have chance to be cancer free.

So like on 2 fronts I am fighting the cancer on 1 front, and on the other trying to accept that either way, if I beat cancer or don't, that I am stuck with a stoma soon.
As far as you asking about marijuana , I mean no offense but don't smoke, drink or do drugs so that is not a option mate.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Why do you keep repeating yourself? It's been established that you're an age right now, and you'll be that age +1 next year. It's the same thing AlekseiFL did in his posts.

Just come clean, Tidbit. Then we can get to the healing.
I am not sure why anyone would lie about cancer, as well as ever wish cancer and a stoma on another living soul.
Yet you seem to think me having all this is some type of fun game?
If you live near wesley chapel, FL I would welcome the company while I get phase 1 chemo treatments Monday to Saturday maybe when you see me Derek getting chemo treatments with other veterans you wont find it funny anymore.

The only thing, I can assume is you don't like Miltary Vets that your one the people that was afraid to serve ever.
I made the thread so I could get medical advice on how to handle my chemo pre surgery as well as my future stoma, lots have been helpful with advice trying to help me remain positive on beating cancer as well as accepting my stoma but then there are players coming in here acting childish.

I am 6-3 in height if want to come visit me while I am going chemo, I would welcome the company, if you want to wait till Dec 2013 around xmas when have surgery and get my stoma so you can see it, just let me know again.
I am not sure what all your attacks are about.




Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I dunno why you guys are attacking a veteran with ass cancer. I mean really how low can you go?

Did I mention he's a veteran and he has cancer of the ass?

Why don't you feel sorry for him?


Don't forget, he's a 6 foot 3 inch tall somewhere between 35 and 79 year old disabled veteran with biopolar 2 disorder and ass cancer.

added 2: Also he never drinks except when he's getting beat up and robbed and hit by a truck after leaving the bar.

Did I mention he's a veteran with cancer of the ass?

Wanna make sure and get that clear to everyone.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Dude likely does have cancer, and that's pretty sucky. In all honestly I hope he pulls through. I also hope the VA will cover psychological assistance.
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