Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone that was expecting a mmo environment out of this is sadly delusional. Youll always have die hard fans like Column for any given games but when you remove the shiny coating, its still the same old shooter that brings nothing new to the table. It was easy to see months ago.

Then you have a game like thisNo Mans Sky. Its pretty obvious to spot a dev thats trying to break the mold and one like bungie who is playing way too safe.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I only played for a short bit last night, but I played an entire mission on my Vita's remote play and this is one of the best remote play games I've played. The controls were great.


Tranny Chaser
Then you have a game like thisNo Mans Sky. Its pretty obvious to spot a dev thats trying to break the mold and one like bungie who is playing way too safe.
I dunno. I look at No Mans Sky and see Spore the Next Generation. Lots of conceptual promise that I fear will turn into lackluster gameplay


Trakanon Raider
Think it is funny all the Halo/CoD crowd is trashing it on all the rating sites I guess because they are butt hurt Bungie and Activision made another game that gained some attention and their games are being overlooked. We had a couple of guys at Gamestop come by troll the midnight release just to talk about how Halo and CoD is so much better and everyone is wasting their time. It was almost like they were come to trash the guy that took their girlfriend.

So far the game is very smooth and easy to get around. I haven't been bored or have I found myself just standing around because i'm stuck or unsure of what to do. I haven't played very much but first impression is probably 8+/10. I may be spoiled from DayZ but I like to chat and wish if you were in a Fireteam that allowed you to group chat if desired. Maybe that's something I've overlooked but thus far I have formed PSN party chats with friends and just chatted that way. Maybe that will suffice but if you get a PUG, is there an easy way to discuss or point out strategies? I'm sure there's a lot I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out if there are truly factions and if they are meaningful at any point of the game.


That guy
Tried to do the moon mission Chamber of Night 5 times now and it's crashed out every single time after the second scan. Thanks Obama.


Anyone that was expecting a mmo environment out of this is sadly delusional. Youll always have die hard fans like Column for any given games but when you remove the shiny coating, its still the same old shooter that brings nothing new to the table. It was easy to see months ago.
Umm I was the one early on that said it wasn't a mmo, and just Halo re skinned with more stuff to do.
Like I said many times the game is more akin to Diablo then anything else. Why the media coined it a mmo I have no idea.

As far as bringing new shit to the shooter genre, who gives a fuck? Is it fun is the only question you should ask yourself.
You Nancys need to get with the program!


Tranny Chaser
So this AM I was screwing around in the Cosmodrome Patrol and found yet another area I had no idea that existed full of ?? Hive. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I really enjoy finding secret hideyholes like that.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So, I had a lot of fun last night and am just taking it as a shooter/diablo loot fest. With the hopes that some guns do some outrageous things.

But for Christ sake, they could have put more effort into the missions and the single player story. It's God Awful. The voice acting from Dinklage, and I said this before in Alpha, and Beta, makes me think he was half asleep and trying to take it seriously but rolling his eyes half the time he had to read aloud the horrible dialogue. The story missions: Please tell me it gets better than what I have seen so far, which has been fight to the shadow can't respawn thing, break through a few mobs, and defend your ghost against the same three fucking waves of mobs coming.

Holy shit tell me something better happens on the moon, Mars, or Venus. If not, that is a horrible and darn near un-excusable lack of effort for mission content. I mean, I get the premise of the game is to basically go around the universe and kill things and collect loot. The gun play is excellent, responsive, and the feedback on hits and such is great. But from what I have seen so far the loot itself doesn't have any remarkable individual qualities from a firing perspective with cool particle effects and unique explosions. I hope they have this later on.

What they did right was the gameplay and the smooth shooting mechanics and some good atmosphere. I also like the music.

Still on the fence about how long this game will actually last to their "10 year plan", but if they don't have solid/fun rewards at the end of the loot carrot with fast expanding content and a much better story line going forward (With better voice acting) to set the stage of the world, it isn't going to bode well for them.

Granted, I should preface that with I am level 7 almost 8 and finished Earth and still need to start the moon missions. For those that completed the story, is it what I have to look forward to? The same run, 3 wave, defend missions?


The general sentiment that the game lacks decent storytelling is definitely something I can agree on. From what they were telling before the game launched, I kind of had in mind that we'd be getting a story the scope (or at least somewhat approaching the scope) of Mass Effect. Instead, what we essentially got is a COD campaign, plain and simple. I just hope the missions get expanded upon in end game, which is what the "tag" system seems to imply; in that you go through them again in more varied difficulties. (someone who's already level capped, please for the love of god, confirm that you can play through these missions again on difficulties other than normal or hard)

We'll see, I dunno. I'm still digging this game though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
People playing this... does the game have legs? Will it still be a thing at Christmas this year?

