Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
This is the part where some shitlord comes in and says "welcome to ARPGs."

Anyway, I appreciate the feedback from you and Aladain (and Voldeth in discord). I was very much waffling on it but I wanted to give people time to give opinions that aren't new game smell. And it sounds like it's really going to be a play for a week and forget about it forever type of game.

The game is no doubt fun, and it very well might be your style especially if you want a slower ARPG. I'm still gonna finish up all the side quests and dungeons in the next 2-3 days, but I've not really been excited to log on, and that worries me because I was truly looking forward to hitting this game really hard for a long time.

If they make a few very key changes to the game - most specifically: Maps already uncovered on second character, a separate gem bag inventory, easier teleports to friends, easier stash/anvil access, ability to teleport to a map entrance (heck, I'm even okay with this only being available after completing it once), and allowing you to store an infinite amount of tree points to turn them all in at once the game will improve a lot.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is the part where some shitlord comes in and says "welcome to ARPGs."

Did you not read the last sentence you quoted?

I will be honest, I think you were just waiting for enough people to tell you not to buy it, because peer pressure or fomo was starting to inch its way in.
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Trakanon Raider
This is the part where some shitlord comes in and says "welcome to ARPGs."
Anyway, I appreciate the feedback from you and Aladain (and Voldeth in discord). I was very much waffling on it but I wanted to give people time to give opinions that aren't new game smell. And it sounds like it's really going to be a play for a week and forget about it forever type of game.

I still think it's worth picking up if you're a fan of the genre and I will probably get 200-300 hours before I burn out of boredom and then only play during seasons like I do with PoE / D3.

I'm hurt.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If they make a few very key changes to the game - most specifically: Maps already uncovered on second character, a separate gem bag inventory, easier teleports to friends, easier stash/anvil access, ability to teleport to a map entrance (heck, I'm even okay with this only being available after completing it once), and allowing you to store an infinite amount of tree points to turn them all in at once the game will improve a lot.

Definitely some QoL changes that would make it so much better. Time will tell if they paywall some of it, tie it to seasons or some other form , instead of just adding it.


Trakanon Raider
I didn't say doing it was wrong. You're just gimping your own power, and taking a much longer time than you need to.

But longer time to do what? Finish a game that's designed never to be finished? Reach the end game? Isn't the main purpose to have fun, and people will have different definitions of what fun is?

For example, I'm playing coop right now with my girlfriend. She cannot pass up a chest without opening it. She likes to break everything. She wants to check every-item-she-picks-up to see if it's an upgrade. She loves it when her paper doll changes looks and she likes the outfit. She has to warp back to town to sell/salvage 3x for every one time I have to.

She's having a blast, and she almost never plays video games. I'm having a blast because she's having a blast, even though it's slow going.

On my other character, the one I play solo, I'm having fun just doing things at my pace. I don't group, so yes, I'm behind the curve of almost all of you. But so fucking what? Is there some sort of race I'm not aware of? I have zero interest in Ladder from a competitive standpoint when it releases. I'll get to end game a lot later for sure, but I'm having fun with the journey to that point. I sometimes get the feeling that people who race to the endpoint are the same ones that burnout quicker and more likely to "quit" the game, coming back to repeat the same cycle, versus someone like me who plays slowly but consistently throughout.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I still think it's worth picking up if you're a fan of the genre and I will probably get 200-300 hours before I burn out of boredom and then only play during seasons like I do with PoE / D3.


This is me for basically every ARPG. I don't play these games long term. Never have, never will.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So I seem to miss 8 side quests in Fractured Peaks, any way to make them show up? I've been to all the WPs but could not see any.


<Silver Donator>
This is the part where some shitlord comes in and says "welcome to ARPGs."

Anyway, I appreciate the feedback from you and Aladain (and Voldeth in discord). I was very much waffling on it but I wanted to give people time to give opinions that aren't new game smell. And it sounds like it's really going to be a play for a week and forget about it forever type of game.
Depends on how good the seasons are. I'm already feeling boredom creep in pretty hard.


FoH nuclear response team
On a side note, Torchlight doesn't charge anything for respecs until level 80, and even then getting respec points is laughably easy. You have full knowledge of your build working well before level 80 and are free to experiment. It's a good system as well, just like LAs.

Same with Last Epoch, they do a good job making it where players can experiment if they'd like.
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Trakanon Raider
They are mostly copy pasta with aesthetics by region from what I see. Very limited boss types at the end with a few variations of kill X to complete as well.

The game didn't force anything, but there is zero chance I personally go back to do any sort of map chores once the new game smell wears off and having the completion bonuses is worth it for the future.

Also the "tons of activities" does not exist anywhere in this game. PvPvE zone, Helltide/Legion, 3 World Boss & Nightmare Dungeons all of which share the same exact 12 versions of events with a similar number of NPC types. You're literally doing the same handful of activities reskinned and no matter which flavor of shit you decide to eat first nothing changes that.

But none of that is important as it's a game about loot and blowing shit up and that part is pretty enjoyable.

This is pretty much the review of anyone who played this hard for the first week. The people trying to teach folks how wrong we are completed the story yesterday and haven't even gotten to WT4.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I will never understand developers fascination with making it tedious or difficult to change your spec or skill load out. Especially in ARPGs where there are multitudes of options and a high desire to experiment for much of the player base.

This is why ARPGs turn into "meta" fests with people just copy/pasting build guides... because it's such a hassle to actually experiment yourself.

I didn't care for Lost Ark but I thought it's system of allowing you to change your skills wherever you wanted, anywhere in the game world, for free was a great system. Instead most games are bogged down by annoying limitations regarding what should be a fundamental aspect of the ARPG genre
I think a lot of developers use it as a pseudo "gold" sink in games. I think they should find other ways to remove currency from the economy and allow players to freely experiment but I think that's why it's used so often IMO.
The problem with non scaled content in these games that have 100 levels is that at end game 90% of content you outleveled. I guess they could always be adding tiers of content at the end but what difference would that make anyway? It would still be leveled to your level, lol. So either you have scaled content where the whole world is your level or later on you have a world that you out leveled and 90% of it is trivial and high end characters are funneled to less and less areas.
Yeah, there really isn't a perfect system. I do mostly enjoy scaled content so that nothing ever feels "pointless" to do. However, it does lead to that feeling of your character never really feeling like they are "progressing"/becoming more powerful.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I still think it's worth picking up if you're a fan of the genre and I will probably get 200-300 hours before I burn out of boredom and then only play during seasons like I do with PoE / D3.

So I really enjoyed Grim Dawn, but that was years ago. Picked up Last Epoch a few months ago (whenever the multiplayer patch hit) and really enjoyed it until end game. And then I just couldn't force myself to log in anymore.

It sounds like this one will be similar, where it's fun to level up, but the thought of end game and/or rolling another class is excruciating.

We're not even a week in and I'm seeing lots of posts reflecting that it was fun for a bit, but it wore off super fast.

And the difference (I know you all don't care about money) is this one is double the price of those.

I appreciate all the feedback, even if it looks like whining or whatever to some of you. I'm a very discerning customer. And if I'm wrong, please keep giving me examples of why.
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Potato del Grande
Wait... the game has no procedural generation at all? Or is that just the world map/dungeons and there's an end game thing?

What the fuck are they thinking?
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