Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Demon Hunter would actually work pretty well on a gamepad - they have a lot of directional attacks which work great with a gamepad setup. Anything where you just turn the direction you want to shoot, basically. The problem with gamepads + ARPGs is Targeted Attacks where you move a cursor and click where you want an AE to go off. I haven't played Diablo 3 since like, before they changed Inferno at all though (beat all of it except Diablo, just got bored and put it down), so it's been a while and I'm not sure what attacks DHs are reliant on now.

As for PS4 and PC playing together - it's certainly possible to do, but people rarely do it. You can play the PS3 and PC versions of Portal 2 together for example. I doubt Diablo 3 will do this, but the possibility *is* there albeit a very small possiblity.


Are you seriously not using the smart fill when browsing the AH currently?
Yes, for most things I use auto-fill. For example, If I need to look up Inna's Temperance, I'll just type in Inna and scroll down to the item I want. That probably wasn't the best example.

Also, it's set up with those scroll windows so you can look items up quickly for certain stats, like Vitality. This will translate just fine to consoles.

But what WON'T transfer fine is when you need to type in your inputs. For example, you limit your find to Inna's Temperance.....now you want to look up just the ones with Dexterity over 150. How are you going to enter in 150 on the PS4 version? It takes me seconds currently to just click on the min value box and type in "150"....I imagine on the console version, you have to move over to the min value box, pull down another scroll down, and pick "150". God forbid I want a weird value like 148 and I have to enter that manually with a gamepad.

When you put an item up for sale, how are you going to put in your starting price and your buyout price?

When you look up items similar to what you have now, you right click on that item, and it brings up the stats automatically....what if you want to change those to lower ranges? Right now I just clear the field and type in the new number...how will that work with consoles?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, using the filters on the console would be too cumbersome, I can't imagine being willing to deal with that.


Demon Hunter would actually work pretty well on a gamepad - they have a lot of directional attacks which work great with a gamepad setup. Anything where you just turn the direction you want to shoot, basically.
Yes, but the problem with that is you might miss, since you are just firing in the direction you are pointing. With the PC version, you mouse-click on the enemy, even if it's way far away, and your character will automatically shoot him. You never miss. I find the mouse preferable because I can rapidly re-locate to my next target, even if it's on the opposite side of the screen. It would just be slower on a gamepad.


Yes, for most things I use auto-fill. For example, If I need to look up Inna's Temperance, I'll just type in Inna and scroll down to the item I want. That probably wasn't the best example.

Also, it's set up with those scroll windows so you can look items up quickly for certain stats, like Vitality. This will translate just fine to consoles.

But what WON'T transfer fine is when you need to type in your inputs. For example, you limit your find to Inna's Temperance.....now you want to look up just the ones with Dexterity over 150. How are you going to enter in 150 on the PS4 version? It takes me seconds currently to just click on the min value box and type in "150"....I imagine on the console version, you have to move over to the min value box, pull down another scroll down, and pick "150". God forbid I want a weird value like 148 and I have to enter that manually with a gamepad.

When you put an item up for sale, how are you going to put in your starting price and your buyout price?

When you look up items similar to what you have now, you right click on that item, and it brings up the stats automatically....what if you want to change those to lower ranges? Right now I just clear the field and type in the new number...how will that work with consoles?
Have you never actually played a console game with text input? It'll just use a virtual keyboard that you hunt and peck on with the stick/d-pad. It's cumbersome and slow, but it works just fine. Typically a key is also assigned to delete/backspace for clearing stuff as well. It's like you have no imagination at all man.


Have you never actually played a console game with text input? It'll just use a virtual keyboard that you hunt and peck on with the stick/d-pad. It's cumbersome and slow, but it works just fine. Typically a key is also assigned to delete/backspace for clearing stuff as well. It's like you have no imagination at all man.
Yes, and I hate it. It just shows it's limitations. Like trying to enter in your player ID for PSN. Or take a game like Ni No Kuni, which I know we both played.....did you bother renaming any of your pets? I sure as hell didn't, I just took their suggestion, it was much easier than trying to type out a whole new name.

I never said you couldn't do it on a console. I'm just saying it's more cumbersome, which you yourself agree with.