I was thinking of geting an XBox One just to play this with my brother but... maybe I'll get the 360 version today and try it out first.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It was pinned early on has a mmo for some reason. Either by bad wording from bungie or just this general tendancy that online game with persistent characters = mmos that the hipster crowd keeps thinking. The destiny thread was even in the mmo section of this forum at some point, which really did rustle my jimmies.

Regarding bringing new shit to the genre... sure if a game is fun, its fun. But having a tripple A dev not aiming for higher standards is depressing. I would hate, h-a-t-e, being an artist in an environment that shuts down innovative ideas for the sake of playing safe and not letting down their target audience, halo bros. They had the potential to unite all platforms, pc included, in a new persistent game environment which pushes the genre. Its like this new pizza joint opens around the corner with the big italian mama and you can already taste the awsomeness of your dinner, then you order and they sell you a hot pocket. Sure the hot pocket is good but man... wheres my sweet pizza made with mama lovin.


A Mod Real Quick
I remember quite specifically saying early on that the single player was going to be far below most people's standards, good to see I was right.

Enjoying the game personally, graphics are awesome too.


People playing this... does the game have legs? Will it still be a thing at Christmas this year?

I was thinking of geting an XBox One just to play this with my brother but... maybe I'll get the 360 version today and try it out first.
Don't you get the XB1 version free when you buy the 360 version? Might as well try it out on the 360.



<Gold Donor>
The problem with calling it a loot fest game (akin to Diablo, etc) is until level 20 - there is fuck all for loot. It's boring, unimaginative and stale - I've gotten a few decent blues, but nothing worth talking about. I've heard that post 20, it really comes into its own (loot wise) and I hope that is the case... because if that isn't the "hook", what is?? It is fun, no question but you've got to give people a reason to continue logging on. I get the "the game doesn't even start until 20!??11111" crowd, really I do - but if this WAS an MMO, the same people spouting that would be saying "well if the leveling to max level is terrible, why would I level?". It applies to both. There is absolutely no excuse for the story being as downright shit as it is, not with the money they're spent and more importantly, time they've spent.

I just can't really understand where all that time went. There is absolutely no "flavor" in the game (I'm not counting their lame attempt at flavor by adding a bunch of shitty dead ghosts) - they could have added simple shit like sparrow races (with timed achieves), crafting, gathering levels (the more you gather the faster you pick stuff up) etc. No fun side quests... I don't know. Just feels hollow to me. No sweet achieves for 100% completing a world, no rare spawns with loot tables....

Like I said, in spite of that - Its still fun to play, the gun play is terrific, the environments (all 5 of them) are well crafted and pretty to look at (think I like Mars the best), I just don't think it will ever turn into this 10 year franchise or whatever bullshit they're saying... I do think they can learn from it and make Destiny 2 a much better game ala Borderlands 1 vs Blands 2.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
/\/\ Now that would be awesome. Just more activities. Races, a better loot structure (That sucks I won't see anything decent until 20) when leveling up, rare bosses... I heard even the public events aren't dropping anything good right now. Starting to wonder how much Activision had to do with this for what will no doubt include an online shop at some point in time. $4.99 for races, $5.99 for boss battles... I see them trying to aim for that

I remember quite specifically saying early on that the single player was going to be far below most people's standards, good to see I was right.

Enjoying the game personally, graphics are awesome too.
While this is fun, I would really like to see where the $500 Million went because as of now, Borderlands (with a few exceptions) has done about everything better to this point aside from the pseudo persistent world where random people (sometimes friends, sometimes now) show up on your screen, from my subjective opinion of this type of loot centric shooter. What was Borderland's budget? $45 Million if that? Seems a majority of the budget for Bungie went to Dinklage (Which they should get their money back) and Marketing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I dont understand how you guys are figuring this out now after dropping the coin for the release. It was hollow and had no flavor back in Alpha/Beta; was pretty to look at. Unless, it was assumed they did a great marketing job to spin it as having way more content then what we played during the testing. Smoke and mirrors, the game is boring and lacks depth and no amount of Led Zeppelin can fix that.


A Mod Real Quick
While I don't know where $500M went, there is a bit more to this than borderlands. They developed for 4 platforms, had to develop network infrastructure (and obtain hardware), probably a hefty graphics budget, tons of marketing (White PS4??).

I'm sure some people got hefty bonuses as well.

I'm more interested in how many units they sold in 24 hours.