

Molten Core Raider
Or just 2 hours north where I live, you could probably live forever in a meth trailer bangin toothless girls and staying high as a kite if you can afford to live in ATL.

For real though, you're gonna be alright bud. Hit the gym, there's still a whole day left to play warcraft / try to move ahead in life.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Hell that might be tempting. I would be lying if I didn't say the thought of just starting over some place new hasn't crossed my mind.

Mrs. Gravy

Quite Saucy
I am still trying to determine if I am experiencing depression or if it is just still grief; probably following my own advice and seeking a professional would be helpful. I just haven't been able to make that call; plus I never do anything in a hurry...I am very deliberate in decision making for "big" things. It used to make G crazy.
So here goes: I cry every single day; usually en route to work or home but also at the drop of a hat with certain songs, smells or sights if they are even remotely attached to my beloved. Although I am keeping myself very busy with work, family, maintaining the house and volunteering at things, I still manage to feel alone in a crowd and sometimes don't find joy in things I typically have. I cannot bring myself to put away/give away any of G's things. They are all still where he left them. I buy the soap and shower gel he used and squeeze it onto the floor of the shower so when I am in there, it smells like him. I still haven't put away all of the photo displays and photos from the FUNeral. I spray his cologne on his Chiefs t-shirt and sleep in it sometimes. I write this here for therapy. I am effed up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You miss your husband. Being reminded of him makes you feel good, albeit sad sometimes. For as much as it seems like you two loved each other, this is seems pretty normal to me. Grieving is good and healthy, and allowing yourself to experience it is the best things you can do for yourself. Nothing about that is messed up.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
You miss your husband. Being reminded of him makes you feel good, albeit sad sometimes. For as much as it seems like you two loved each other, this is seems pretty normal to me. Grieving is good and healthy, and allowing yourself to experience it is the best things you can do for yourself. Nothing about that is messed up.

This is true.

Some of us, at least from my country, we mourn for our dead for about a year nonstop. That means no work. Just grieving everyday, every week, and every month. There is probably no fix for this. Just grieve. Take time off from work. Do it properly.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm going to read through this thread tonight and tomorrow, is there anything serious I should know about Lexapro in case it isnt covered already?

I've been on Methylphenidate, Concerta, Vyvance ect for years and I'm supposed to start taking Lexapro tomorrow also. I hate taking medicine so typically find ways to forget it in the morning and throw it away, I will probably to the same with an SSRI but Im willing to try and see if can help


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm going to read through this thread tonight and tomorrow, is there anything serious I should know about Lexapro in case it isnt covered already?

Yeah there's something really serious. Take your fucking medicine instead of throwing it away you goddamn retard.

On a subject that is completely unrelated to my unprovoked hostility this morning, just found out one of my oldest friends is dying of congestive heart failure, and he made it sound like he won't be able to get a transplant in time.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
I'm going to read through this thread tonight and tomorrow, is there anything serious I should know about Lexapro in case it isnt covered already?

I've been on Methylphenidate, Concerta, Vyvance ect for years and I'm supposed to start taking Lexapro tomorrow also. I hate taking medicine so typically find ways to forget it in the morning and throw it away, I will probably to the same with an SSRI but Im willing to try and see if can help
i have the same thing. it works ok.

it dulls the focus of the brain like train of thought and other negative inducing symptoms. basically dulls it so you don't feel as much.

it certainly helps you avoid depression or minimize it to a degree. cuz once you are depressed, it is hard to get out of. if it is dulled, it is much easier to get out and harder to get in.

i recommend it. it's only like 0.50 cents per pill so whatever.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm going to read through this thread tonight and tomorrow, is there anything serious I should know about Lexapro in case it isnt covered already?

I've been on Methylphenidate, Concerta, Vyvance ect for years and I'm supposed to start taking Lexapro tomorrow also. I hate taking medicine so typically find ways to forget it in the morning and throw it away, I will probably to the same with an SSRI but Im willing to try and see if can help

Taking an SSRI sporadically like that can greatly increase most of the undesirable side effects.


Trakanon Raider
Lexapro can take up to 8 weeks to work.

And Mrs. G, it's normal to grieve. It's impossible to me say how long you should grieve. If it continues to interfere with your life beyond a point you feel is tolerable, I'd consider medication. Seeing a therapist might help process grief.
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Trakanon Raider
Mrs. Gravy Mrs. Gravy I'm going to be completely honest with you; You aren't crazy.

