Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Deathwing_sl said:
they need to add something that makes it feel like you made progress for a couple hours of farming.
I know, and this is where they could have made paragon levels shine, but they didn't really do much with that system. Instead of being an interesting way to customize builds, it's just a bland system of obvious choices and insignificantly tiny bonuses. A paragon level feels completely irrelevant, I sometimes don't even allocate the points until I've got several unspent. They could have designed something like a lighter version of the PoE skill tree, but instead they chose probably the least interesting kind of speccing system imaginable.


Trakanon Raider
Is there a Euro chapter of the clan? Getting bored soloing stuff/grouping with mouthbreathers.
Yes there is, me, gogusrl, Pyros and bunch of others are in, if you can't find it ingame "Rerolled" post your Blizz ID here and someone should invite you


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This about sums it up. I've gone from torment 70ish pre-RoS to 230 now and I'm really feeling the slowing down of the game. 3 days of playing without finding a worthy upgrade for my character, when there's still so many uniques that I would equip no matter the stats (I play a pet doctor atm - need starmetal kukri, any piece zunimassa, tasker and theo etc) yet nothing dropping except shitty 2-handers it's just boring. I've gambled thousands of gloves and gotten maybe 40-50 unique ones, all mage fist, andrews and gladiator gauntlets. It comes to a point where I wonder why they made the attractive items so buttfuckingly hard to get, even badly rolled ones.
I had to stop playing my WD. Way to frustrating trying to farm key parts needed for the pet build. 1300 Blood shards for one leg, while attempting to get the mask. I still never found it. I find that for this account, I get upgrades for other classes. On the WD, I kept getting + to fire gear that included a near perfect roll Magefist. I finally took the hint and rotated to my Wizard. Now I utterly ruin T2 and mass clear at will. I still need the Cindercoat and the weapon nobody finds (Wand of WoH), but that gives me incentive to continue on for a while.

Unless major changes are made to the system, Blizzard will have a hard time retaining players. Every torrent level should have had items that could potentially roll better stats than the previous torrent level. Add a unique creature to each Torrent level that is potentially accessible through rifts with a unique loot table, and this game would have been fun as hell. I am not sure why Blizzard decided to go all Korean hardcore with this game.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I had a wand of Woh in the bank for a long time, since when it dropped I didn't like explosive blast so didn't even try it.
You son of a bitch.

Getting back to the running bounties on Normal thing, is there *any* benefit to running it on T1? It's just idiotic to faceroll through to be more efficient.


You son of a bitch.

Getting back to the running bounties on Normal thing, is there *any* benefit to running it on T1? It's just idiotic to faceroll through to be more efficient.
Only that the random mobs you kill could possibly drop the torment-only legs. But there's no bounty-related benefit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You son of a bitch.

Getting back to the running bounties on Normal thing, is there *any* benefit to running it on T1? It's just idiotic to faceroll through to be more efficient.
Yeah, the benefit is to possibly get class specific set drops. You definitely get more upgrades quickly doing normals and if you're targeting a specific cache legendary do normal, but t1 and higher also has the chance of dropping those bis set items(while doing the bounties, not from the caches themselves). For example, Pride's Fall, from a3 cache, is a game changer for dh, I recommend farming a3 normals in your spare time until you get one.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is running a WW barb without Shard of Hate worthwhile? found a TF and Fulminator on the crusader and thinking about making the switch. Trying to read up on this on bnet/reddit but its mostly useless.
It works but I feel an barb that can't properly perform a WW build is better off just going Fire/HOTA until you can build for Lightning/WW.


Toe Sucker
I learned last night that split farming bounties is insanely more efficient than soloing that shit.. having 2 or 3 people do an act each for act 1/2/4 and maybe 5, we were getting a boat load of bounties in a pretty short time on normal.
I didn't get a ring or gloves but it was nice to actually see some shit drop

Sucks i ended up getting magefists but they were strength based on my DH

Nerf - Community - Diablo III
I'm not sure if I should give the bracers to my monk since i'm not really utilizing them and just craft a decent reapers wrap instead :\

(normally i don't use strafe, i just left it there while doing normal runs.. typically its wolf companion)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I havent gotten a thunderfury on my Wiz, fuck this game im quitting im so bored.
I don't know if it was you or James that I told, but last week someone joined me and some others doing T1 rifts and after the first one the guy goes, "This is my second Rift in a row without a legendary. Fuck this game" and he logged off.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know if it was you or James that I told, but last week someone joined me and some others doing T1 rifts and after the first one the guy goes, "This is my second Rift in a row without a legendary. Fuck this game" and he logged off.
Sounds like something I'd say.


