Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


<Silver Donator>
Every time I stayed in queue after finishing a strike one or two people would afk or leave at the start of the next one and I'd have to solo or 2 man the whole thing.
Hit me up Kreugen. Be more than happy to roll some stirkes with you (Brewchop on PSN)


<Gold Donor>
Yeah the heroic strikes are just not worth it IMO. I ran a few last night, trying to get to 5 to finish up the never ending quest. And between people just nopeing the fuck out of them and the difficulty scaling, its not worth it. I did 2 last night two man and it sucked, but I didnt want to be that guy to leave. We ended up finishing them but it was fucking brutal and a waste of time. Did the prison one where its all dark and the brothers one 2 man then another finaly with 3 which went a whole lot smoother. But later I think another quest opens up for you to do the nighfall and it rewards a 300 shotty, thats what ive been hearing at least and why I just want to grind out the 5 to open up that other quest.

Finally ran some of the court while exploring the dreadnaught last night, was cool, did a few ones then a few twos with like 3-4 people. Goes fast, scored a few blues but nothing really of worth except a artifact that was 296. But sadly I think we all ran out of runes so it kind of broke apart.

I think I ended up at like 287 light last night so thats cool. Still need a decent chest, titan mark, secondary and heavy which are all at the 270-280ish mark. Rest of my shit is 290+.

Also what the fuck is with the empty ass patrols? I still have a ton of those fucking taken ultras or whatever to kill and every time I zone in im like the only dude there. Tried several times last night but no one there. Man this game is fucking wonky when it comes to shit like that.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
So I hit 40 last night. Other than just grinding gear to get light 290, what are the things I should be doing daily or weekly that I could miss out on? Like what should I be doing a minimum?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
About to pick up the legendary edition and just wanted to make sure of something. How much PvP is necessary? I don't usually like PvP so wanted to avoid it basically.

I'm pretty sure it can be completely avoided but wanted to make sure. Thanks.


<Gold Donor>
Yes it can be completely avoided. But its still fun to jump in from time to time and wreck some shit. This pvp is pretty unique as shooters go.


<Gold Donor>
So I hit 40 last night. Other than just grinding gear to get light 290, what are the things I should be doing daily or weekly that I could miss out on? Like what should I be doing a minimum?
Well when you hit the right light level do the daily mission and daily pvp match. The daily pvp does not require a minimum light level. Weekly gunsmith guns to test. Nightfall when you get to 280. And complete all the quests in between. I guess there is some weekly pvp thing to do as well but i never looked into it.


Check your router settings too. Make sure your ports are forwarded and get a static ip address for your ps. Way more people in instances now that i have done this. We were rocking out those mini bosses on the planets last night with a 3 fireteam.
I know someone else asked as well, but asking still makes me feel inept lol, but could you please elaborate on what to do (steps, map, secret decoder ring)? I am so tired of empty zones. Its odd because the first few days of TTK everything felt packed and now I am mostly alone (unless in a pre-made) and trying to kill these Tk bosses solo in patrol is a pain. Thanks ahead of time for any help!


I suck at pvp. What does the pvp daily usually entail?
I am one of the worst players at Pvp (maybe PvE as well, but I have fun) and typically finish in the bottom 3 unless I am having a rare moment of brilliance and I love the daily. It does not matter if you or your team win or lose, you are guaranteed to get 15 points jsut for trying. That said, TTK has added a lot of easy bounties to do if you want. I typically finish 4 or 5 not even trying hard, but there are still a few that I don't even bother picking up. Plus pvp has been a good way to get gear and money for me. I hope you try it and have some fun!


<Gold Donor>
I know someone else asked as well, but asking still makes me feel inept lol, but could you please elaborate on what to do (steps, map, secret decoder ring)? I am so tired of empty zones. Its odd because the first few days of TTK everything felt packed and now I am mostly alone (unless in a pre-made) and trying to kill these Tk bosses solo in patrol is a pain. Thanks ahead of time for any help!
Do a google search on it. They have all the makes and models of modems and routers and what to do. They are all different. But usually they have the log in information on the box itself. You nust have to open up the ports (most have a firewall on them for protection). Then set up a static IP on the PS. Usually when you turn the ps on it automatically assigns a random one from a range of ip addresses your router has. You want a static one assigned. All this shit is explained when you google the shit better than i could ever do.
Portforward Destiny


I've been enjoying this expansion and all of the changes, however it seems the Destiny loot gods still like to have a laugh with me. Completed a quest, got a 280 legendary shotgun. Decoded 2 legendary engrams, get 2 more shotguns. One is a 296, so fine, I'll use a shotgun. Do a strike before I call it a night and an exotic engram drops. Decodes to the 4 horseman...Come on...Guess I love shotguns now.


Vyemm Raider
Sigh i still havent found a good shotgun and im about to purchase a year 2 invective - Did a couple Oryx kills and hit 300 light but still no shotgun from the raid.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
XXEXX there is always the free shotgun from Holliday's questline - The Chaparone (exotic). Really not too hard of a quest. Essentially the same thing as Thorn


TLP Idealist
Finished the raid last night. Xxexx do we have to do the raid on three separate characters to get loot or can we just run it three times on one character?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Got up to 286 light. But that's with a 300 Shotgun I got from a rep ranking that I won't use because I hate shotguns. So 285 when I equip my sniper rifle. Ended up getting a blue ghost shell for 295. Wtf.

The itemization for the legendary marks is pretty whacked. Why even have them at all? In the time it would have taken me to get even one or two of those items, I was able to get blues that were better. I have marks which I have no use for now. They should bump up the power of those items sold to augment getting items via strikes. At least to 290/295.

Playtime is limited tonight but will be on tomorrow night, and All weekend. Would like to raid. I have never been on one.


TLP Idealist
The legendary gear is better due to perks/stats. Your best bet is to find some gear that has some rolls you like then infuse it up to 300 and it will be better than 300 blues would be.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
When's this shit come to PC? Never played this but was browsing Twitch a couple days ago and watched the 1st kill of Oryx, reminded me of EQ raiding days. Apparently it's 1 year old now and still no PC version. Last time I purchased a console was 20 years ago and not going to start now. Apparently Bungie has hired (or hiring) a "PC Compatibility Tester", so perhaps soon?

Looks like a fun game though.