Dark Souls 3


Trakanon Raider
Being intentionally vague for people who haven't reached the area yet, but I just attempted a boss, the stairway to whom kept spamming me with "Try plunging attack" messages that didn't have appraisal counts and hence were not written by players, so I took them seriously, climbed waaaay up and after two failed attempts at reaching what was clearly the apex, I finally made it. Walked off the platform and...failed to swing my weapon despite repeatedly hitting R1, fell to my death and possibly lost 150k souls. Wtf.
Fun fight
ya I missed that hit 1-time you have to hit it when your closer to him instead of shortly after you launch(that's what I noticed about it)


Fun fight
ya I missed that hit 1-time you have to hit it when your closer to him instead of shortly after you launch(that's what I noticed about it)
Ahh, so actually timing it worked for you? My understanding of plunging attacks was that as soon as you swing, you're locked in the animation until you hit the ground, but I guess I've never really fallen far enough while attacking to be able to draw any inferences. Anyway, that's why I tried to swing immediately. But I'm not sure my character swung at all.

Plunging attacks are pretty glitchy in this game though. They do fantastic damage - even from low heights - but there's a weird delay. You actually hit the ground before your weapon hits the enemy, it seems, after which they get hit for a ton of damage.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Might as well not consider this a Souls game if you progress that way, because while this is probably (imo) the hardest game in the series, its bosses are mostly a joke. Aldritch and the Pontiff took maybe 5 tries each, but I don't think I've died more than once to any other. The areas themselves, though? Good God, Dark Souls III's midgame compares favorably in challenge to Dark Souls 2's dlc.
Yeah, there is hard and then there is annoying. That first stretch of mobs after the giant ice dog is bullshit and random synch kill filled shit show with nothing of value. Unless you are playing the narrow set of weapons that works well against those guys, you are basically hoping to win the coin flip against the fire witches with their infinite range fire spell and autotracking spear synch gib. Yeah I could slog past it with straight sword and hope the RNG does not fuck me, but why bother? A lot of this game is cheesing past shit in various ways.

And this is NOT the hardest souls game in the series, not by a longshot. The extra winter area at the end of DS2 DLC is indisputably the hardest shit ever to make it into one of these games. DS1 Ardo Londo still has people bitching about it six years later. And the entire game of Demons Souls was vastly more unforgiving than DS3. Honestly, the only thing I consider more hard than annoying in this game are the Troll Lobsters and the giant tree guys. Everything else is pretty much "I have the wrong weapon for this guy" aka straightsword R1 spam ftw.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Ahh, so actually timing it worked for you? My understanding of plunging attacks was that as soon as you swing, you're locked in the animation until you hit the ground, but I guess I've never really fallen far enough while attacking to be able to draw any inferences. Anyway, that's why I tried to swing immediately. But I'm not sure my character swung at all.

Plunging attacks are pretty glitchy in this game though. They do fantastic damage - even from low heights - but there's a weird delay. You actually hit the ground before your weapon hits the enemy, it seems, after which they get hit for a ton of damage.
If your fall is in any way big enough to take damage, you have to time it. The spell Spook makes it easier, since it essentially increases the window in which you can hit the button. Target locking (at least on the PS4) can make it harder since the camera may go nuts and drop some frames at a bad moment, throwing the timing off. The trash outside Firelink are good mobs to practice on, since they are largely stationary guys at varying heights.


Trakanon Raider
Spook is fun to mess around with, 0 fall dmg unless the fall is lethal heh I've found a few fun shortcuts in Capital, and Catacombs


Yeah, there is hard and then there is annoying. That first stretch of mobs after the giant ice dog is bullshit and random synch kill filled shit show with nothing of value. Unless you are playing the narrow set of weapons that works well against those guys, you are basically hoping to win the coin flip against the fire witches with their infinite range fire spell and autotracking spear synch gib. Yeah I could slog past it with straight sword and hope the RNG does not fuck me, but why bother? A lot of this game is cheesing past shit in various ways.

And this is NOT the hardest souls game in the series, not by a longshot. The extra winter area at the end of DS2 DLC is indisputably the hardest shit ever to make it into one of these games. DS1 Ardo Londo still has people bitching about it six years later. And the entire game of Demons Souls was vastly more unforgiving than DS3. Honestly, the only thing I consider more hard than annoying in this game are the Troll Lobsters and the giant tree guys. Everything else is pretty much "I have the wrong weapon for this guy" aka straightsword R1 spam ftw.
I personally think this game's midgame is comparable in difficulty to Dark Souls II dlc, but if I were to concede that it isn't I'd argue that you're comparing a just-launched Vanilla game to the hardest added content in the series. As for an "extra" winter area - wtf, I think I must have missed that zone. Anor Londo's infamous non-boss encounters had trivial solutions that... well, that I confess I utilized for convenience. Lol, fair enough - I see your point. I'll concede that part of the argument to you

My claim that Dark Souls III was the series' hardest, however, was prefaced conspicuously with animo, and I'll stand by it. I think in terms of enemy difficulty Demon's is the easiest, but its esoteric mechanics and sparse upgrade materials made it damn unforgiving. It'll be interesting a few months hence to read up on difficulty polls on reddit/gamefaqs/whatever.