<Bronze Donator>
If you don't have the flail, imo you shouldn't run blessed shield as your only source of damage. Drop zealous glare and provoke and get actual cooldowns you can use instead, like judgement resolved, law of valor, condemn and heaven's fury(you have the 3beam flail, might as well use it). Then blow up trash with them. Pop everything on elites. I don't know that how I played mine, I don't feel blessed shield even with the shield is good enough with the terrible wrath generation of the class and slotting skills that only increase wrath generation but only in multitargets setup(which are where your damage is highest anyway) seems meh.

Item wise though, the crafted shit is best until you replace with akkan, with a few slots where you could use stuff that's different. Bracers Reaper's Wraps, belt there's a few better ones(100%dmg on chests, the blinding one for control, witching hour/hellcat for damage etc) then you'd change the crimson set piece to boots(I think that's the other part?) and replace cains, you could use aughild's set if/when you find that, replace rings obviously with bounty one and SoJ, helm with holy andariel and so on. There's a lot of shit to upgrade to be honest but yeah a lot of drops aren't gonna be upgrade even in your non perfect slots.

I guess main itemization issue is there's still too many trash legendaries and too many trash stats, so even with smart loot, most of the loot you get is still trash. Granted that's kinda the point of the game but it can be annoying. I think my main problem with the design is there's a few build changing legendaries and a lot of higher stats rares that you would never use(unless they roll the good stats then you replace your rare with a 5% gooder stats increase). I wish there were more legendaries changing skills, even though not all of them have to be super good. For example the DH quiver that lets you drop 2 sentries is pretty shit for everything but ubers due to the cooldown on sentries anyway, but it's something that's unique and if you wanted to make a sentry build you'd go for that.

I think they need more of these, shit that's not necessarily super good but does at least something for a specific build. Every "main" skill should have a legendary changing it. I look at the DH legendaries and there's nothing that affects Rapid Fire, Impale, Chakram, Multishot or Cluster Arrow(cindercoat but that's fire specific, not skill specific, just tends to be more efficient on high cost skills). This is most of the hatred spenders of the class, aka the main skills you're going to use. You don't even have to be a genius to figure out affixes for these, Rapid Fire piercing %, Impale piercing %/multiple projectiles/bouncing/cost removal, Chakram larger size/multiple chakrams/shuriken cloud effect on every rune, Multishot ressource managemeent/aoe, Cluster cosmetics cause the skill is already too good.
I disagree. I liked blessed shield while leveling up even without Jekangbord and it's even better with it. It's everything D2's chain lightning was and D3's electrocute isn't. It's the laziest killing machine ever. WW would win that battle if I could throw WW somehow. I don't see how using Condemn and Heaven's Fury to kill trash is going to help. One of the great things about Blessed Shield is that I don't have to gather up mobs to kill them. Still going to need a spender regardless of what my cooldowns are.

Reaper's Wraps definitely would be useful. I gave up on that farm after I experienced how long it would take me to farm Malthael and also get a well rolled version. Been thinking of getting the Burst of Wrath axe instead. Some of those belts are good, but probably only Witching Hour is worth breaking up Cain's.

I like your idea about legendaries. They probably should have gone through and made at least one legendary for each ability. Another problem is that the gearing and difficulty curve is all out of whack. This is something WoW got right after a couple iterations. Quest greens -> dungeon blues -> raid purples. The only time you're starved for upgrades is when you get to the end of that curve in a content cycle, and that's to be expected.

However, in Diablo, blues -> yellows -> oranges/greens is not nearly as smooth. Who wears blues anymore past level 30? Why do they still drop at 70? Make them meaningful as gear or just give me 2-4 dust and make it auto pickup. Way too much time is spent at yellow. Yet, the mini curve within yellow was actually really well done. 2 -> 3 -> 4 primary affix rares takes a little bit of time. I'm still hunting for a helm that has a bit better CC. Just finished off my rings two days ago. And pretty much all my pieces could be better tuned in CDR and CC/CD. And even after that, yellows are still useful for mats or selling for gold.

Yellow -> orange/green is messed up. They've changed the ranges so that of most stats, orange HAS to roll higher than the yellow, even if that's only a guarantee of one more stat. Percentages got left out of this guarantee. But what isn't working is that if I have 4 affix yellow and the orange only rolls 2 of those affixes. In itself, that's fine, gear variation is good. But what they haven't done is made it reliable enough for you to roll another of that item. If I continue to farm for X hours, I will get another one of these. And it hasn't happened yet excepting the two Azurewraiths and Eye of the Storm.

