Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The past week or so I've noticed many more 1H and 2H drops that don't have intelligence on them. wtf smart loot. My wizard doesn't want strength.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well, the only thing people put in their weapon sockets is +crit damage anyway after level 61; why not take sockets out of them totally and just make every legendary weapon roll with +crit damage as a guaranteed affix? The problem is +crit damage; it is so powerful that anything without it is smacked ass; it is the main reason that two handers blow next to dual wield because there is no way to make up for losing that +130% crit damage in the second weapon socket.

Either that or as someone else mentioned in the thread, put a cap on +crit so even if your weapon doesn't have a socket you can make up for it with rings/bracers/amulet or something and not lose too much.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah with loot 2.0 they really missed a chance to do something about mandatory emeralds in weapons. There isn't a build out there that doesn't want an emerald socketed.


<Silver Donator>
Remove sockets from weapons, cut HP mobs by 10 percent in average across the board. Dual wield can still be good depending on weapons, 2 handers don't look like such shit anymore and are now more viable (could probly use some tuning in damage even with sockets out of the picture due to sources /mojo/quivers).

I found 1000 weapons, not one had a socket but my TF, some would have been fun to play with but rolling a socket in them would have forced me to remvoe either the main stat or the + damage affix or the +attack speed affix. I'm sure some of the weapons can be fun toys, but just crippling to any build due to the requirement for sockets.


<Bronze Donator>
Beta had caps for a short while. Not sure why it was taken out and a solution for CC <-> CD never truly implemented. But let's nerf IAS again!

It's not a bad idea. Or just don't have specific sockets mean that much anymore. You don't see people bemoaning socketless helms that much unless they NEED the CDR from a diamond. And I think that's a good thing. I have 4 different helms that could all be situationally useful. Andy's Visage is probably the best, dps wise, but I also have the 36% blind helm, the fireball on LTK helm, and the 30% lightning damage helm. And only 2 of them have sockets.

Starting to fear the legendary gearup myself. I'm very much doubting I'm going to get perfectly rolled legendaries to replace my perfectly rolled 5 affix rares. Monk specific problem, so thanks OWE. I will say Blizzard did get the item progression from 4 affix rares to 5 to 6 to legendaries correct(monks aside). Blood shards and bounties feel useful even if you have to run a bunch of them and you feel like you got something done in a play session.

They really need to implement some form of trading. I'd honestly rather start botting than play a week at a time without anything to show for it besides some paragon levels. And I'm actually almost going on a week since getting my last significant upgrade. All I've done is switch out my OWE stat to poison to take advantage of my helm's secondary stat.

Oh sorry, that trifecta ring. That's been my one meaningful upgrade.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I understand some of the FAG's (forever alone gamers) like to only solo or duo with one friend but you are not optimizing the loot system. You guys could just group with friends and pass loot, thats how 50% of my loot and set items have been gotten. A lot of times what you are turning into a soul is a huge upgrade for someone, we just give them the next junk leg that drops.

If the crafting mats are updated tonight we have room for 2 farming Cosmic Strand mats, going to do other wizardly armor camps as well after.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Thought I'd share myWD zoo buildwith you folks. It's unusual, I'll admit that, but it's a pet build for a pet class, and I've always loved pets. Here are the pros and cons:

Very high survivability (have not died once since I fine tuned this build, in spite of landing some very tough mob combos).
5 dogs, 1 gargantuan, loads of those little fuckers, 7 taunting zombies and either a Follower or 1-3 friends mean it's not often that you are targeted.
If you land in a narrow place with shit spamming mobs you can literally run away and let your pets kill them for you.
Quite fun having so many "allies" - but only if you dig pet classes I suppose.
Stack Life on Hit gear for even more survivability; if you can't get close to an Elite pack due to them spaming shit on the ground, just let your pets handle them while you find a non-elite pack and kill them for life.
Pets just won't die.