Now, why would I subject myself to the more cumbersome mechanic, when I have a more efficient and easier-to-play version already....on my PC?

Again, I doubt anyone who currently owns the PC version will buy the PS4 version, unless we can use the same characters.


Well buying another version of a game you already have issilly. But this is opening up the game to a wider audience, this isn't something they're putting out there soyouwill buy two copies dude.

Not everyone plays PC games and ARPGs are a genre well suited to consoles, it's to bring in new players. Some classes won't control as well, some will controlbetterand they'll tweak the UI to make it gamepad friendly. The AH is going to suck no matter what, but there's not much you can do about that (if they even port the AH over at all).


Yes, of course the PS4 release isn't intended for me, it's to reach console players who prefer consoles to PCs, duh. And I realize ARPGs can be good on consoles, I was a big fan of the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance series on the PS2. Same with Champions of Norrath.

And I'm glad you agree that some classes will play better and some won't. That's why I got into the discussion in the first place. You initially made it sound like the gamepad is better in all instances. It's not. There are times in Diablo 3 when mouse+keyboard is just better.

As far as the Auction House, I don't see how you don't port it over. It is an integral part of the Diablo 3 experience. Sure you can play without it, maybe in a misguided sense of remaining "pure", but because the drop rates in the game suck so bad, you are just gimping yourself.

In fact, I find it hard to imagine that they won't be bringing over the RMAH.....Diablo 3 has become a money-grab for Activision now. Long gone are the days of Blizzard being first and foremost about the gaming experience. There is no way they leave all that money on the table, especially given today's environment of DLC and in-game purchases like that Dead Space 3 abomination. RMAH would be a natural extension of that.


For ranged projectile, they'll probably just use smart targeting. If it's on your screen, fire at the closest mob in the direction you're facing. If you're trying to attack something offscreen, then you'll probably have to be accurate with the right thumbstick.

The only problem I see is for targeted aoes. You could have it cast similar to a ranged projectile attacks, but it's not really optimal. Playing a meteor or blizzard wizard, you want to center your aoe on the group and not the closest mob. Though you could totally program it up to be smart so that it hits the most number of enemies. But who knows what Blizzard (the company) is going to do.

Oh, and teleport is going to be weird, too. I can't even imagine trying to optimize that spell for consoles. There are times when I want to teleport into a group of enemies, or teleport to a specific spot to avoid frozen explosions, arcane lasers, etc.

In short: Play a melee if you're going to pick this up on the PS4 (except for leap...)


Yeah, I haven't played an AOE class in so long I forgot about that.

Also, can you imagine trying to wormhole/teleport as a wizard with a gamepad instead of a mouse?


It's very possible that the RMAH part of the AH won't make it over due to various issues with online transactions and such. The AH itself probably will, but I wouldn't be surprised if red-tape keeps the RMAH away (which would not be a bad thing).

And what I said before was that analog sticks are superior to keyboard keys formovement. Analog sticks have degrees and full rotation, keyboard keys basically give you 4 directions and only have an Off/On state, they're like a d-pad. I also greatly prefer having direct control over my character and think ARPGs are way better with either a gamepad or wsad+mouse overMouse-Only. The best of both worlds would be having stick movement + mouse aiming.

Well, really the best would be stick movement + buttons/triggers (which can be analog rather than digital 1/0 keys) + mouse aiming.


Which is what I said a few pages ago: Nostromo with an analog stick + mouse would be king for ARPGs.

Actually, it'd be really good for shooters too.


A Mod Real Quick
I might start playing this again, actually intrigued to play it on PS3/PS4. Gave all my money away before I quit, something like 40 million gold. Ah well, fuck it.


Lol shocker why Diablo 3 was so underwhelming.

PS4, Actiblizzard, lol my sides.

Someone buy all this DH gear I got before the lawls take me home to Jesus.


Trakanon Raider
Looks like the console version will get paddled for both being dumbed down and having features they deliberately withheld from PC release. Rightly so.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Yeah fuck them for giving consoles offline mode. I had never gotten to really experience "betrayal" by a company that I was very loyal to, but god damn, Blizzard managed to allow me over the past few years.