Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Lord Nagafen Raider
Man, you guys are quick. Thanks, Nazi mods!

Back to D3: I hadn't had a chance to play since patch 1.0.7 came out. I started by buying all the new armor and amulet plans for a max of about 5k each (except the 1.5mil each chest recipes, fuck that). Also bought all the gem recipes I didn't have. I think I paid a max of 35k for the Marquis Emerald one. Most were <20k. Crazy, considering Perfect Star recipes ranged up to 2mil prior to patch.

During game play, recipes do drop like water now. I would probably be 50% to new recipe completion after a day of solid play without even tailoring runs to get them. It seems the new armor/ammy recipes can drop from packs as well as bosses. No wonder they are worth nothing.

Got a few unique drops (read: brimstones), including my personal favoriteBurning Axe of Skanks. I think it's my 5th. And as always, gear that Dex gold farming chars use still seems to sell better than anything else. I assume because it is the only thing regularly removed from the economy.

Now that I've got some Demonic Essence queued up, what have you guys been crafting? I was going to start with amulets and move on from there.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've gotten quite a few of those axes as well. It's not a bad concept, but I don't know why they cap the damage so low on it.

I've crafted at least 50 shoulders, and around 20 gloves and 20 amulets. I've gotten a couple of decent shoulders, but everything else was crap. As soon as I get 20 essences, I usually try to make something.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I feel like shoulders and bracers are the easiest to get an upgrade.

Amulets and gloves have the biggest home run potential. Crafted 50 amulets for no upgrades. I've easily crafted 100 pairs of gloves and only one trifecta.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I wouldnt buy gold for 25/100 mil when theres websites selling 100 mil for 8-9 bucks lmao, get a bil for 80
I tried playerauction. Filled out the information. I went through the full verification process. My credit card was approved. I went to try and buy gold, and my Playerauction account got suspended for violation of policy. I replied to the email and also sent an email to support. I was very confused as to why I was suspemded with no direct reasoning as to allow me at least an arguement for the reason. I must say this has left a bad taste in my mouth for this site. I have yet to get any kind of reply and I am close to calling my credit card company and blocking any transaction from this place as a secondary precaution.

Anyone else know of a site that is willing to work with transactions that are credible? I really am kind of puzzled at this business model.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, that is a really nice ammy roll, Tenks. And a really nice Tal's ammy, Xith. Did you buy that or did it drop for you?

Yellow gloves are pretty clearly BiS due to lack of a lego that has decent natural rolls. Do shoulders have any reasonable shot at out-rolling Vile Wards, or is it just a Hail Mary to see if you hit the jackpot? I guess yellow bracers vs Lacunis is debatable if you don't need IAS+MS. I'm not aware of a class where yellow chest is BiS over a set chest, so sinking 1.5mil to 6mil into patterns seems like a total waste. You could probably buy a low end roll of each class's set chest for 6mil...

EDIT: didn't see Ish's post. Thanks for the tips! Though I think you have the worst luck at crafted rolls of any RR member.


<Bronze Donator>
Playerauction is a load of shit, I know plenty of friends that tried to legitly sell/buy on their website and got suspended for unknown reasons, claimed their support wouldnt tell them or help them out at all. I dont even use that place.

I still manage to sell gold myself for 16/100 mil on RMAH so I wouldnt sell lower than 15$/100mil myself, but before I would bot I used to buy fromhttp://www.mmogoldbay.com/. I've used them at least 10 times and never had any problems, I also used this coupon godisagirl which right now 100mil is 9$ there but coupon gets you it for 8.74$/100mil. I also just saw someone selling a billion for 80$ in this forum:http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/diab...uy-sell-trade/. Whenever I bought from mmogoldbay it would take like 5-10 minutes for them to add me to friends ingame and trade, all they ask is that you reply to the email they send you as confirmation. Sometimes I prefer to add them to skype to help speed up the process if it's been more than 5.

All I can say is, I've bought probably 2bil out of game and never been banned for it, so I wouldnt worry about that. As a botter, if I were looking to buy gold, I would post on that ownedcore forum, look at the current rate of what people are selling it for, maybe offer slightly lower in a new forum post. I mean 80$ for 1 bil is awesome, buying through D3 RMAH is a waste of money, you have to think that botters are slowly selling their gold for 16$/100 mil ingame, so any chance to sell in bulk out of game they will most likely take. I know plenty of people bitching about billions not selling all at once, so the opportunity is out there. The fact that the gold website (mmogoldbay above) sells for $9, also tells you that there are people selling to them for less than that, obviously, or how would they be making a profit selling at $9?

