Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Vyemm Raider
.[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */, a "Destiny" fan site has posted a reminder that there are some models of the PS3 and Xbox 360 that will not be compatible with "Destiny." This is mostly due to the hard drive requirement that "Destiny" needs in order to run on the consoles.

Basically all PS4, PS3, Xbox One and Xbox 360 console systems are compatible with "Destiny," except for four systems:

- Xbox 360 Arcade Console

- Xbox 360 4GB Console

- Xbox 360 Core System

- PS3 12 GB System

If you do have any of these systems, there is a way by which you can still play, one of which would be to obtain a hard drive upgrade by consulting with the manufacturer.


Tranny Chaser
Was added last year as a bargain basement level ps3 for purely disk based games or using it as a Netflix box. People who were always gonna add their own larger HD probably liked it as well.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
My Xbox 360 slim came with a 250gb hd? Not that I'm going to buy Destiny for a last gen system tho.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
My Xbox 360 slim came with a 250gb hd? Not that I'm going to buy Destiny for a last gen system tho.
Should have clarified. The 4gb slim version was their budget console that was selling for pretty cheap and pretty popular when the Slim's first came out.


Well, how can I argue with such a well put-together argument.

Console versions of most AAA titles routinely outsell PC versions, which is what counts in the west.

Triple-A games are an evolutionary dead-end well on the way to a crash. They costfartoo much to make and are aimed at too specific a market to be sustainable over the long term. Remember when Squeenix called Tomb Raider a failure because it 'only' sold three and a half million copies rather than the seven they were expecting? It's a bubble, and it's going to pop inthisconsole generation - costs have gone up even further for marginal graphical improvements.


Vyemm Raider
3 days till the beta, supposedly will have 4 story missions this time and not just one.



Triple-A games are an evolutionary dead-end well on the way to a crash. They costfartoo much to make and are aimed at too specific a market to be sustainable over the long term. Remember when Squeenix called Tomb Raider a failure because it 'only' sold three and a half million copies rather than the seven they were expecting? It's a bubble, and it's going to pop inthisconsole generation - costs have gone up even further for marginal graphical improvements.
Not really. Watch Dogs just announced 8 million sold. Tomb Raider ended up being a success after all, and a sequel is coming. First party exclusives still sell bonkers. GTAV just came form selling 29 million copies in 6 weeks, and being the fastest selling entertainment product ever. Not even the fastest selling game, the fastest selling ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCT. Then you have, you know, the game this thread is about. A ballpark figure of 500 million invested for the next 10 years.

AAA is going nowhere. Worst comes to worst, they adjust. But to think that "games with big budgets" are going away entirely is crazy, and you're deluded thinking that it will. Equally deluded as people who said "PC gaming is dead". Or rather "console gaming is dead".


FPS noob
yeah this was interesting from ubisoft's Q1 (April 2014 to June 2014) sales, this is across ALL their games not just watch dogs and is physical and digital sales


They didn't have any crazy console exclusives, but PS4 and PS3 are dominating there. Unfortunately most publishers don't break out numbers like this as well, so its hard to tell any trends. In my mind the consoles are where you make huge returns right on launch day but then it dries up REALLY fast, to the point where after a year you are basically making no money anymore on a title. However on a PC you may not get a big amount of money right away, but with Steam you will get a constant trickle of sales that can spike up heavily during sales and bundles, and that trickle will go on FOREVER.

PCs are also a great place to stage and beta, like guacamelee, Shovel Knight, etc are awesome indie games that polish and polish and polish on PC and release on consoles for only a little extra work (now with ps4/xbone) and a lot of extra money. Win win all around.

But yeah AAA games that try to do something really different are going to be hard to find, its way too much money invested to take any big risks. Endless sequels and small changes.


Silver Squire
yeah this was interesting from ubisoft's Q1 (April 2014 to June 2014) sales, this is across ALL their games not just watch dogs and is physical and digital sales


In my mind the consoles are where you make huge returns right on launch day but then it dries up REALLY fast, to the point where after a year you are basically making no money anymore on a title. However on a PC you may not get a big amount of money right away, but with Steam you will get a constant trickle of sales that can spike up heavily during sales and bundles, and that trickle will go on FOREVER.

Not so sure about that. Pricing on PC is fire sale and very sticky downward on consoles for a reason. Sure the initial 6 months is huge but when one set of systems is still selling games for near launch MSRP a year later and another has fire sale a month or two down the road seems to indicate that not only do consoles have buyers still paying full price, there are enough of them that publishers see no reason to drop the price.


Murder Apologist
Those PC numbers should be sufficient justification for Ubisoft security to drag the uplay people into an alley and shoot them in the back of the head.