That said, some depression is normal in the grieving process. Its stage 4 of the 5 stages of grieving. (The 5 Stages of Grief & Loss | Psych Central).

There is no right answer to any question you have regarding this. If it feels right, feels better when you're done and not harming anyone, then do it. I will say it sounds like you are having some trouble coping, and even beginning to accept, the harsh reality of your situation (sorry to be gruff). At this point, I'd avoid medication. I doubt it'll provide any help in moving into the acceptance stage, and you don't sound like you're in a situation where you need it. That's my opinion, and its far from professional.

What I would seek, and you seem to have already come to said conclusion, is a therapist. Its never a bad starting point. Go to one session, see if it helps. See if you feel better. Look at it this way; You come to these forums because we're an ear that's not going to pat you on your back and go "oh you poor thing"..We're just going to attempt to honestly help (or troll, but we're ignoring the negative)...But we're even a biased opinion.

Imagine this forum, with a face you can talk to, whose professionally trained to help you understand whats going on inside. That's what therapy should be for you. There's no shame in it.
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So my dad passed last week, and my grandmother a few days after.

My dad has been fighting cancer since 2014, was "cured" then it came back with a vegence in November of 2016.

He went in because he wasn't feeling good, promised it wasn't overnight, and a week later was dead.

I'm the oldest of three sons, and doing my best to keep a strong front up for my younger brothers.

The second I'm alone I absolutely lose my shit.

I miss my dad so much. I keep wanting to call him text him email him about the most inconsequential things and it keeps hitting me that I can't.

Not really a question, I'm just sitting here in bed and I can't sleep.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
So my dad passed last week, and my grandmother a few days after.

My dad has been fighting cancer since 2014, was "cured" then it came back with a vegence in November of 2016.

He went in because he wasn't feeling good, promised it wasn't overnight, and a week later was dead.

I'm the oldest of three sons, and doing my best to keep a strong front up for my younger brothers.

The second I'm alone I absolutely lose my shit.

I miss my dad so much. I keep wanting to call him text him email him about the most inconsequential things and it keeps hitting me that I can't.

Not really a question, I'm just sitting here in bed and I can't sleep.

Sorry bud, how old was he? People die, just the way it is. Sucks balls but ya gotta keep on keeping on.


Sorry bud, how old was he? People die, just the way it is. Sucks balls but ya gotta keep on keeping on.
58. It wasn't really the cancer that killed him. He got an infection around the same time he started immunotherapy.

Apparently the symptoms of both are similar so he though it was just something he'd have to deal with until it got so bad we had to bring him in.

They didn't know where it was so they bombed him with antibiotics. Add that to his already weak kidneys, his liver cancer, and then finally the cat scan die (he fell in the hospital...I had just left) and the kidneys shut down which led to heart attack.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I am not even sure why I am adding to this conversation as I usually don't bother to post on more serious threads like this but I figure getting some shit off my chest might help. I have been suffering from depression for a while now. I was on Brintellix for a while but stopped taking it. I even tried to do therapy for a while but it didn't seem to help. I am not a huge fan of taking pills in the first place but it's even more frustrating when it feels like they are just trying to push them on you and can't even tell you how they will affect you or how to tell if they are helping.

Anyways that aside, it’s weird how quickly shit in life can change. About six years ago I met an amazing woman and and moved to Germany to be with her, we were together for four years and I thought I was going to marry this woman settle down and have kids the whole nine. Being in a new country it was somewhat difficult to find new career options but the company she was working for was a decently successful sextoy manufacturing company and they were international to a degree but they had not opened up any markets in North or South America really so I pitched to the owner a business plan to to expand out into the U.S., we did market research and and began work on a launch plan and things were great. I was loving life things were good I had everything I wanted it life it felt.