Blood shards really really need to be more reliable at rewarding better gear. Diversify the categories some more(especially 1H and 2H weapons) and boost the chance so that 500 shards feels like something. Scale blood shards with torment level the same as legendary chance so that people actually like tackling challenging content instead of this split farming T1 nonsense. I like playing solo because I frequently alt tab to other stuff. But fine, I'll group with people to get better gear. But now I'm not even playing with my friends, I just happen to be in the same game? Stupid.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I learned last night that split farming bounties is insanely more efficient than soloing that shit.. having 2 or 3 people do an act each for act 1/2/4 and maybe 5, we were getting a boat load of bounties in a pretty short time on normal.
I didn't get a ring or gloves but it was nice to actually see some shit drop

Sucks i ended up getting magefists but they were strength based on my DH

Nerf - Community - Diablo III
I'm not sure if I should give the bracers to my monk since i'm not really utilizing them and just craft a decent reapers wrap instead :\

(normally i don't use strafe, i just left it there while doing normal runs.. typically its wolf companion)
You don't have a quiver man? Dual-wielding is ok if thats your thing, but that rare 1-hander is killing you. Helmet you can pick up a better rare, you want dex/crit/+ca damage/vit or socket. Amulet you want +fire, dex, cd, crit. Reaper's wraps are just ok, pretty underwhelmed by them when I found out they only restore hatred, I tried dropping blood vengeance passive with them and used nightstalker, but the resource regeneration was about the same and I didn't have the +25 hatred from blood vengeance, so reaper's wraps are a good filler, but a set piece or one other unique property bracers can go in its place, strongarm's are really good if you find yourself a windforce. Chest you need cindercoat asap obviously. Gloves I'd reroll the as to vit and on the left ring I'd reroll vit to cd, as doesn't do much for lfb build.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I learned last night that split farming bounties is insanely more efficient than soloing that shit.. having 2 or 3 people do an act each for act 1/2/4 and maybe 5, we were getting a boat load of bounties in a pretty short time on normal.
I didn't get a ring or gloves but it was nice to actually see some shit drop

Sucks i ended up getting magefists but they were strength based on my DH

Nerf - Community - Diablo III
I'm not sure if I should give the bracers to my monk since i'm not really utilizing them and just craft a decent reapers wrap instead :\

(normally i don't use strafe, i just left it there while doing normal runs.. typically its wolf companion)
You don't have a quiver man? Dual-wielding is ok if thats your thing, but that rare 1-hander is killing you. Helmet you can pick up a better rare, you want dex/crit/+ca damage/vit or socket, also as I said a few posts earlier pride's fall from a3 cache is a game changer here. Amulet you want +fire, dex, cd, crit. Reaper's wraps are just ok, pretty underwhelmed by them when I found out they only restore hatred, I tried dropping blood vengeance passive with them and used nightstalker, but the resource regeneration was about the same and I didn't have the +25 hatred from blood vengeance, so reaper's wraps are a good filler, but a set piece or another unique property bracers can go in its place, strongarm's are really good if you find yourself a windforce. Chest you need cindercoat asap obviously. Gloves I'd reroll the as to vit and on the left ring I'd reroll vit to cd, as doesn't do much for lfb build, when you have the resource reduction gear it does nothing as you're just spamming ca the whole time.


Toe Sucker
You don't have a quiver man? Dual-wielding is ok if thats your thing, but that rare 1-hander is killing you. Helmet you can pick up a better rare, you want dex/crit/+ca damage/vit or socket. Amulet you want +fire, dex, cd, crit. Reaper's wraps are just ok, pretty underwhelmed by them when I found out they only restore hatred, I tried dropping blood vengeance passive with them and used nightstalker, but the resource regeneration was about the same and I didn't have the +25 hatred from blood vengeance, so reaper's wraps are a good filler, but a set piece or one other unique property bracers can go in its place, strongarm's are really good if you find yourself a windforce. Chest you need cindercoat asap obviously. Gloves I'd reroll the as to vit and on the left ring I'd reroll vit to cd, as doesn't do much for lfb build.
I've just been winging my DH to be honest, i haven't really played him since the first few weeks of the game coming out. I'll have to look into a quiver if they're indeed better even with a 1h xbow?
I know of all the ele stacking and what not i need to do as well, i just haven't been able to find any drops for them quite yet

I have very bad luck with drops hah


A nice asshole.
Starting to get busy with other games and I know I won't be logging in every night pretty soon. Seeing as how I didn't want the job to begin with anyone else want clan leader roll?


Eh, digital crackwagon this game is. I put in 160 hours in the last month and a half.

Every other game in the two years previous? 180 hours.

Goodbye, yellowgoldbrick road.