

Molten Core Raider
I think a mistake we make is the idea just because it may become "hardcore" doesn't mean we have to devote the time. Maybe its good that for once we can't, as my students say, "no life it" for a week or two and max out. I know that it won't change anyone but personally I think it would be nice to be in a level for an extended amount of time. The current generation is all about instant gratification. I think about my early gaming years with Quest for Glory and Final Fantasy, even if they had levels it was all about playing each day to progress through the story and furthering my character down a path. However, in turn, this provides a challenge to the game maker. They have to make the game worthwhile along the way. I don't necessarily blame gamers because the "end game" is the most valuable part and everything in between is just really in the way. I think this is what Everquest had going for it, even if it was accidental. The journey was the fun. We didn't know what an "end game" was really and we were all just surviving and doing it every way we knew how. In the process we made fiends, enemies, and opened all kinds of doors along the way.

I say all this to say, the old style way is possible. It is just more challenging as the journey and a time of new experience has already occurred through UO and EQ. So they have to find a way to make a slow progressing game enjoyable and the people have to willing to endure the journey.
Its just marketing and target markets. # of casual gamers > hardcore or those that have the time to devote to games like we did in eq/eq2/wow/VG etc... That's all this has been about, who is controlling funding and what is and isn't getting funded.


Some weird shit. I went to check out the Crowfall forums and realized I needed an account to see most of it. I go to make an account with my good old gamer name, and it says name already in use. This name is never in use, but I figure it's possible. I decide to investigate a little, so I put in the gamer name, and say I forgot my password. Bzzz.. I get an email at one of my gamer addresses asking for confirmation. So, I reset the password and log in. How the fuck did I already have an account at the Crowfall forums? Did they import accounts from SB?


Trakanon Raider
Some weird shit. I went to check out the Crowfall forums and realized I needed an account to see most of it. I go to make an account with my good old gamer name, and it says name already in use. This name is never in use, but I figure it's possible. I decide to investigate a little, so I put in the gamer name, and say I forgot my password. Bzzz.. I get an email at one of my gamer addresses asking for confirmation. So, I reset the password and log in. How the fuck did I already have an account at the Crowfall forums? Did they import accounts from SB?

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
The countdown timer is not a release to alpha.

As promised on the front page of the site, we will describe the rest of the game vision once it expires.

This will be a lot of information for the people who had neither the patience nor interest in playing the game of rampant speculation.

For you guys, it will contain a mix: some new surprises, and some confirmations of things you already know or suspect.



"Note: For obvious reasons, we might not be able to answer all of them. Especially ones regarding elements of Crowfall which we haven't disclosed... Some things just aren't ready to be discussed yet!"

I know it's hard to be patient with this process we are in, but there is a method to our madness (we hope!). Only 17 days to go, and then all the broad brush strokes of the game will be clear!

To be clear: the "reveal" doesn't mean that we are going to release our design docs on the 24th. There will still be some details that won't be nailed down. In game development, you might be absolutely sure of something today, and then 2 months later when you are testing it you have to reverse yourself or rethink it completely. When it comes to those kind of things we'll continue to be non-committal, until we've convinced ourselves we're on the right track.

In addition, our long-term vision for the game is certainly going to be larger than our current resources. As many of you have commented already you want lots of additions to things we have talked about, and mostly we do too! But we will be drawing the line between what we are doing (which is building the core fun and systems of our game), and what we'd like to do in the future, when we have the resources to do so.

We will be transparent with the things we know, but not with the all things we're still debating internally. We do read the input you give us in the forums (and on other sites) and include it as part of the process. And I assure you, you will know more about our game during development than the vast majority of games. Our commitment is to continue to talk with you about it, throughout the process.
& In response to me asking why shit was so brutal


yeah, it was rather harsh for Tully, so I stand by my wording in this case. it doesn't help that I constantly say things like screenshots aren't good enough, and need to be re-taken before they are be released.

That said, you guys might want to keep in mind that I CONSTANTLY talk in hyperbole. I never say things like, "this coffee doesn't taste good" or "that game review was bad." Instead, I go straight to "this coffee is horrendous" or "that review was brutal".

(actually, in truth, it's usually more vitriolic and curse-laden. I jump right to "this coffee is f'ing horrendous" or "holy crap! that review was f'ing brutal.")

yeah, I know, I shouldn't curse. I'm sure I just shattered your image of me. At least I have learned to filter it out of my forum posts.

Anyway, if you knew me, you wouldn't have ever thought anything of my use of the word "brutal". No one at ACE even noticed.




<Gold Donor>
Looks awesome. Hopefully we quickly start beta soon after.
uh wut.

They're still building up to announce the game that they are currently designing. Probably still years from an alpha build much less a beta. They are probably about as far along as EQN is currently (ie not very far) or where brad pretended pantheon was when he was asking for rent money on ks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, should be a few years. I'd be really dubious of this whole thing if it wasn't. They have some interesting tech ideas that seem like they would take a little time to flesh out.


what Suineg set it to
uh wut.

They're still building up to announce the game that they are currently designing. Probably still years from an alpha build much less a beta. They are probably about as far along as EQN is currently (ie not very far) or where brad pretended pantheon was when he was asking for rent money on ks.
Sorry, sorry... he meant 'Hopefully we quickly start being able to purchase beta access soon after'.


Trakanon Raider
I want to play a decent fucking game. If not this, then EQNext. If not EQNext, then this. If neither, then motherfucking Brad sucking me off for the 4 oxy's I've got sitting in a pill bottle from 2011.



Molten Core Raider
I want to play a decent fucking game. If not this, then EQNext. If not EQNext, then this. If neither, then motherfucking Brad sucking me off for the 4 oxy's I've got sitting in a pill bottle from 2011.

I think that all fans of MMORPGs feel this way, man.