But yeah AAA games that try to do something really different are going to be hard to find, its way too much money invested to take any big risks. Endless sequels and small changes.
That's where first party exclusives come in to a much greater extent than games from third party publishers. Also, I'd say Destiny, for example, is a relatively big gamble.

As for BIG risks, and you seemingly implying that unless you're making sweeping changes to a genre, you're not taking a risk, I'm not sure what more you can expect, really. Game genres essentially got standardized to some extent back in the PS2 era, when we found out what works best in an FPS, TPS, platformer, whatever. At some point, where's the benefit in forgoing those standards? You're better off focusing on variations on the same standards, and making smaller, iterative changes. It's more profitable for you, and the consumer is much more likely to get a good game. Again, is that really a BAD thing? Or, for that matter, is that really so "out there". Of course people are going to play more risk-averse when there's a shit ton of money on the line.

At any rate, VR is potentially around the corner. Sony themselves have acknowledged the fact that games need to be tailored around the platform itself, instead of the platform simply playing ports. We'll probably be able to look for our sweeping innovations there.

As for that sales thing, that isn't so much a quality of PC as it is of digital sales. Consoles are going to move away from physical good at least to SOME extent this generation, that's a certainty. If those types of deep discounts over time are really advantageous to the storefront owner, to the developer, and to the publisher (which they have to be, right? Otherwise steam sales wouldn't exist, and they wouldn't be as frequent as they are), or more specifically, MORE advantageous than the way retail sales work now, then I don't see a reason why those couldn't exist on console either.

Not so sure about that. Pricing on PC is fire sale and very sticky downward on consoles for a reason. Sure the initial 6 months is huge but when one set of systems is still selling games for near launch MSRP a year later and another has fire sale a month or two down the road seems to indicate that not only do consoles have buyers still paying full price, there are enough of them that publishers see no reason to drop the price.
That's a good point as well, actually. I mean, logically speaking, Steam would rather ask full price than discount the game right? If they're discounting games on steam months after release, surely that speaks to how those games are selling.

Or perhaps they figured out the perfect trajectory for a game's price in terms of profitability, and the hype a "sale" creates causing more profit than would otherwise be made if the game is full price. I don't know, just spitballing here.

Sorry for the derail by the way, I'll add something useful: Make sure you don't pre-order Destiny on PSN, get into the beta, and cancel it afterwards. Sony reserves the right to charge you regardless of cancellation of the pre-order if you enjoyed the benefits of said pre-order, which in this case would be beta access.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
The kind of did that, but I'd love to see an updated article now that Steam Sales and adoption rate of Steam have grown:

Valve boss explains Steam pricing experiments - Video Game News, Videos and File Downloads for PC and Console Games at

Then there are also articles related to the topic that touch on other points:

Steam, and How a Pricing Strategy Can Negatively Affect the Business of Gaming - Yahoo Voices -

But both are old at this point and just ones I remembered off the top of my head. Maybe someone does have more recent research.


<Gold Donor>
You have to take into account the used market for console games. This is why the sales dry up after the initial rush on consoles. Who wants to buy a $60 new game when you can get a slightly used one for $35?

This is why PC keeps on delivering if you do it right like PC mmos do it. One time use license. Not to say that all PC games do it this way, most PC ports are still able to be traded if you get the box, but most PC sales are now digital downloads which are directly tied to your steam account, or some other account like origin or battle net which cannot be traded. Im not sure, as I have never tried, but can you sell a Steam digital license to someone and let them play the game?


Lord Nagafen Raider
So anyone want to spill the beans, Was the bungie/blizzard collaboration going to lead to an MMOFPS? Before the companies decided to split ways, I'm assuming Activision decided there wasn't enough room in the MMOFPS world for 2 seperate titles (plus Ubisoft's the division as competition) and Destiny looked like a stronger candidate than titan for additional funding? is/was Titan essentially going to be Destiny?

(2 year old news article)
Bungie the first of which is an Xbox exclusive | Digital Trends

Takeaway to make it destiny relevant: They are planning 4 expansion packs each spaced 2 years apart.


Molten Core Raider
Did anyone else make a fake EU Ps4 user to pte download the beta? Hope this shit works


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was thinking about doing that, but I'm hoping they release a pre 17th beta download. It's highly unlikely, so I'll probably go through the 10-15min trouble of doing on Wednesday night if they don't.

Also someone asked who will be streaming and I'll be streaming Destiny again on the 17th and 18th. My twitch is:TwitchFor some reason twitch only saved 1 of my alpha streams but it's in my past broadcasts if anyone wants to watch. I think I mostly PvP in it, but may have the strike and other PvE too.

Unfortunately, I'll be out of town after the 18th till the 26th but seeing as though they're cutting the week in half with maintenence, I don't think I'll miss too much after 2 days of playing... hopefully.

Edit: forgot to link twitch.