Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Psn is down for maintenance. Is that real or just hammered servers?


That guy
My two extras, enjoy. Remember to post if you used it!



Silver Squire
So I got through the little tutorial thing. First Impressions of just that:

Combat is still tight although it feels as though the aim assist got tweaked some and feels a little stronger now which I dislike.
Graphics are beautiful

Things that need work:

Intro cut scene leaves me wanting much more. Very basic, perhaps its just part of what they have planned but there is enough to barely warm you up to what is going on but nothing after that. There needs to be more.

The starting tutorial area needs more lore. You have these neat nooks and crannies all over and a decent amount of spots for a tutorial but there is nothing there. No lore at all as to what happened and the area is ripe for lore drops and info to find and pick up. As it is there is nothing what so ever to find.

Really doesn't need to be spoiled but whatever.
Then the ship. OK so you get there and this few hundred year old ship is ready to go? Meh. Kind of poor. I hate to say it but a task or two to get things running would make much more sense and allow for time to explore wtf is going on.

Then you drop off at the city and its practically dead. There is no one really moving around, there isn't anyone talking more than a single canned word or two and the entire area just lacks any soul what so ever. Adding players isn't going to change much these NPCS are just vendors and have nothing to say or do.

Go back. No subtitles on the communication from the wreck. Don't even have to pick up the warp drive? Just auto falls in your inventory.

Slight bit more bread crumb of lore. I really hope they flesh it out better in release.

Then you select the new mission and what appears to be a new area and it basically drops you of in the same spot again. Really? I bet they reuse a ton of the maps over and over for the 16 missions. I hope those later maps are huge because running through the same area will get old fast.

The starting experience needs work.


Vyemm Raider
Anyone have issues with this on ps3? Friend used one of my codes and after confirming etc it never downloaded - Are the servers still completely shitting the bed?


French Madman
By the way, I was looking about the xim4 again, and looks like it's releasing in august. Good news.


My PSN ID is SirSoriak if anyone wants to play this on the PS4. Just got through the tutorial and on route to the first mission. I do agree that it'd be nice to have some more storyline so far... right now, there are a lot of disconnected one-liners. I wonder whether they're holding back lore for the beta (but then, that's probably wishful thinking). Hopefully that improves in future missions.

There was a line spoken that made it seem like we'd go back there at a later level.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So far this is pretty fun, but a little different than I thought in the way you do missions. When I did my first mission, after the tutorial, I assumed it would be me solo, unless I invited 1 or 2 friends to join. Instead it randomly matched me with two people. They then ran off and did a bunch of stuff without me, which was ok because all the mobs seemed to respawn quickly and all the quest objectives still needed to be completed by myself. The second mission wasn't just a map with my objectives to complete, it was a really big area with a lot of mobs that didn't have anything to do with my mission, and some were so strong they were ??? level and immune to my weapons. Not really sure what I stumbled on, but I'm looking forward to playing more.


Karazhan Raider
Finished the first mission. Overall pretty fun, probably needs a bit more polish. Running around the city was a bit awkward with no sounds or music


FPS noob
you unlock crucible, the first pvp type, at level 5 by the way - talk to the crucible guy in town near the class NPCs (will have a quest at 5 or after level 4 story mission). I assume you unlock the other PVP modes similarly, they had new maps for crucible including a green mars map with lots of cliffs.

and yeah missions are like borderlands 2 public quests or GW2, 1-3 people. its supposed to be friends (including groups you are in?) only, but you can change it to completely public by going to options, then roster, and changing the button next to Fireteam from friends to public (or closed for 100% solo)


Silver Squire
I'm about finished with the allowed area. I'm really not impressed. Alpha was one thing but this is two month from prime time.

1. World is stagnant and empty. There is zero reason to explore. The game doesn't even pretend there is a reason as it will auto port your ass out once your done with the objective. You might as well run right to the objective and just ignore everything because there is zero reason to bother with any of it except to grind levels.

2. Running through the same areas over and over again is shitty development.

3. The city is pretty bad and hardly a city

4. Story has potential in its raw form but they are so cheap with the lore its hard to take it seriously. Besides the cut scene and the meeting with the one speaker guy there is no info. "A wizard, kill him" ok, well why? Why is he so deadly why am I trying to kill this guy? Why is he special? Same thing for the horde. "OMG the horde they haven't been here in a century". Well ok, what happened when they were here? Why?