Keep in mind that the reason gold is so cheap right now is because there hasnt been a real banwave in about 2 months, so gold will keep decreasing until a banwave happens. I thought it would have by now but maybe once they release the item revamp patch, they'll ban some people to help bring gem/gold prices back up. So you could technically buy some gold, sit on it and wait for ban then sell. The gold might not go up much for very long but it will, but then you'd need to find a buyer outside of game, cause gold will still be at 25$/100mil ingame.. it'll just sell faster

feel free to pm me if you have anymore questions.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
EDIT: didn't see Ish's post. Thanks for the tips! Though I think you have the worst luck at crafted rolls of any RR member.
Really it depends on what you are trying to upgrade. To beat my current crafted gloves I have to get perfect rolls on 3/5 stats, and another good stat to make them a massive upgrade. Neck is also pretty difficult to out roll so it is just very low % odds. I'm definitely happy with what I've been able to craft.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Really it depends on what you are trying to upgrade. To beat my current crafted gloves I have to get perfect rolls on 3/5 stats, and another good stat to make them a massive upgrade. Neck is also pretty difficult to out roll so it is just very low % odds. I'm definitely happy with what I've been able to craft.
Yea, for me, my gloves/amulet/shoulders we're all pretty bad, so wasn't too hard to get a quick upgrade. On the other hand, there's like no reason to try for braces because the difference between perfect and what I've got is almost nothing. Better off just throwing more gold at gloves/ammy trying for trifecta.

I started gearing up my wizard for budget CM, its a nice diversion from the monk and pretty nice for fighting elites. Totally different style.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Speaking of shoulders, and not sure if these are good for every class or just wizards, but prices for Vile Wards probably took the biggest nosedive of any item I've seen. So if you don't want to bother crafting shoulders and are looking for/need a decent upgrade, take a look at those.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Thankyou for the help "Lost". I will try one of those sites tommorrow. Given your response, I am not expecting a response from thier site. It is a shame though. The site appeared to be well developed to have such an attitude towards new customers.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Really it depends on what you are trying to upgrade. To beat my current crafted gloves I have to get perfect rolls on 3/5 stats, and another good stat to make them a massive upgrade. Neck is also pretty difficult to out roll so it is just very low % odds. I'm definitely happy with what I've been able to craft.
I was recalling your difficulty with HF rings in addition to your 100 gloves crafted for an upgrade. Didn't you have have to step away for a little while after getting screwed on HF rolls?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Last time I checked for barbs high str/high vit Vile Wards were still in the 300M range. Much, much cheaper to just keep crafting items and assume you'll get an upgrade better than wards in probably 10M max. Hell that amulet I rolled was probably my 30th or so. So I spent 4M~ gold on an amulet that, if it could be sold, would be worth in the 500M range. Crafting is almost always the better and cheaper option to upgrade those slots.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I know Blizz was looking to sink some wealth out of the economy with the crafting patch and with current prices, ammy crafting may help. Essence is free and Brimstone is pretty cheap (12k each right now), but Perfect Squares are 40k-70k each (or at least 30k to make yourself) and the fee is 100k to craft. That means you are sinking 150k to 200k per attempt, or 15mil to 20mil per 100 attempts. Ouch. You can buy pretty sweet gear for that amount. But it's probably less than what a really lucky roll would cost on the AH.

EDIT: Tenks already covered this while I was writing. Sneaky.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
?? the only perfect square that is that high is emerald(Because it is the only usuable weapon upgrade). The rest go for 2k or less right now. Nice thing about being a barbarian is that I do not care about Dex nearly as much as Strength, which requires ruby.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I hate the fallen maniacs. Fuck them.

I've been doing Crypt of the Ancients MP10 over and over, I've gotten two legendary's today in maybe 25 runs. Got the idea from watching the US vs. Euro twitch.tv farming competition today. I tried Archon on my wizard first, had to drop down to MP7 to minimize deaths to asshole elites, so I switched to CM and I can do clear all trash and named fine, outside of the really shitfuck elites on MP10.

Does anybody ever do Ubers anymore? I've accumulated some machines, but I've never been there and have no idea what to do and I have bad memories of doing random pugs from WoW, and would rather not look like too much of a noob myself.
I'd definitely like to find someone for ubers, currently have 6 machines atm, but never done them before and would rather not waste the machines on a lower MP level just to get a feel for it. Also don't really want to try soloing a higher MP level.

Also looking for a DH build and how to gear one up, mine is effectively naked, all I used him for was pre-nerf whimsy farming.
I can help with ubers if people want Serum#1204. I have done mp10 with other well geared chars, I'd feel comfortable carrying around mp7. If you wanna add mention you're from rerolled in invite.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Last time I checked for barbs high str/high vit Vile Wards were still in the 300M range. Much, much cheaper to just keep crafting items and assume you'll get an upgrade better than wards in probably 10M max. Hell that amulet I rolled was probably my 30th or so. So I spent 4M~ gold on an amulet that, if it could be sold, would be worth in the 500M range. Crafting is almost always the better and cheaper option to upgrade those slots.
I had really shitty shoulders or got lucky. Probably both.