Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
If that's all the current ladder ends up as then I can't imagine why anyone would bother. But given the current Bliz teams track record of understanding what made Diablo fun I bet you are spot on.


Trakanon Raider
What's the issue of account bound gear in a ladder system? I never played ladder in D2 but I always been under the impression it's to see who can level the fastest and get the best gear. Am I wrong?


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
What's the issue of account bound gear in a ladder system? I never played ladder in D2 but I always been under the impression it's to see who can level the fastest and get the best gear. Am I wrong?
Yes and no, there were certainly people who got off on the idea of the competition and leveling the fastest so you can see their name on some bullshit list. These are the same people who try for gold in WoW challenge mode it's just an e-peen measuring stick. On the other side there was a section of people who like it because it was a fresh playing ground it didn't have years of botting, farming and exploiting built up into a trash heap of an economy it was an even playing ground if you will even if just for a short time. Also usually the Diablo 2 ladders had new items and loot only available in the current ladder that were typically powerful and desirable enough that you wanted to play ladder.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Speaking of Witching Hours, don't suppose there's anyone who'd be interested in swapping one with dex and more or less the same stats (life% required) for mine?



Trakanon Raider
People are arguing against ladders? The fuck?

LADDERS were D2. People went back to the game years later when there was an update with a ladder reset.
Amen brother.... Bring on the ladders. That would really seal the deal of making this one of the greatest set of improvements of any one game in the last few years. SimCity should have made improvements like D3 has planned out. Maybe games of my childhood wouldn't be so raped and pillaged if a few companies would just use their head for a moment.


Molten Core Raider
So I just realized that with almost zero effort, I have managed to get some ridiculously high defensive stats on my monk via 2 passives:Seize the Initiative and One With Everything. With 2.0 loot giving silly amounts of stats I have over 4,000 dex which is about 1200+ free armor from Seize the Initiative. So with 4200 armor and 940 to every resist, I have 1.5 million toughness on my paper doll. Will this even matter in higher torment levels? Because it seems like it's mob toughness that caps my Torment level rather than mine, or in other words, I decide not to crank up the torment level because it takes too long to kill shit rather than because I am getting splattered by Act 1 zombies.


The best trade-of situation is to have high DPS, low defensive stats, and skills that allow you to 'not die' even with low def stats. And also to group with other people to mitigate elite problems and potentially increase damage a lot using group-based buffs & debuffs.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, Monks are pretty ridiculous as tanks atm. Mine is pretty useless solo with this build, but in groups its great (esp. with nemesis bracers in bag for spawning more elites).



Golden Squire
Have to wonder - will they start a new ladder season from scratch on release? If so that'd be pretty crazy in that everyone's "work" thus far has all been for nothing so to speak.


Trump's Staff
Ladder might be worth it if they give some % bonus to legendary drops and make ladder drops tradeable.
The reason legendaries aren't tradeable isbecausethey're shutting the AH down. The #1 reason the AH even existed is because third party trading sites all get into the business of stealing people's accounts and they didn't want to deal with that. Now that the AH is gone they have to do something to prevent all these sites from springing up again.


Molten Core Raider
Force 2 factor authentication for player trades (with the option to whitelist people) just like they did with the RMAH.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
The reason legendaries aren't tradeable isbecausethey're shutting the AH down. The #1 reason the AH even existed is because third party trading sites all get into the business of stealing people's accounts and they didn't want to deal with that. Now that the AH is gone they have to do something to prevent all these sites from springing up again.
They really don't have to though... Locking things down because of the 3rd party sites and dipshits who get hacked is a hamfisted approach. Locking things down because they don't know a better way should not be a solution.