Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Confirmed Male
Grind is starting to get to some of us, find myself navigating back to the TV more than playing.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Grind is starting to get to some of us, find myself navigating back to the TV more than playing.
Same but I'm glad. I was playing like 4-8 hours a day which isn't healthy. I'm down to like 2'ish unless its a weekend.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ditto, I'm still having a lot of fun but its nice to spend time with my chick and balance the game instead of ignoring her from the minute I get home until sleep.

Im going in this weekend though like a crackhead


Finally got my ice climbers a few days ago after ~20k on boots. My motivation for rifts has been pretty low since I'm running out of stuff to gamble- just been doing easy XP/gold bounties and some ghom runs while rewatching Carnivale. Pretty burnt out trying to find a third piece of the earthquake set. I even switched some gear over to my female barb due to superstition, but that bitch is apparently allergic to class sets altogether. She does love her some flavor of times though.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Many don't have the same mindset, as they want to focus on 1 character, but switching toons has kept me going pretty well. It was mentioned before, but there is that 2 week period or so where upgrades are rolling in fast and heavy, and it's fun!

Loving the wizard at the moment, but I have a WD and Monk. Neither have top end T6 clearing gear, but both can hold their own pretty well, and it's fun to switch around sometimes based on who I'm playing with.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
On T3, I run a mix of MM+Meteor and Woh builds. I Woh through everything until I get to elites and then move on (and then it's only elites that will kill me). I've tried tweaking my build quite a bit, and swapping gems around for more toughness. Before the announced that they were making higher Torment levels worthwhile, I was in the middle of trying to run T1 as fast as possible, but I kept getting dicked by Pandemonium Rift levels. I'd just be playing alts if I wasn't dealing withthis bullshitfor the past week.

Crone, what is your CDR up to? Are you close to 50% now?
Not yet. I would be if I could socket my helm with a diamond, but I'm running an Andy's helm, with no socket. I rerolled it from cold to +20% fire damage, so I can't reroll it. Have a Tal Rasha's with a socket, but I would be losing 20% fire damage.

So basically sitting around 38% or so CDR.

I'll get there! I tried the Burning Axe/Mirrorball build with MM + Meteor, and I really didn't like it. Even though there is a wind up time on EB, Meteors still felt just so slow. It was much more exciting spamming EB and running straight into packs of mobs.

Really want my Firebird source now! haha

+spectral blade damage on belt, boots, source,and maybe legs, right? +fire damage on as much as possible! with about 50% CDR! yaaaa


So finally I'm able to do rifts on Master and pretty much the adventure/bounties are easy enough. Is doing rifts on lower settings more advantageous over doing them on torment difficulty? The exp is nicer but is the loot that much better than master?


You can't get class set items outside of torment. And considering that's the long-term grind for most classes, it doesn't make much sense to do anything lower than t1 except for split bounties.


Are T1 Rifts and T1 Adventure/Bounties comparable with loot? Or will Rifts always be a better source


Blackwing Lair Raider
So finally I'm able to do rifts on Master and pretty much the adventure/bounties are easy enough. Is doing rifts on lower settings more advantageous over doing them on torment difficulty? The exp is nicer but is the loot that much better than master?
Common wisdom I've seen (and what I do) is to run "split bounties" on Normal and run T1 rifts.

Split bounties: In menu's go to public game and set difficulty to "Normal", then join a game. Everyone runs one or two of the Act 1 bounties, collect reward, repeat.

Rifts: Join the RIF community and you can jump into someone elses game as they kill the rift guardian. You may or may not be asked to open a Rift as "payment".


Crone this is the bro who had a WoW guide, havent watched but might be worth it.

I watched him do a t6 rift just now, and I honestly wasn't too impressed. After seeing jade harvester WD's, pet WD's, EQ barbs and shield whatever crusaders do them in 8-12 minutes it just didn't look like enough damage output to justify the WoW hype. Took him 25-30m to do a t6 rift solo w/unity, which is about the same level as my far-from-ideal lightning spec on barb. And he got the super-jail layout, so it's not like he was struggling for density.

I don't have sound on during the day so maybe he's trying a different spec variation/gear setup (he was using cains belt/boots but I saw he at least had a harrington's in inventory). Watching him run through the mobs (for hexing pants proc) did kind of remind me of playing WW in the past, so I'm sure it's fun if nothing else. But Avoid's arcane wizard looks more T6-efficient to me, at least compared to the setup I saw him running.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I dont really watch streams themselves but he broadcasted to bnet that his channel had a WoW video, maybe its saved or in his past strea,s it was a bit ago.

I don't think Wizards are very strong in T5/6 when comparing them to WD's or Fire Barbs with sets. WD's right now with pets or JH are hard for anyone to keep up with, they are bulletproof tigers.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, as I mentioned before; Wizards require a lot more effort when playing in T5/6. Those are difficulties that are hard to faceroll unlike classes like WD, Barbs etc

But it is definitely more rewarding if you complete them though.