Low DPS, so low that I have a hard time killing treasure pygmies when I'm soloing on T1, unless I catch them in a corner and there are no other mobs present.
While Vampire Bats is high damage it's also relatively close range so you have to get up close and personal to kill things quickly.
Can't tell pets what to attack which means if there is a large pack or multiple Elites they mostly go each for one which makes killing slow.
While awesome for Solo play, and even Hardcore, it can be a downer for Multiplayer which brings me to my next point...

While I love this build solo, I think it has certain drawbacks in group play, so I'd love to get some examples of good group builds, regardless of whether or not they are pet builds.


Even if you can kill pretty quick on T1?
For split farming probably, depends on the strength of the group. You will be alone but have the monster hp scaled to a group of 4 and in Torment that can make a fairly large difference. If everyone is mowing throw stuff that way then yes T1 would be better.

Friend got Wand of Woh to go with his 2 extra missile mirrorball last night. That build with the Firebird bonus is going to be insane!


<Silver Donator>
I understand some of the FAG's (forever alone gamers) like to only solo or duo with one friend but you are not optimizing the loot system. You guys could just group with friends and pass loot, thats how 50% of my loot and set items have been gotten. A lot of times what you are turning into a soul is a huge upgrade for someone, we just give them the next junk leg that drops.

If the crafting mats are updated tonight we have room for 2 farming Cosmic Strand mats, going to do other wizardly armor camps as well after.

Never run anything but groups of 4. problem remains the same. We're at the point where only VERY specific items are upgrades to any of us. The only thing we end up trading are decent items for alts, that's it.


Toe Sucker
They should just make 2h weapons always roll ~100% crit, so you can pop a socket into it and make it even more. I'm pretty sure they had 2hs rolling ~200% crit damage and possibly a socket pre 2.0 didn't they?

Please ignore the fact that i say this while maining a crusader, simply wanting to ride the coat tails of more crit damage and a shield.


<Bronze Donator>
I understand some of the FAG's (forever alone gamers) like to only solo or duo with one friend but you are not optimizing the loot system. You guys could just group with friends and pass loot, thats how 50% of my loot and set items have been gotten. A lot of times what you are turning into a soul is a huge upgrade for someone, we just give them the next junk leg that drops.

If the crafting mats are updated tonight we have room for 2 farming Cosmic Strand mats, going to do other wizardly armor camps as well after.
So just extend that system to clans or friend list in some fashion? Some of us have restrictions from putting in 2 hours of uninterrupted group farming. I'm betting a decent part of this thread does or could post in the parent thread. Yes, I'm sure my friends will understand if I have to go take care of the screaming baby, but if I know that's a possibility, I'd rather play solo instead of inconveniencing them.

And if everyone groups and trades, how is it that much different than trading in clan? The chances that 3 of your groupmates might want that drop(and you don't) probably isn't that much different than someone in the clan wanting it.


<Bronze Donator>
For split farming probably, depends on the strength of the group. You will be alone but have the monster hp scaled to a group of 4 and in Torment that can make a fairly large difference. If everyone is mowing throw stuff that way then yes T1 would be better.

Friend got Wand of Woh to go with his 2 extra missile mirrorball last night. That build with the Firebird bonus is going to be insane!
I was referring to solo rifts. I can kill decently quick on T2. To the point where I would guess moving down to T1 would put more emphasis on movement between packs instead of actually killing them. I find that incredibly boring because you're essentially doing chest runs at that point. But that aside, why would that be better than killing on T2?


Potato del Grande
Whats with all the stupid 2H improvement suggestions? Just suggest 2 sockets instead of convoluted ways to have innate crit or removing it altogether.


Well its about efficiency, which matters more to some people then others. If it takes you for the sake of argument a rift on T2 say 10 minutes then it does T1 say 5 minutes but the difference between legendary drop rate is .15%, then you will begin to see the problem. Its where the adage that play the game where you can essentially one shot everything came from, because the scale for RvR has ALWAYS been fucked.