After about a year of learning the in’s and out’s in Germany we looked to launch a new subsidiary in the U.S. which I was/am a 50% owner in. We looked at a few different cities to open up in between Miami, and LA, Vegas, Atlanta. We ended up settling on Atlanta due to the time difference and also it is the largest import hub on the east coast. I wasn’t then a now a big fan of this city but I was more than happy to work on this business which I enjoyed and I had my girlfriend who was moving back to the U.S. with me so I was happy. I ended up picking a nice sized two bedroom apartment and after another year or so my girlfriend and I split. At the end we were hardly intimate so it was a pretty big hit to my confidence. She stayed in Atlanta but moved out so I had this place that I am still living in and probably paying more on than most peoples mortgage but that was fine. I was making good money and the business was doing well. The first year we were able to do about $400,000 in sales and open up most of the U.S. distributors. Since I would often go to tradeshows and sextoys and porn are pretty closely related and coming off a breakup I fucked whatever women I could to fill the void, porn stars are easy, sometimes I would do it off charm, sometimes I would hire them for the night. It was/is pretty common place in the industry.

Anyways the business continued to grow and 2015 we were up to about 1.5 million in sales and I was able to hire some great personnel. I hired a VP of Sales who through connections was able to help us land an amazing licensing deal. This licensing deal was with a major brand and we were able to produce a ton of products under that label. I have no doubt that there are millions of dollars to be made with it. This is where things start to take a downward turn. My other partner/ co-owner lied to me and the board of directors about his financial capabilities and we were stuck with this deal unable to produce in the time table we needed to. I had to reach out and look at competitors to do some co-op work just to make sure we didn’t breach any contracts. After this things started to turn into a mess and he has tried to push me out of the company and has/is trying to steal my equity as well. This happened in January and I have effectively been out of work since March.

This has turned into an ongoing legal battle with me suing him for damages. The shitty part is there is no quick solution to be had, we can drag this out for years and I cannot afford that. So far I have probably spent about $20k in legal fee’s the past few months. So here I am now with a on-going legal battle over my head, I have lost my business which I enjoyed and I am in a city I hate with no real family or anything around. This whole thing has killed any and all confidence I had and I don’t even know what where to start picking up pieces. After my breakup I spent almost all my free time building this business so I didn’t do much else other than that my sole goal was focused on making money, as such I only have a few friends around and while sitting at home doing nothing is nice for a few weeks it wears on you. I ended up picking up Warcraft again and I am wasting way to much time there.

I am in a somewhat fortunate position in which I have enough money maintain my standard of living and not work for the next year to year and ½ but watching the bank account start dwindling down instead of growing is rough. I know I should get out and start something new or even find an office job or something but the reality is doing anything at all feels like a struggle. My house is a mess when It’s usually spotless, over the last year I have put on weight and yeah..

So feel free to poke or make fun, I just wanted to contribute in some fashion to this thread but it ended up as a long rant I guess. Depression is a bitch and I don’t even know where to start to get out of it.

So I posted this back in August and since then things have only gotten worse. For lack of a better work I feel "broken", I don't know where to begin to pick up pieces or how to do anything. I dove back into World of Warcraft which is an escape in a way but it isn't productive at all. I pretty much spend most days in my apartment with little interaction outside, I have one close friend who started a weed business out in Oregon and thought about moving out there to help him and even invested about $25k in his company foolishly, but I am not sure that is working out and seems to be just another bad decision. Sadly I have a habit of helping my friends out whenever needed and rarely does it ever feel it's reciprocated.

One thing that has struck me very hard in all of this is many of my so called friends and peers were always around when I was running the company and now that I am no longer in that position they disappear rather quickly. People whom I helped find jobs in the industry and other things just blow me off. I am sure it's partly because I am cynical but I feel betrayed on almost all sides. I have been doing some consulting work here and there to supplement my income but my lease it up in a couple of months and at this point I just want to be the hell out of Atlanta.

Half of the days go by and I think of killing myself but I know that isn't something I would do, however the thought of it comes up over and over. Most normal people get over relationships and get over work failures move on and try and find something new. Here I feel like I lost everything, I lost my partner, I lose my timeline for having kids, I lost my career and I don't know how to start over. My lawsuit against my old business partner has been dragged out and it might even take another year which has drained me financially and emotionally. I am not even sure why I am posting this but maybe there is someone here who can help give me some advice. Or maybe there is someone here who can help me find a new career path. I am spending most of this week updating my resume and things and I feel like I am willing to move anywhere in the states and maybe even out of the country if there opportunity presented itself. I am about 4-5 months before I reach the end of my line and I have to do something I just don't know what anymore.