Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What do you want them to do publicly flog him? He apologized in a public forum which I'm sure is tough to do for anyone.

And they adjusted the pricing to what the community wanted, and the free one year VIP awards are actually sweet.

I swear this generation ,and entitlement makes me sick. Stop whining about everything...
Is not about entitlement. It's about the players sense of value!!! But seriously, say you go to a restaurant and order a steak. It comes out and that sucker is charred and dry. You complain tobthe waiter and they give you crap about the steak being an excellent cut of meat. Yeah, I don't care how good the cut is, you burnt it. So they take it back and bring you out a fresh steak cooked how you want it. It's a good steak. Overall, your dining experience is not a good one. Why? Because if you mess up the order, you don't make excuses and when you replace it, it better not be "good" it better be amazing.

I don't need that doofus to be fired, but bungie needs to go a long way to show the consumer that they care about the players, not just their wallet.


Useless lazy bastard.
Gameplay is still excellent (when the fucking servers are up....), still lacking anything to do. House of Wolves (minus PvP) completed in less then 24 hours played.

They need to wake up to the fact that CONTENT is the missing part of this game.

Randomly generated strikes would be a start. I dont want to step into a strike already knowing where everyone will be standing to cheese this in less then 5 min, give me a suprise and change it to a system where you chose type of enemy and it generates a random instance built on that theme.

You want a RNG loot system Bungie? The reason it works in Diablo and such is that they throw the loot at you but you keep chasing that "perfect" copy of the item with all the skills/stats/abilities that will be awesome. This reroll shit you put in with HoW was a step up from the static system but it still only encourage me to farm Motes of Light... oh wait it does not because I can exchange all my old crafting materials for 1000+ Motes of light..

PvP is decent, but could we take a hard long look at why everyone now runs around with Last Word/Shotgun or Thorn/Shotgun? Yeah its because thats how you put the enemy down in 2/1 shots. Need to randomize the damage (and remove the one-shot-kill for shotguns) for weapons in PvP unless you really want all games to be a version of super-slide-shotgun or camp-the-corner-with-shotty. Players will adjust their playstyle to what is most effective so there will always be a "top build" but at least give us some choises for second best so we can use some other weapons when we feel like fooling around but still be decently effective.

$20 for shaders and emotes? ROFL. Remove the fucking emotes and replace them with hotkeys for ammo-packs and such that we could actually have some use for?


Useless lazy bastard.
Oh I forgot...

Have they presented a list anywhere of the content of The Taken King? For the price they want us to pay I expect at least 2 new, fully zoned, planets and 12+ story missions considering what we got for that price with the original game.

Running Dog_sl

Another developer chimes in...



FPS noob
Oh I forgot...

Have they presented a list anywhere of the content of The Taken King? For the price they want us to pay I expect at least 2 new, fully zoned, planets and 12+ story missions considering what we got for that price with the original game.
not yet, just new features like 3 new classes and some new shit about class gear doing stuff with other gear and obviously a new 6 man raid with oryx as the big bad. There will be at least one new zone, Oryx's battleship. I'm pretty sure the amount of new content is going to be wildly underwhelming anyways and no doubt some of it will be held back to be released as DLC #next six months down the road.

Its also hilarious that at the end of year 1, in PVP there are only 4 guns that are all you need: thorn/TLW/Hawkmoon/RedDeath, one of 3 shotguns (matador/felwinter/party crasher), one of 3 snipers, and a proximity rocket launcher. In PVE its a little wider but still basically gjallahorn, a sniper of every element, a few shotguns, fatebringer/VOC/WoC/1-2 others. 90% of the guns in the game are worthless junk compared to that list and all the good guns (except black hammer) are launch guns. A group that has 3x gally and one that does not is so wide apart in kill times of bosses its ludicrous.


Well to be fair they solved some of the Gally issues with the different modifiers on pre nerf Skollas, but people weren't good enough to complete it. So now we are back to boring again.

Not one person that burned Skollas ever used a gally, for Arc, and Void.

For PVP, that is in a constant state of flux. We've gone from auto rifles, and fusion rifles being king to Shotguns, and hand cannons. You never know what meta will be in effect depending on what nerfs are out there. That is pretty much every competitive game tho

PVE will never change as long as Gally is out there. It's been strong against everything since day 1. Since they would have to tailor content around that one weapon, they are pretty much fucked.

They really just need to grow a pair of balls and nerf it, but then the same people whining about gally being op will turn on them saying how dare you nerf their weapon. It's a no win for them.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
They really just need to grow a pair of balls and nerf it, but then the same people whining about gally being op will turn on them saying how dare you nerf their weapon. It's a no win for them.
As much as it would make me a sad panda I agree. Gally needs to be nerfed, its just so head and shoulders above everything else. However I can see Bungie just dealing with it with Destiny 2 and then trying not to create another weapon like that. If a Gally nerf ever does happen the butthurt would be incredible.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Common info so far, or at least strongly suggested...
12 missions
4 strikes
2 destinations (Phobos / Dreadnaught)
1 Patrol zone (Dreadnaught)
3 classes
3 PvP maps(?)

No new planet. No new areas on existing planets (I suppose).


Just started playing this. Was expecting to hate it, given the overwhelmingly negative response players give and have given it, and it honestly seems pretty bad, although I'm addicted in that I'm-not-really-having-fun-but-can't-stop-playing kind of way that only mmo's and semi-mmo's can repplicate. My grievances are certainly many:

1) I hate the bifurcation of weapons into regular and special types. Why can I not use a fucking sniper rifle or shotgun as I would in other games?

