Crazy Neighbor. Coward Landlord.


Still a Music Elitist
Making ham move out because the landlord could make more money for that room makes no sense. The guy below him has been there since the late 90s and probably pays much, much less. He would certainly get priority on the boot list.

My rent price rules are fair. I believe it's SF-wide that if you rent a property that was built before 1979 it's rent controlled. After the original lease agreement ends, it's month to month. The management can only raise rent by the change in CPI over the previous year. My hike ended up being 1.7%. That can still be considerable with the rent prices here, but it doesn't affect my 1BR spot too much.


I'd consult a lawyer, there are usually even free services around for dealing with shitty landlords trying to make tenants sign illegal things.

During your search for new apartments, look into pro bono legal consultation. I've got a few lawyer friends that spent their first year or two after law school working at law offices that specialized in counseling and educating folks who were getting bullied by their landlords. The services are definitely out there, and all you need is 30 mins of someone's time. Bring your letter, and anything that you can to document your struggles with your neighbor. You may actually find out that not only is the clause not legal, but you might have recourse against your landlord.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've been happy to live in an Apt everytime I look outside and see the mountains of snow that I'd have to shovel... Apt living has a ton of benefits and a few specific downsides, one of which is short-term neighbors who you might literally be sleeping feet away from.
There's definitely something to be said for renting and having someone else responsible for shit. Apartments.....I wouldn't want to do that again personally.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
The landlord is afraid of getting sued by the crazy dude and is going all out to preempt issues that may arise in that suit. He is also building a case to get rid of you in order to ease his circumstance with the crazy dude. Definitely don't sign the addendum without consulting a lawyer. One tactic would have potentially been to fight fire with fire and when he started the inspections, start using language that you were concerned his coddling an obviously mentally impaired tenant wasn't adhering to his responsibility to maintain a safe environment.

Most places will have excessive noise clauses after a certain hour; I haven't hear of any that force tenants to use headphones for electronic devices. How ridiculous.

Or you can move.


Move. As a student it pains me to say this, but the money you're saving by living there probably isn't worth it.


Unelected Mod
his coddling an obviously mentally impaired tenant wasn't adhering to his responsibility to maintain a safe environment.
This is a good idea. Definitely have it on record with the police that you are worried about your own safety. Hell, I would be in your situation.


From a landlord perspective, the dude is just covering his ass. If he has someone complaining about noise and does nothing, he's at fault though I don't know what the consequences may be.

Try partnering with him. Tell him you literally tiptoe around your place from 9pm onward and put a ball muzzle in your dog so they don't bark while you're gone. Make a comment about not using your dildo collection on the dog while the gag is in, then quickly move on. Continue to say you love the place, (hopefully?) pay rent on time and want to stick around but feel like you're in an untenable position. Untenable is a lawyer word so he may perk up at that. Wrap up by saying you're doing everything you're asked, think the guy is mentally unhinged, ask the landlord what he needs from you to be legally covered. A handwritten log of when you turn things off, what electronics you use with headphones, etc? Let him tell you. If he sputters, doesn't believe you or is no help, gtfo asap.

Fwiw, renters who pay reliably and don't punch holes in the wall >>>>>> finding, trusting a new renter. Doubt that he's trying to push you out to get more money from someone else since he can just increase your rent on a month-to-month. See what he says with the partnering approach.


Bronze Squire
Tell him you literally tiptoe around your place from 9pm onward and put a ball muzzle in your dog so they don't bark while you're gone.Make a comment about not using your dildo collection on the dog while the gag is in, then quickly move on.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
It's Texas I will be surprised if the Landlord does not have the right of the first night. Plus Ham is clearly a wuss so he is going to side with the crazy angry guy rather than some soft spoken white dude. No offense to Ham.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So I'm pretty close to my mom and after I called the cops on this guy, she got involved to a lesser extent. She made a phone call to the landlord saying if anything happens to me because he won't take care of this that she's coming after x y & z of his, etc. The landlord basically said well maybe he should move if he feels unsafe or something of that nature

Today my next door neighbor and friend, Tino, came home while I wasn't here, he was greeted by our crazy neighbor. Crazy asked him if he was gonna fucking stop, Tino asked him what and he accused him of playing music all through the night. Tino explained he was just getting home and hadn't been home all night, Crazy said he knew, that he knew he left around 7 but he left the music playing all night anyway, Tino denied, things got a little heated (i'm told) but Tino tried to bring him down to a normal level to explain, but Crazy kept getting crazy. Crazy said he "knew what he and I were doing" -- Tino of course denied (he was gone and I was in bed with the flu ffs), went as far to walk up to his apartment, open the door and invite Crazy inside to prove nothing had been left on. He couldn't be reasoned with, Crazy just kept complaining that he couldn't sleep, he had apparently walked the block all night looking for the source of the noise (I had caught him doing this with a massive flashlight several times in the past).

Tino called me while I was out apartment hunting to tell me this, I told him we had to go in tomorrow together, that it was bullshit. I told him to go ahead and call while it was fresh but what he really should've done (I know he didn't) was file a police report for harassment.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Sounds like the nicest thing that could happen is getting this guy some medical treatment.


Lord Nagafen Raider
He has no family anyone is aware of and when the cops talked to him he "seemed normal enough". The landlord said "we aren't doctors so there's nothing we can do"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
ham can you make sure someone knows to come post an update here in the event you are murdered? Thanks. Nice knowing you.


You're in Texas?

You probably wear spandex don't you?

Try this, buy a case of lone star, knock on his door, invite yourself in, and drink the whole case with the guy. New BFF. You're a pussy, and crazy guy knows it. Until you either man up and get in his face, or become his drinking buddy, you're outta luck; things won't change. And somehow, from what I've read, I don't see you manning up. On second thought, might want to let Mama take the lead, she seems to have some brass.

Seriously, you can't sensitive white male this bullshit away, you have to deal with the guy in his own language. He's a bully, and he's made you his bitch.

No ya'll excuse me while I yell at my neighbors for being too noisy.