Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Just broke through to 210 paragon seasonal. Looking for a partner to do Grifts with. I'm able to handle 20-23 difficulty.


Still trying to figure out how people are getting into the 30 range solo. Is it because of leveled up leg gems? Currently, I can do up to 25 solo without many problems, but haven't been able to go any higher with my monk. Once I get the final gem on my amulet it might be a bit better. Granted, I'm not using SWK/Flying Dragon.


Still trying to figure out how people are getting into the 30 range solo. Is it because of leveled up leg gems? Currently, I can do up to 25 solo without many problems, but haven't been able to go any higher with my monk. Once I get the final gem on my amulet it might be a bit better. Granted, I'm not using SWK/Flying Dragon.
I'm playing Monk, and have done a level 27 GRift with 2 minutes to spare. I used it to level some gems, so didn't go further. I'm not very good at the trials, and can't get super high stones. You're going to have a tough time without SWK because the damage simply won't be there. I wish I could find another piece of Storms, I've got some cool build ideas based on it. A dual wield build has higher potential than a daibo one I think, because it opens up more gear possibilities thanks to the extra emerald in the weapon.

Oh, ya...still have never found a SoJ, leg Potion, OR Ramaldni's Gift...been playing since release. GG RNG.

Also, if you want to do high end rifts...you basically hit max CDR, keep Epiphany up, and proc SWK as much as you can through BoH or Crudest/Air Ally, or some way to generate mass spirit. You can do freeze builds too. There's a ton of builds for monk, which is really awesome. The main issue is that every build for high end GRifts basically require max CDR


Molten Core Raider
I have a sub-optimal SWK build and can take grift 31. If I ever got a 2nd unity to drop I think I could handle the mid 30's with everything else being the same. Your best bet really is to go SWK since it makes for easy farming.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You comdemn crusaders out there.... Whats your feeling on comdemn runed with vacuum vs instant comdemns? Technically vacuum with strongarms / slow gems should put out more deeps. But right now it feels the instant comdemn does more dammage. Thats the thing tho, it feels so i aint sure. One sure thing tho is i stay alive more easely with instant explosion. Not sure if i should go reapers wrasp instead.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Just got my BoP and had the shield, it's time to wreck some stuff on my crusader.

Any tips beyond "Hold down slash and spam condemn" for playing?


<Bronze Donator>
One sure thing tho is i stay alive more easely with instant explosion.
There's your answer. 3s delay on your main damage ability is brutal if your healing is coming from Holy Cause. And if you're getting it from Wrathful, you'll have to waste wrath on Condemns that will hit nobody because you have to keep triggering them to keep up the healing.

Vacuum doesn't necessarily have more DPS. Yes, Strongarms will increase it ~25%, but the proc coefficient is 50% on Vacuum, 83.3% on Unleased. That's significantly fewer miri procs. Plus, I like that slot for Reaper's Wraps. Let's me run with Shield Glare instead of Unstoppable Force and Shield Glare is a great opener on elite packs. Shield Glare -> Provoke -> Shield Glare, most runner elites are dead by that point.

Gonna try a dual wield SWK build on my monk. It focuses on maxing CDR to get close to 100% Epiphany uptime. Plus it eliminates the annoyance of sweeping winds and FD procs. The most annoying thing about the standard genwuko build is how much you have to watch your bar and spirit globe instead of the battle in order to deal with spikes in spirit gen and incongruous cooldown timers. I'm hoping this smooths things out. This would be the build for T6 rifts:

Monk - Game Guide - Diablo III

For grifts, maybe take out dashing strike and replace with blinding flash and the damage increase rune. With near 100% uptime on Epiphany and Inner Sanctuary, I'm not sure you would need to change the mantra.


<Bronze Donator>
Too Scared to Run. Good defensive rune and glues runners to you for a little while. Hit Me might be good too if you don't care about runners. The rest are garbage for this spec.

Keep in mind I use this spec mainly for T6 rift farming. If you're pushing the limits on grifts, Reaper Wraps kinda fall apart. You'll probably have to go back to Unstoppable Force and be more careful what kinda shit you dismount into. Or maybe even get rid of Steed Charge for Unstoppable Force and keep Shield Glare. Depends on your ratio of combat time:travel time.

My seasonal crusader should be somewhere in my sig.


The Scientific Shitlord
Monk just got 3rd piece of SWK last night. My FD was an older one with no +damage% and no gem slot. Which would be better until I can get ram gift?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Which what? The reason FD is best-in-slot for SWK is the legendary effect. I think most of the top GR runners have a FD with socket, dex, and life per spirit spent or life on hit. The actual DPS on the FD isn't all that important.

Edit: Oh I see. Yea, socket. Then reroll socket into something else when you get gift. True of any weapon, socket > all.