How about the story of the destruction, the lives of the people that were there and would of left stuff behind? There is nothing. Even games like DOOM got that part right. Its just an empty fucking world. There is nothing in it.

Its like these people forgot the entire who, what and why.

5. AI is really bad. If they did something other than dot in and out of cover firing a few shots it would be a miracle.

6. Mob diversity is also bad. If I see a captain and 2 vanguards guarding the entrance again I'm going to scream.

Here is how I see this game.

Borderlands, farcry and other games like it offer you far more in terms of world, story and loot. They feel more open and do a great job of making you feel like the world is real.

Games like Wolfenstein and fuck even Doom do a much better job of putting you in a world and tell you a story. Linear as hell but at least the ride is interesting and the lore fits and fills in the gaps.

Destiny is like the half retarded cousin right now of both these games. The world is stale and there is zero exploration. The story isn't even close to being told well and everything about what is in game feels rushed. The back tracking over early levels, lack of interaction in the world, lack of anything really except "insert sentence here" follow the diamond, kill and get ported out. There is nothing in between.

Sorry but this game is mediocre to poor at best. Solid feel of combat and graphics but not much else.


Vyemm Raider
You do know certain mobs are in certain parts of the game? The reason you see X type of mob on earth is because thats where that part of the invasion is - The city not being a real city is to be expected, this is a FPS it sounds like youre expecting a full on MMO experience. In not quite sure why #2 is even in there considering we like dont have access to much of anything and its just 1 planet. The only thing i was hoping for between the alpha and the beta was a level increase but even without it, its still enjoyable for a beta. CoD and BF sell millions each year, and who even knows the story to those?

Curious what you were expecting from a few hours of beta game play, or should i say from changes from alpha to beta - from a shooter perspective the AI is still better than most.


Lord Nagafen Raider
1. World is stagnant and empty. There is zero reason to explore. The game doesn't even pretend there is a reason as it will auto port your ass out once your done with the objective. You might as well run right to the objective and just ignore everything because there is zero reason to bother with any of it except to grind levels.
There aren't random chests to loot or random drops from mobs? I've hardly had time to play the beta, so was just hoping that no random loot drops from mobs yet was because I've only played an hour.

In the first mission I did see what looked like a chest up on a platform between two big pipes. I couldn't jump high enough to reach it, but was hoping it was just a random exploration reward and not a part of an upcoming mission.


Vyemm Raider
There aren't random chests to loot or random drops from mobs? I've hardly had time to play the beta, so was just hoping that no random loot drops from mobs yet was because I've only played an hour.

In the first mission I did see what looked like a chest up on a platform between two big pipes. I couldn't jump high enough to reach it, but was hoping it was just a random exploration reward and not a part of an upcoming mission.
There are, you need to look around for them - there are also some hidden golden chest and some others guarded by stronger enemies. There arent alot of huge rewards for exploration so far but this is the starting planet and not even any of the max level areas for gear progression. You can find simple chest by looking around, climbing things and some mild exploring but i wouldnt expect alot. There is a mission that takes place in exploration zone, after you do the quest mission you can do the exploration version for xp or grind but they take place in the same general location.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
irritating.. I still can't log onto psn to download the game...


Silver Squire
You do know certain mobs are in certain parts of the game? The reason you see X type of mob on earth is because thats where that part of the invasion is - The city not being a real city is to be expected, this is a FPS it sounds like youre expecting a full on MMO experience. In not quite sure why #2 is even in there considering we like dont have access to much of anything and its just 1 planet. The only thing i was hoping for between the alpha and the beta was a level increase but even without it, its still enjoyable for a beta. CoD and BF sell millions each year, and who even knows the story to those?

Curious what you were expecting from a few hours of beta game play, or should i say from changes from alpha to beta - from a shooter perspective the AI is still better than most.
I was expecting a AAA FPS on par with Halo, Gears or Borderlands.

Its not a city? Give me a fucking break


There are what 16 missions and how many of those are open in the beta right now? I'm inclined to believe we are looking at 1/4 to 1/3 of the game right here. No wonder that video had the guy just about done with the game in that short period of time. 6 hours is a joke for a single player story especially when you barely have any story in the game.

Those chests are fucking useless unless you want 50-80 energy. The entire earth section feels like it takes place in a smaller area than a single area in borderlands. People don't find that ridiculous? Especially with how half your earth missions put you in an area i could practically piss across?

Sorry but this game is WAY over hyped.