2) Diablo gets away with random loot because it flows in such quantities that you're statistically assured of something at least worth looking at during a long session. Even common loot is rare as hell here, and what isn't common seems just as boring. Damage + a stat. Does this improve?

3) This is the loneliest online only game I've ever played. Even when i'm on patrol all I ever see is a group of 30+ players killing all the enemies I'm trying to kill.

4) Loot chests. They're waaay more infrequent than loot drops, which would be fine except loot drops are rare as fuck and loot chests have never given me anything except glimmer. This leads to

5). What the fuck is the point of these fucking byzantine levels if a) missions are a series of lines to key areas and b) all patrol missions are boring and thus yield better results if you just abandon the ones that require you to spend an irritating amount of time traveling? Seriously, this world is EMPTY.

6) You have to wait like w minutes between Crucible matches. Wtf. Is this a dramatic pause? Do they want to give me time to savor an impending assrape via a retinue of assrapists assured of wielding shotguns?

7) For a game that Bungie spent an utterly ludicrous amount of money on, it seems rather devoid of content. Is the endgame as tedious as the game suggests it might be? There don't seem to be a lot of raids and it seems what there is is ripe for cheese.


Useless lazy bastard.

1) Yeah, they tried to mix up the damage sort but failed horribly due to unbalanced weapons pretty much destroying anything with their burn. Right now the easiest solution would be to remove damage types for player but keep them for the NPCs so they hurt a lot.

2) Yepp, the loot system does not know what it want to be. Fortunatly the legendary weapons now have some special powers you can reroll so it gets a little tiny bit better, but Exotic weapons are still the rulers of the universe with those horrible unbalanced powers I mentioned above.

3) 1-20 is half a days job, then you need to start running instances/pvp for a chance at legendary engrams and you need to farm strange coins/motes of light to buy stuff from Xur. Since the 20-34 road is totaly based on gear, not xp, you need to farm like a mofo.

4) They contain nothing of value. You can grind the cash more effectivly by running the start of the first mars mission over and over (leave one mob up, suicide, reset, repeat, use Supply Codes that drop to boos glimmer rate). The crafting materials you find in them can be bought for vanguard/crucible marks instead making them a non-issue. The blueprints are useless since you will only use instance/raid gear at 30+ with a smattering of exotics.

5) Again; yepp.

6) P2P matchmaking magic, need to wait for that last special snowflake on a 800 baud modem to join the match (and he probl will be the host so enjoy the lag!).$250 mil budget for 10 year plan, can not budget enough to cover their own PvP servers.....

7)Destiny currently sports about one to two evenings of 2-3 hour playtime to get all 3 of your chars through Prison of Elders lvl 32-34-35 and maybe a raid or two for a shot at that weapon that you will never get because the RNG hates you
Can be extended by PvP. You need a group of good friends to enjoy it, and most of the enjoyment will come from chatting with your friends.

Still, I just cant get over how much I like the gameplay itself....

Edit: Missunderstood your first point. Yeah its odd that you cant just use any two weapons you want. Even if you were going missile/MG it would just punish you with a lack of ammo so /shrug.


Log Wizard
I think if they never said this was an MMO and just called it an 'extensive FPS' or something, there would be less butthurt. I mean, I played the shit out of Halo and all it had was multiplayer and campaign. No upgrades, no random affixes you can't control (you turn on Skulls), same weapons for everybody basically. Still played the shit out of it. If you treat this like Halo 1.5 where you can PVP or PVE and there's a side-game of upgrading and gearing it's actually pretty good. Though the story in this game is non-existent compared to the John117 saga.

For The Taken King to be justified at 40 dollar price tag (I think that's what it is now, right?) it'd have to be 2/3 the game that the original Destiny was. And from the looks of it, it might just be that. The 45 dollars in DLC afterwards will probably disappoint though.

Still a phenomenal game for PVP, unfortunately there's basically no rewards outside of Trials of Osiris after a point. Still has better PVP than most MMO's on PC nowadays~


Useless lazy bastard.
Still a phenomenal game for PVP, unfortunately there's basically no rewards outside of Trials of Osiris after a point. Still has better PVP than most MMO's on PC nowadays~
No... it is a rather dull unbalanced PvP game where Bladedancers with Last Word/shotgun dominates both crucible and trials. It would need a better weapon balance, a mode without supers, dedicated PvP servers and a ton of class balancing to be anywhere near phenomenal. It is, however, a decently fun PvP game when you roll with some friends, but that is true about most of these FPS games.


Log Wizard
No... it is a rather dull unbalanced PvP game where Bladedancers with Last Word/shotgun dominates both crucible and trials. It would need a better weapon balance, a mode without supers, dedicated PvP servers and a ton of class balancing to be anywhere near phenomenal. It is, however, a decently fun PvP game when you roll with some friends, but that is true about most of these FPS games.
Shotguns. Bladedancer solved. The only thing they can do that is any way a concern to me is blink and shotgun. But the thing is 1/2 the time they don't know where they're ending up so it's only a partial advantage. The only thing that annoys me is Fist of Havoc breaking my bubble 100% of the time now. It used to just destroy the bubble and spare me, now it kills the bubble and everyone else in it (as of like 3 months ago, I should say)


Common info so far, or at least strongly suggested...
12 missions
4 strikes
2 destinations (Phobos / Dreadnaught)
1 Patrol zone (Dreadnaught)
3 classes
3 PvP maps(?)

No new planet. No new areas on existing planets (I suppose).
I don't think anyone else mentioned this but someone on reddit posted a screenshot of a bungie tester/dev that was on his friends list doing a story mission on Saturn or Jupiter recently (like last week).