

Trakanon Raider
You're going to want to talk to a professional. Different anti-depressants affect people differently.

Zoloft worked great for me for treating Depression and anxiety but the side effects were bad. During sex I couldn't "seal the deal" so to speak and that was the worst effect by far. I had dry mouth and a few others that went away after I got used to it. But it was very effective at treating my depression.

Effexor is another common one. This one worked for me but not as well as Zoloft. But I didn't have any side effects at all so it was a better choice.


<Bronze Donator>
only SSRI antidepressant i've ever tried is Effexor. i HATED it.

there's a lot of promising research into the use of dissociatives as antidepressants. i personally wouldn't be able to do it right, since i've abused that class of drugs recreationally for years, but some of you other guys may want to seriously look into it.

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Ketamine Gains Adherents As A Depression Treatment : Shots - Health News : NPR
J Clin Psychiatry/Intranasal Drug Delivery in Neuropsychiatry: Focus on Intranasal Ketamine for Refractory Depression

FAQ's about NY Ketamine Infusions, LLC | Treatments for Depression

Mrs. Gravy

Quite Saucy
I would encourage holistic approach too - medication is great but so is diet, exercise and cognitive-behavioral therapy in combination with the psychotropics.


<Gold Donor>
Thanks everyone for your support and informational input. I will most likely schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist, insurance willing and move on from there.


Trakanon Raider
SSRIs/SNRIs are first line treatment for anxiety disorders. Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa and Lexapro are good first choices. Stay away from benzos, they'll fuck you up.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I would encourage holistic approach too - medication is great but so is diet, exercise and cognitive-behavioral therapy in combination with the psychotropics.
I want to second this. While I do take meds (generic Wellbutrin - works a charm), exercising on the regular is incredibly great in complimenting that.


Molten Core Raider
Is there a 'best' online resource to finding a talky professional? I live in the boonies and like half the people I find are some kind of weird christian based bullshit thing


<Bronze Donator>
if you live in a truly rural area like me and want legitimate psychological talk therapy rather than just getting medicated, talking to a "counselor" (basically just someone who listens and smiles and nods), or participating in some faith based "therapy"... you're gonna have to travel to the city most likely.

but no i don't know of any websites like that.


Trakanon Raider
Do you have a primary care doctor? Most health systems offer mental health services. You could call your PCP and ask go be referred to a therapist.


Vyemm Raider
Heh I remember after my dad's suicide my mom had one of those church people come and try to talk to me. It may as well have been the Chris Farley skit.

I can't recall specifics but I do remember wanting to crawl into a hole and hide until the jesus weirdo left.

As a kid church was just a chore and any shred of belief lasted about as long as Santa and the Tooth Fairy.

Yes, atheists are wide open for depression because we can't assume a magic man in the sky will fix things for us. But it's not that we are depressed because we have chosen to be atheist - our personality is simply incompatible with religion. It just doesn't work. It's like telling a paraplegic he should try jogging. And then continuing to press him about how great jogging has been for you and how certain you are everything would fix itself if he'd just put one foot in front of the other and run around that block. And handing him a pamphlet extolling the virtues of jogging, and making constant references to it in every conversation, and frequently inviting him to gatherings of other joggers. And when he continues to resist, frown with concern and tell him sadly that not only is he going to drop dead at any moment but that he'll then live on in eternal agony because he stubbornly refuses to get out and jog and that it's all his fault, but you'll keep him in your thoughts as you do your jogging.

But to be fair to the zealots, jogging is probably helpful IF YOU FUCKING HAVE LEGS.

(it's kinda boring, though)


The Scientific Shitlord
Heh I remember after my dad's suicide my mom had one of those church people come and try to talk to me. It may as well have been the Chris Farley skit.

I can't recall specifics but I do remember wanting to crawl into a hole and hide until the jesus weirdo left.

As a kid church was just a chore and any shred of belief lasted about as long as Santa and the Tooth Fairy.

Yes, atheists are wide open for depression because we can't assume a magic man in the sky will fix things for us. But it's not that we are depressed because we have chosen to be atheist - our personality is simply incompatible with religion. It just doesn't work. It's like telling a paraplegic he should try jogging. And then continuing to press him about how great jogging has been for you and how certain you are everything would fix itself if he'd just put one foot in front of the other and run around that block. And handing him a pamphlet extolling the virtues of jogging, and making constant references to it in every conversation, and frequently inviting him to gatherings of other joggers. And when he continues to resist, frown with concern and tell him sadly that not only is he going to drop dead at any moment but that he'll then live on in eternal agony because he stubbornly refuses to get out and jog and that it's all his fault, but you'll keep him in your thoughts as you do your jogging.

But to be fair to the zealots, jogging is probably helpful IF YOU FUCKING HAVE LEGS.

(it's kinda boring, though)
My mom has been doing that a lot lately. She knows I am not a Christian, but she keeps telling to pray and god will make things better. My dad is a pastor, and I had the sit down talk with them about it like 10 years ago. I have also reminded my mom several times since then after she told me to pray about something. Just one of those things. I just ignore it now unless she gets really pushy.

Mrs. Gravy

Quite Saucy
Grief is an asshole.
Its sister, stress isn't much better.
I need to locate a better group than the ones I have found for grief support; I am having difficulty detangling the what is grief from what is routine anxiety, blues, and down right pissed off-ness.

EDIT_ I am a fucking thread-killer. Please someone post something else, I'm sick of seeing my name.


Molten Core Raider
Grief is an asshole.
Its sister, stress isn't much better.
I need to locate a better group than the ones I have found for grief support; I am having difficulty detangling the what is grief from what is routine anxiety, blues, and down right pissed off-ness.

EDIT_ I am a fucking thread-killer. Please someone post something else, I'm sick of seeing my name.
Thread hadn't been touched in 6 days before you got to it. I'd make a joke about it but I'd then be forced to infract myself. Fml.

Mrs. Gravy

Quite Saucy