TLP Idealist
I agree DS3 is the hardest. I don't agree with comparing standard ds3 gameplay to dlc from previous entries.

I recall DES being pretty easy minus the clunky controls. There was a Phantom who just solos the boss you can summon him for.


Trakanon Raider
Being I can't pvp well... ya don't ask grrr

DS3's Overall design is more dense(enemy wise) vs DS2's some of the bosses are easy(or a gimmick fight Yhorm and Cursed Tree) but this probably has more to do with experience, I honestly wouldn't compare the games at all ~ 3 seems like a different direction but at the same time still has lots of content from the previous games.

But with DLC still coming down the way, who knows what the hell is going to happen now....(got all the endings)

And for DES I never summoned for any of the boss battles didn't have any issues with the game.

Actually I never summoned a NPC till Dark Souls' and that was just to get the Covenant items.


I've always found that the boss fights are actually the worst part of the Souls games, and that's even more true in DS3. Most of the bosses are so irritating and cheap, not necessarily difficult but just steeped in bothersome mechanics and frustrating shit that can lead to RNG deaths. For instance, I had an attept against High Lord Wolnir where he spent the first 30 seconds of the fight just repeatedly alternating between spewing gas and crawling forward, two attacks that you have to run away from. There literally was no opportunity to attack him for the entire first 30 seconds of the fight. Random shit like that, which normally doesn't happen and therefore isn't a matter of learning the boss. Meanwhile, the area design and non-boss content has always been the best part of the Souls series, and DS3 does this better than the others. Someone who just cares about boss fights might not find DS3 so great, though.


Trakanon Raider
The Boss's honestly make you think more in 3, like I said the only Boss I hit my head on the wall from, was one lot's of people have had problems with...

Once you do figure out the mechanics though it isn't that bad, but RNGesus will always rear it's ugly head(I think this is what makes the game's fun, there is that 1 chance you'll get the move set you've never seen and be promptly destroyed by the boss lol)


That moment when you're 10 minutes past a bonfire, have a fuckton of souls and are sick of the physical resistance of an enemy you assume will be vulnerable to fire, so you equip some firebombs, back out of the menu, hit the back button too many times and backstep off a cliff, then later find out firebombs do 40 damage to the enemy you equipped said firebombs to kill.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The first part of the boreal valley needs a major retuning. Those pontiffs absolutely wreck ya if you go with any caster build. And those bullshit knights with the heat seaking flames that follow you around corners. Fuck you From! After you get past the church its like back to normal again, wtf?


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
That's exactly the part I invised past. The halberd that the fire witches drop is great for a sorc build, though.


Trakanon Raider
Just got Nameless King down solo, god that was such an awesome and tense fight. Took about a dozen tries but was so satisfying at the end. Hands still trembling a bit lol.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Nameless King definitely wins as far as most awesome boss fight. Maybe even for the whole series?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Complete agree on nameless king, awesome encounter but it kind of stands out as having a different tone from the rest of the game don't you think? Bright blue skies and sandstone ruins make it almost like a completely different game universe. Regardless to me it was the highlight as it stood out above the usual DS fare.


Trakanon Raider
well killed final boss on 2nd attempt >,< not nearly as awesome as Nameless but i'll take it.

Overall though probably my favorite souls game, very slightly ahead of BB.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Complete agree on nameless king, awesome encounter but it kind of stands out as having a different tone from the rest of the game don't you think? Bright blue skies and sandstone ruins make it almost like a completely different game universe. Regardless to me it was the highlight as it stood out above the usual DS fare.
That entire area felt very odd. Like they added it just because the previous two games had a dragon area to go to? It's basically entirely unrelated story wise, and only vaguely ties in with one NPC in the game. Hell, I bet plenty of people wouldn't even find it or knew it exists if they didn't hear about it or otherwise read some kind of spoilers on the interwebs.


That entire area felt very odd. Like they added it just because the previous two games had a dragon area to go to? It's basically entirely unrelated story wise, and only vaguely ties in with one NPC in the game. Hell, I bet plenty of people wouldn't even find it or knew it exists if they didn't hear about it or otherwise read some kind of spoilers on the interwebs.
Yeah, didn't care for the zone - the Dragon Aerie from DS2 was a lot more striking.

As for the Nameless King... yeah, 5 attempts and no dice. He's tough as fuck.