There is no reason that I can think of that normal -> master has the exact same drop rate its just an adjustment in xp / gold. How does that make any sense, or that T1 is 15% better then normal? T6 is more or less 2x the drop rate of normal. Sounds great until you realize the time differential between killing and you will have 10x the chances in normal then you would T6. Drops needs to start happening exponentially, because frankly if you are geared enough to do T6 even kind of efficiently you will need to sort through possibly hundreds to thousands of shit legendary items at that point to find an upgrade.

Yes they tried to solve this via Torment only legendaries, but the real game changers are still not Torment only. Thundefury, Shard of Hate, Mirrorball, the DH bow that makes bola's OP, and of the WD pet items, hello Crusader affix weapons?. It makes almost no damn difference. They could have had same drops across the board but better stats the higher you go but we all know why they didn't.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I understand some of the FAG's (forever alone gamers) like to only solo or duo with one friend but you are not optimizing the loot system. You guys could just group with friends and pass loot, thats how 50% of my loot and set items have been gotten. A lot of times what you are turning into a soul is a huge upgrade for someone, we just give them the next junk leg that drops.
I've not been having these problems finding gear like other people, and its mainly because I try to play this game with my friends. And compared to some of you that are solo playing this and spending more time, I've been getting better/more drops. Shit I've put in more time in payday 2 then this in the last two weeks. If you're in the rerolled guild thing you have no excuse either, be more fucking social and find people to play with. If that seems like a burden to you, why are you in a guild/clan thing in the first place.


<Silver Donator>
More sockets doens't fix the slew of non viable unsocketed weapons in the environment. So now your 2 hander not only need 1 but 2 sockets to be viable, and 1 handers with no socket are still shit, which is about 95 percent of all weapons found. Sockets are weapon are so powerful they are mandatory, why make this something optional to begin with?

Not to mention Crusaders with 2 sockets in a 2 hander and a shield? That's balanced!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I understand some of the FAG's (forever alone gamers) like to only solo or duo with one friend but you are not optimizing the loot system. You guys could just group with friends and pass loot, thats how 50% of my loot and set items have been gotten. A lot of times what you are turning into a soul is a huge upgrade for someone, we just give them the next junk leg that drops.

If the crafting mats are updated tonight we have room for 2 farming Cosmic Strand mats, going to do other wizardly armor camps as well after.
Most people in the clan prefer to run solo or already have an established group of friends like you. It's amazing to me how many people would prefer to do a Rift solo then let people come in at 99% or whatever. Same thing with bounties. Very rarely do people tell others what they are doing and ask people to join them which makes no sense to me but whatever.

My problem is basically what Deathwing said... lately I haven't had a lot of uninterrupted time to play so maybe that's true for everyone who solos Rifts all day too. But I'm with you, I'd much prefer to invite people to play with me for the reasons you said.

The other issue that seems to creep up is that people aren't willing to just offer a legendary to the group, or people are afraid to ask for something that's an upgrade, or people just ignore you when you say "hey that's an upgrade for me if you aren't going to use it." James is the only person who actually gave me a legendary in a group that I asked for after he said he wasn't going to use it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have been putting off leveling a Crusader because they released with a lot of issues. Last night my friend gets a Leg 2 hander drop that is 2800+ Dps with good stats and a socket. The sweet part was the level 40 requirement on the secondary roll. Now I want to build a crusader just to see how much damage I can do at 40th.

The game is wearing on me a bit though with the legendary grind. As somebody already noted, it takes a good legendary drop to replace my near perfect rare rolls. These drops are really far a part for me in play time. Hell I spent 2500+ blood shard for boots and I FINALLY get a legendary drop. It was a pair of Blackthornes. I swear I wanted to throw my laptop, but as there were no Blizzard employees responsible for the stupid item system sitting next to me, I felt it would not have been worth the money to break my laptop.