

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If campaigns are 3-6 months length you can be pretty sure there WILL be a mechanic that will allow campaign hopping.


Trakanon Raider
Almost there....



Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm still quite worried about the Eternal Kingdoms. I feel like they're dropping the ball hard with their current envisioned design.

I have a feeling I'm just going to end up ignoring them completely and just going Terminator mode into Campaigns nonstop.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well we don't have enough information to make that judgement yet Quaid. They haven't said anything about nameplates.

Dreagan is asking them tomorrow in an interview.
Dreagan, also can you add to my question about nameplates?

Ask them about cross faction communication. If they are leaning to no, ask them to just give i people an option in their UI to turn it or nameplates off if they are scared.


Golden Squire
I'm still quite worried about the Eternal Kingdoms. I feel like they're dropping the ball hard with their current envisioned design.

I have a feeling I'm just going to end up ignoring them completely and just going Terminator mode into Campaigns nonstop.
They mentioned doing so is totally fine and acceptable. What do you think problem with doing that would be?


Golden Squire
I actually think 1 month is the longest I'd want. But it all depends on the rules and winning conditions.
So a large part of the point of this design is to get that "new MMO" rush often. Campaign opens, people rush, start claiming places on the map, start murdering. How long can they last so it still feels like that "new virtual world to explore", so it still is exciting, but not so short that it just feels like "oh my WoW arena queue just popped, back in an hour"?

FWIW, I don't think they have the answer yet. Hell, they've even said they don't know yet, and plan on testing a lot to see what works. But I think for it to not feel stupid and the "novelty" of it to not wear off immediately, it needs to be in the months, and new campaigns can't being popping up every five minutes.


Mr. Poopybutthole
They mentioned doing so is totally fine and acceptable. What do you think problem with doing that would be?
I understand it's an option. But I feel like I'm going to be doing it for the wrong reason because from the perspective of an FFA player: the Eternal Kingdom is seemingly uncompelling, provide little continuity between campaigns, and serve little to no strategic purpose.

Basically I feel like the Eternal Kingdoms are pointless, and they've sucked out any and all risk in them. I just don't see how they can describe Campaigns as Soccer Matches, and the Eternal Kingdom as the Entire Season when they're basically just social hubs to circlejerk in. We already know that different buildings essentially are for vanity only (ie: they all serve the same purpose).

The fact that you can swear fealty to multiple Monarchs alone seems like a very distressing design flaw. There's not even risk in the social choices you make in the EK.


<Bronze Donator>
Ek is your lobby and manufacturing/trade. From how its worded it sounds like materials gathered in campaigns can either be used to make things in that campaign or some/all can be scavenged ie banked and then the percentage of banked goods you can bring back to ek is determined by ruleset/win conditions.

I see Ek and export rules as like getting things back to a npc station in eve. Its "safe" and can be used to trade/build certain things when you get back to safe space but its not on the front lines and you can't build big things for use on the frontlines, ie capital ships or in this game, fortifications/siege equipment etc.

So what you gather in the campaign you'll need to use some of it to build defenses and equip yourself etc but the more you keep "on hand" ie not scavenged, the more you have at risk of losing if someone comes and kicks over your sandcastle.

I see the castles or towers or whatever you build in the actual campaign world as a POS, a base of operations where you can store things, yet which can be attacked and destroyed by other players who can then take your shit.

Atleast that is how i interpret what's been said so far.


Don't know how I feel about campaigns and this win/loss situation determining how much material you get to keep. How exactly do you even have a win/loss scenario in the Dregs when it's FFA? I am confuse. Also, what is the point of Eternal Kingdoms, other then playing minecraft without the ability to harvest resources you need to play said game directly from your Kingdom?


Eternal Kingdoms have PvE but they don't provide rare reagents or building materials. I guess you could still level up your skills there till the 20% thing kicks in and farm low quality items / reagents? /shrug.


2 Minutes Hate
I think people are spending too much time thinking about EK. It's actually one of the questions I'll be asking tomorrow. "Are people spending to much time worrying and/or thinking about EK in relation to the over all game design?"


I guess the point I'm trying to make, or find out is...Is this game centered around gaining materials just so you can build in your Eternal Kingdom? The way it's sounding right now is that you have an EK, but it doesn't have any you go on a campaign to get resources to bring back to your EK, so you can build. Is that it? If so...what's the point? Especially if you can't war/destroy someone elses EK.


2 Minutes Hate
I guess the point I'm trying to make, or find out is...Is this game centered around gaining materials just so you can build in your Eternal Kingdom? The way it's sounding right now is that you have an EK, but it doesn't have any you go on a campaign to get resources to bring back to your EK, so you can build. Is that it? If so...what's the point? Especially if you can't war/destroy someone elses EK.
No the object of the game is to win campaigns. The spoils of those campaigns will make you stronger and thus winning campaign easier. Those spoils are gathering materials that help make gear. Depending on the type of campaign you can lose gear when you get killed. So it's not some kind of permanent character progression. You can go from super duper geared guy to naked in a single bad fight.

The only true permanence is the skill training. Your character will be more advanced, skill wise, than newer players.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think people are spending too much time thinking about EK. It's actually one of the questions I'll be asking tomorrow. "Are people spending to much time worrying and/or thinking about EK in relation to the over all game design?"
I disagree with you completely.

While I may enjoy 1-3 month campaigns, it's still an MMO. I want some sort of meaningful continuity between campaigns. I think they have a chance to do that with the EK, but there has to be some risk. But if it's just a virtual waiting/trophy room - then what's the point? Even a complete safe zone to craft is detrimental, in my opinion.

One idea I've seen kicked around is that trophies/relics/whatever earned from campaigns would give you bonuses in campaigns - but your EK could be attacked and your trophies stolen.

I don't know, just feels like there's so much they could do with the EK.