

Toe Sucker
Man... watching LG play is so sketchy, both FALLEN and Coldzera make the whackest and fishiest plays lol

edit: i sold mine awhile back, but i bought a couple skins again since i've been playing a lot lately lol


Molten Core Raider
It's kind of crazy how many hackers I run into lately, makes the game really unfun lol
I mean out of the last few months, I truthfully haven't really ran into that many hackers at all? If any really. I don't play casual or dm, so idk. When I would, there was a ton of them but also was a CSGO Sale because a friend would buy the game, and its pretty normal around that time.

More often than not, I tend to get tacked with the hacker title.. only makes me think that more than half of the claims are on false pretenses. /shrug


Toe Sucker
Lol getting 30 bombs and shit has shitty players calling you a hacker, real hackers will prefire you around a corner while you've been slow walking the entire way there etc.

I'm not talking about idiots that spinbot or aim lock and shit, it's wallers that are the problem and it's pretty frequent


Molten Core Raider
I'm by no means am doubting you XD I just haven't really been running into much in my experience, again out of the last few months. I probably only inspected a demo once and he was in fact cheating; on/off of course and it was an aim assist where it would auto correct his shots. I hardly ever raise my suspensions, frankly I never really care to begin with though. I just deal with it, and hope the team doesn't start the blamegame cancer which tends to compromise play. So long as he isn't spin bot or blatant aimbots, it's rather easy to deal with by playing trades. I've never found an issue with people who are suspectedly "walling" to really give a damn, or be bothered by it. Walling can really only help them so much, tbh.

I've been called hacker for a multitude of ways at both high elo and low elo. I can only usually respond that i'll turn my speed hack down, but I don't think people get the reference :c. When I was playing ESEA/Faceit, the team I was with would frequently view demos trying to pick out the suspected triggerbots, but to even really tell, you have to slow down the demo by like x2.

If you don't mind me asking, whats your rank or rws?



Golden Knight of the Realm
Stopped playing from December until April, came back to find my accounts had all been deranked from both the new ranking system and inactivity. Global and Supreme accounts brought down to AK 1, AK 2 and Gold Nova 4, hahah. Been mostly solo queuing in matchmaking with the occasional duo/trio with randoms. Back up to LEM and DMG, aprox 15 wins 3-4 losses per rank up were needed. The games were 75% one sided slaughters and 25% grinding losses where nothing short of non stop 3/4/5Ks could have saved my team.

Here's a little bit of the massacres haha.



A Mod Real Quick
Picked this up, been playing CS since beta WAY back in the day. Feels so weird compared to source. I'm sure I'll get used to it.. I'm horrible.


Golden Knight of the Realm
As for the hackusations, pay those fools no mind. A player can even surprise *himself* from time to time with sick shots or game sense, so god knows how they must seem from the outside. Recently I have seen 1 blatant cheater// waller // spintbot in 80 games, played from April 15th till May 23rd. What I have seen so much more of in MM is smurfing. Soooo many people on older accounts were ( unintentionally? ) deranked by the new system, hard. One account I own has 14 wins, 9 hours played, it was LE in November 2015, and is now an AK 1. How will that seem for the opposing team if I queue up? Unless they have their own smurf(s) that can compete, I deliberately throw, or use pistols/zeus only, which is then unfair to the OTHER team, the result is bad.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
So I've been playing long enough to amass 50 odd cases and was wondering if there was anything I could do with them besides just sell on the market. Any place that you can trade them for credit or something?

Also, I want some cheap skins but don't want to pay much for them. Is there a site that is legit that lets you build credits for play? I see people doing kickback.com, but have no idea what is legit.


Molten Core Raider
They've always been a good/strong country. Just in CSGO there was little to no funding until LG decided to switch from the US to BR. Back in ze day, mibr use to be a bit of a powerhouse.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I got so good at this game, and completely lost interest when it was confirmed that the top teams were using hacks in LAN tournaments. Valve gives millions to the winner but doesn't give a fuck about the integrity of the competition because it would cause too much of a scandal if they started banning the top teams.

Watch this:
k0nfig Cheating @ IEM! - YouTube

Notice his location and how he shoots at a certain location. A person who makes hacks has confirmed there's a spot in de_cache that confuses aimbots because technically players are visible, but not able to be shot, when looking through the wall at a certain angle as displayed here:

PrOverwatch #001: ¿ Flusha Conspiracy Theory ? ¯\_(?f")_/¯ - YouTube

Flusha ends up autoshooting at the same exact wall, in the exact same location, when there's an enemy on the other side exactly as K0NFIG did. If that, and all the other fucking shady bullshit Flusha has done isn't enough to convince you... then go cry in a corner.

I mean cmon, I was really up there and I never saw shit like this except from people who were cheating:

[NRG] Fugly - Legit or cheat? @ ELEAGUE Season 1 (twitch reaction) - YouTube


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That last link, look at the slow motion auto head-locks on people he couldn't possibly know the exact position of. One guy's in the smoke, one in the door. I mean come the fuck on... there's cheating at these major events and it's just so depressing.


How would they get the hacks on the computers? USB drives? Would nobody not notice them( the cheats themselves)? Don't they have some kind of visual queue when you're using one?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
How would they get the hacks on the computers? USB drives? Would nobody not notice them( the cheats themselves)? Don't they have some kind of visual queue when you're using one?
They used to hide them in device drivers. Now they're hidden in the DLL files you download with your personal Steam settings. The very best programmers write these tailor made hacks and only sell them to a few dozen players. They can disable them anytime they want, so they basically have their customers by the balls. It's not uncommon for them to ask for a percentage of prize money.

There's just too much money out there. It's impossible for Valve to detect the ones that aren't in widespread use, and sort through every player's .DLL. So they turn a blind eye to avoid creating another scandal.

Here's a lengthy exposition if you really want to know what's going on:http://csgo.99damage.de/de/interview...er-says-it-all


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Interesting article. It's depressing but not surprising. I'm glad that I play infrequently so anyone I'm playing against is either not cheating or using a cheat that will likely get detected and get him banned. However, if I was actually doing true competitive play, it would be extremely frustrating -- I could understand the temptation to join in (ala Lance Armstrong and others in that doping era).